# TODO: let friendly id take care of sanitizing the url require 'stringex' module Spree class Taxon < Spree::Base extend FriendlyId friendly_id :permalink, slug_column: :permalink, use: :history before_validation :set_permalink, on: :create, if: :name acts_as_nested_set dependent: :destroy belongs_to :taxonomy, class_name: 'Spree::Taxonomy', inverse_of: :taxons has_many :classifications, -> { order(:position) }, dependent: :delete_all, inverse_of: :taxon has_many :products, through: :classifications has_many :prototype_taxons, class_name: 'Spree::PrototypeTaxon', dependent: :destroy has_many :prototypes, through: :prototype_taxons, class_name: 'Spree::Prototype' has_many :promotion_rule_taxons, class_name: 'Spree::PromotionRuleTaxon', dependent: :destroy has_many :promotion_rules, through: :promotion_rule_taxons, class_name: 'Spree::PromotionRule' validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: [:parent_id, :taxonomy_id], allow_blank: true } validates :permalink, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false } with_options length: { maximum: 255 }, allow_blank: true do validates :meta_keywords validates :meta_description validates :meta_title end after_save :touch_ancestors_and_taxonomy after_touch :touch_ancestors_and_taxonomy has_one :icon, as: :viewable, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Spree::TaxonIcon' self.whitelisted_ransackable_associations = %w[taxonomy] # indicate which filters should be used for a taxon # this method should be customized to your own site def applicable_filters fs = [] # fs << ProductFilters.taxons_below(self) ## unless it's a root taxon? left open for demo purposes fs << Spree::Core::ProductFilters.price_filter if Spree::Core::ProductFilters.respond_to?(:price_filter) fs << Spree::Core::ProductFilters.brand_filter if Spree::Core::ProductFilters.respond_to?(:brand_filter) fs end # Return meta_title if set otherwise generates from root name and/or taxon name def seo_title if meta_title.blank? root? ? name : "#{root.name} - #{name}" else meta_title end end # Creates permalink base for friendly_id def set_permalink if parent.present? self.permalink = [parent.permalink, (permalink.blank? ? name.to_url : permalink.split('/').last)].join('/') else self.permalink = name.to_url if permalink.blank? end end def active_products products.active end def pretty_name ancestor_chain = ancestors.inject('') do |name, ancestor| name += "#{ancestor.name} -> " end ancestor_chain + name.to_s end # awesome_nested_set sorts by :lft and :rgt. This call re-inserts the child # node so that its resulting position matches the observable 0-indexed position. # ** Note ** no :position column needed - a_n_s doesn't handle the reordering if # you bring your own :order_column. # # See #3390 for background. def child_index=(idx) move_to_child_with_index(parent, idx.to_i) unless new_record? end private def touch_ancestors_and_taxonomy # Touches all ancestors at once to avoid recursive taxonomy touch, and reduce queries. ancestors.update_all(updated_at: Time.current) # Have taxonomy touch happen in #touch_ancestors_and_taxonomy rather than association option in order for imports to override. taxonomy.try!(:touch) end end end