@import example-document-opts.md ```opts :(document_opts) execute_in_own_window: false pause_after_script_execution: true save_executed_script: true saved_script_folder: ../mde_logs ``` Pass-through arguments after "--" to the executed script. A block can expect arguments to receive all arguments to MDE after "--". For `mde examples/pass-through.md output_arguments -- 1 23`, this block outputs: ARGS: 1 23 ::: Test ```bash mde examples/pass-through.md output_arguments -- 1 23 ``` ::: These options toggle the use of a separate window. ```opts execute_in_own_window: true ``` ```opts execute_in_own_window: false ``` ::: This block will output any command line arguments after "--". ```bash :output_arguments echo "ARGS: $*" ```