module Neo4j
  module Core
    module Relationship
      module ClassMethods

        # Returns a Java::OrgNeo4jGraphdb::Relationship java object which include the Neo4j::Relationship mixins.
        # Will trigger a event that the relationship was created.
        # @param [String, Symbol] type of relationship
        # @param [#_java_node] from_node the start node of this relationship
        # @param [#_java_node] end_node the end node of this relationship
        # @param [Hash] props optional properties for the created relationship
        # @return [Neo4j::Relationship] which is really a Java::OrgNeo4jGraphdb::Relationship java object including the Neo4j::Relationship mixins
        # @example
        # :friend, node1, node2, :since => '2001-01-02', :status => 'okey'
        def new(type, start_node, end_node, props=nil)
          java_type = ToJava.type_to_java(type)
          rel = start_node._java_node.create_relationship_to(end_node._java_node, java_type)
          props.each_pair { |k, v| rel[k] = v } if props

        # create is the same as new
        alias_method :create, :new

        # Loads a relationship or wrapped relationship given a native java relationship or an id.
        # If there is a Ruby wrapper for the node then it will create a Ruby object that will
        # wrap the java node (see Neo4j::RelationshipMixin).
        # Notice that it can load the node even if it has been deleted in the same transaction, see #exist?
        # @see #_load
        # @see #exist?
        # @return the wrapper for the relationship or nil
        def load(rel_id, db = Neo4j.started_db)
          rel = _load(rel_id, db)
          return nil if rel.nil?

        # Same as load but does not return the node as a wrapped Ruby object.
        # @see #load
        def _load(rel_id, db = Neo4j.started_db)
          return nil if rel_id.nil?
          rel = db.graph.get_relationship_by_id(rel_id.to_i)
          # TODO
        rescue Java::OrgNeo4jGraphdb::NotFoundException

        # Checks if the given node or entity id (Neo4j::Relationship#neo_id) exists in the database.
        # @return [true, false] if exist
        def exist?(entity_or_entity_id, db = Neo4j.started_db)
          id = entity_or_entity_id.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? entity_or_entity_id :
          entity = _load(id, db)
          return false unless entity
          entity.hasProperty('_classname') # since we want a IllegalStateException which is otherwise not triggered
        rescue java.lang.IllegalStateException
          nil # the node has been deleted

        # Loads a relationship or wrapped relationship given a native java relationship or an id.
        # If there is a Ruby wrapper for the relationship then it will create a Ruby object that will
        # wrap the java node (see Neo4j::RelationshipMixin).
        # To implement a wrapper you must implement a wrapper class method in the Neo4j::Node or Neo4j::Relationship.
        # @return [Object, nil] If the node does not exist it will return nil otherwise the loaded node or wrapped node.
        def load(node_id, db = Neo4j.started_db)
          node = _load(node_id, db)
          node && node.wrapper