layout: index
breadcrumb: Top / Reference / magellan-cli / container
## Commands
- [magellan-cli list](#list)
- [magellan-cli show [ID]](#show)
- [magellan-cli select NAME](#select)
- [magellan-cli deselect](#deselect)
- [magellan-cli help [COMMAND]](#help)
## Global Options
-V, [--verbose]
-D, [--dryrun]
-v, [--version]
## Details
### list
magellan-cli list
Show a list of the containers
### show
magellan-cli show [ID]
Show the detail of the container specified by ID
### select
magellan-cli select NAME
Select the container by NAME
### deselect
magellan-cli deselect
Deselect the container
### help
magellan-cli help [COMMAND]
Describe available commands or one specific command