require 'rest_client' require 'json' require_relative 'engrade/version' require_relative 'engrade/exceptions' require_relative 'engrade/return_types' require_relative 'engrade/browser' module Engrade ########################### # VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS # ########################### @default_params = { :api => 'json' } @browser = def self.base_uri; '' end ########################### # GETTERS AND (RE)SETTERS # ########################### # default_params are included in all post requests def self.default_params; @default_params end # browser is used to extend the engrade api to allow for the removal of # assignment comments def self.browser; @browser end def self.reset! @default_params = { :api => 'json' } end def self.set_ses(ses) :ses, ses end ###################### # CORE FUNCTIONALITY # ###################### # .post merges the default_params with query, a hash of input fields, # and posts them to the api # Example: #{:apitask => 'login', :usr => 'myusername', :pwd => 'secret'}) def{}) response = base_uri, query.merge(@default_params) raise InvalidKey, 'Invalid apikey' if response.match("Invalid apikey") raise MissingTask, 'No apitask specified' if response.match("No apitask specified") raise InvalidTask, 'Invalid apitask' if response.match("Invalid apitask") raise InvalidSession, 'Not logged in' if response.match("Not logged in") response end def self.set_apikey(key) :apikey, key end # .login posts a valid username and password to the api, and stores the # responding session token in default_params def self.login(u, p) response = post :apitask => 'login', :usr => u, :pwd => p raise InvalidLogin, 'Invalid username/password' if response. match(/Invalid (username|password)/) @browser.login u, p :ses, JSON(response)['values']['ses'] end # .classes returns an array of active Classroom objects(data structure to represent # classes). when no argument is given, all classes are returned. the classes # can be filtered by calling with the :only or :except and :type (3=active, 2=archived, # 1=trashed) option. def self.classes(options={}) filter_classes teacher_classes, options end # .assignments returns an array(of Assignment objects) of every assignment # from the input classes. the classes parameter can be the class id, a # Classroom object, an array of class ids, or an array of Classroom objects. # assignments can be filtered by calling with the additional :only or :except # option def self.assignments(classes, options={}) filter_assignments all_assignments(classes), options end # .delete! takes in an array of Assignment object, or a single Assignment # object and deletes those assignments from the Engrade webpage. it also # removes the comments from those assignments before deleting, because of # a bug in the Engrade system where comments from deleted assignments # reappear when assignment ids are recycled. def self.delete!(assignments) assignments = array(assignments) assignments.each do |assn| @browser.remove_comments assn.clid, assn.assnid post :apitask => 'assignment-edit', :clid => assn.clid, :assnid => assn.assnid, :delete => '1' end end ################## # HELPER METHODS # ################## def self.filter_classes(array=[], options={})! { |cl| options[:only]} if options[:only] array.reject! { |cl| options[:except]} if options[:except]! { |cl| cl.folder == options[:type] } if options[:type]! { |cl| cl.syr == options[:syr] } if options[:syr] array end def self.filter_assignments(array=[], options={})! { |assn| assn.title.match options[:only]} if options[:only] array.reject! { |assn| assn.title.match options[:except]} if options[:except] array end def self.all_assignments(classes) assignments = [] clid_array(classes).each do |clid| (Engrade.gradebook :clid => clid). map { |assn| assignments << } end assignments end def self.teacher_classes(query={}) class_hash = JSON(post :apitask => 'teacher-classes')['classes'] { |cl| } end def self.gradebook(query={}) response = post({ :apitask => 'gradebook' }.merge query) raise InvalidClassId, 'Invalid class' if response. match("You are not authorized to view this class") JSON(response)['assignments'] end def self.array(input) input = input.instance_of?(Array) ? input : [input] end def self.clid_array(classes) classes = array(classes)! { |cl| cl.clid } if classes.first.instance_of? Classroom classes end end