module ActiveRecordSurvey class Node < ::ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "active_record_survey_nodes" belongs_to :survey, :class_name => "ActiveRecordSurvey::Survey", :foreign_key => :active_record_survey_id has_many :node_maps, :class_name => "ActiveRecordSurvey::NodeMap", :foreign_key => :active_record_survey_node_id, autosave: true, dependent: :destroy has_many :node_validations, :class_name => "ActiveRecordSurvey::NodeValidation", :foreign_key => :active_record_survey_node_id, autosave: true, dependent: :destroy has_many :instance_nodes, :class_name => "ActiveRecordSurvey::InstanceNode", :foreign_key => :active_record_survey_node_id before_destroy :before_destroy_rebuild_node_map, prepend: true # prepend is important! otherwise dependent: :destroy on node<->node_map relation is executed first and no records! # All the answer nodes that follow from this node def answers #=begin next_answer_nodes = lambda { |node, survey, list| { |node_map| !node_map.parent.nil? && node_map.parent.node == node && node_map.node.class.ancestors.include?(::ActiveRecordSurvey::Node::Answer) && !node_map.marked_for_destruction? }.select { |i| !list.include?(i.node) }.collect { |i| i.survey = self.survey i.node.survey = self.survey list << i.node, survey, list) }.flatten.uniq list }, self.survey, []).flatten.uniq #=end =begin { |i| i.node == self }.collect { |i| # Get all the children from this node i.children }.flatten.collect { |i| # Get the nodes i.node }.select { |i| # Only the nodes that are answers i.class.ancestors.include?(::ActiveRecordSurvey::Node::Answer) }.uniq.collect { |i| i.survey = self.survey # ensure that the survey being referenced by the answers is the original survey - needed for keeping consistent node_maps between build_link and remove_link [i] + i.answers }.flatten.uniq =end end # The instance_node recorded for the passed instance for this node def instance_node_for_instance(instance) { |instance_node| (instance_node.node === self) }.first end # Whether this node has an answer recorded the instance def has_instance_node_for_instance?(instance) !self.instance_node_for_instance(instance).nil? end # Whether considered answered for instance # # Is answered is a little different than has_answer # Is answered is answer type specific, as what constitutes "answered" changes depending on # the question type asked (e.g. boolean is answered if "1") # # Each specific answer type should override this method if they have special criteria for answered # # default - if instance node exists, answered def is_answered_for_instance?(instance) self.has_instance_node_for_instance?(instance) end # Default behaviour is to recurse up the chain (goal is to hit a question node) def validate_parent_instance_node(instance_node, child_node) ! { |i| i.node == self}.collect { |node_map| if node_map.parent node_map.parent.node.validate_parent_instance_node(instance_node, self) # Hit top node else true end }.include?(false) end # Run all validations applied to this node def validate_instance_node(instance_node) # Basically this cache is messed up? Why? TODO. # Reloading in the spec seems to fix this... but... this could be a booby trap for others #self.node_validations(true) # Check the validations on this node against the instance_node validations_passed = !self.node_validations.collect { |node_validation| node_validation.validate_instance_node(instance_node, self) }.include?(false) # More complex.... # Recureses to the parent node to check # This is to validate Node::Question since they don't have instance_nodes directly to validate them parent_validations_passed = ! { |i| i.node == self}.collect { |node_map| if node_map.parent node_map.parent.node.validate_parent_instance_node(instance_node, self) # Hit top node else true end }.include?(false) validations_passed && parent_validations_passed end # Whether there is a valid answer path from this node to the root node for the instance def instance_node_path_to_root?(instance_node) instance_nodes = { |i| i.node == self } # if ::ActiveRecordSurvey::Node::Answer but no votes, not a valid path if self.class.ancestors.include?(::ActiveRecordSurvey::Node::Answer) && (instance_nodes.length === 0) return false end # if ::ActiveRecordSurvey::Node::Question but no answers, so needs at least one vote directly on itself if self.class.ancestors.include?(::ActiveRecordSurvey::Node::Question) && (self.answers.length === 0) && (instance_nodes.length === 0) return false end # Start at each node_map of this node # Find the parent node ma paths = { |i| i.node == self }.collect { |node_map| # There is another level to traverse if node_map.parent node_map.parent.node.instance_node_path_to_root?(instance_node) # This is the root node - we made it! else true end } # If recursion reports back to have at least one valid path to root paths.include?(true) end # Build a link from this node to another node # Building a link actually needs to throw off a whole new clone of all children nodes def build_link(to_node) # build_link only accepts a to_node that inherits from Question if !to_node.class.ancestors.include?(::ActiveRecordSurvey::Node::Question) raise "to_node must inherit from ::ActiveRecordSurvey::Node::Question" end if self.survey.nil? raise "A survey is required before calling #build_link" end from_node_maps = { |i| i.node == self && !i.marked_for_destruction? } # Answer has already got a question - throw error if { |i| i.children.length > 0 }.length > 0 raise "This node has already been linked" end # Because we need something to clone - filter this further below to_node_maps = { |i| i.node == to_node && !i.marked_for_destruction? } if to_node_maps.first.nil? to_node_maps << => self.survey, :node => to_node) end # Ensure we can through each possible path of getting to this answer to_node_map = to_node_maps.first to_node_map.survey = self.survey # required due to voodoo - we want to use the same survey with the same object_id # We only want node maps that aren't linked somewhere to_node_maps = { |i| i.parent.nil? } while to_node_maps.length < from_node_maps.length do to_node_maps.push(to_node_map.recursive_clone) end # Link unused node_maps to the new parents from_node_maps.each_with_index { |from_node_map, index| from_node_map.children << to_node_maps[index] } # Ensure no infinite loops were created from_node_maps.each { |node_map| # There is a path from Q -> A that is a loop if node_map.has_infinite_loop? raise "Infinite loop detected" end } end private # Before a node is destroyed, will re-build the node_map links from parent to child if they exist def before_destroy_rebuild_node_map # All the node_maps from this node { |i| i.node == self }.each { |node_map| # Remap all of this nodes children to the parent node_map.children.each { |child| node_map.parent.children << child } } true end end end