module Koala module Facebook GRAPH_SERVER = "" module GraphAPIMethods # A client for the Facebook Graph API. # # See for Ruby/Koala documentation # and for Facebook API documentation # # The Graph API is made up of the objects in Facebook (e.g., people, pages, # events, photos) and the connections between them (e.g., friends, # photo tags, and event RSVPs). This client provides access to those # primitive types in a generic way. For example, given an OAuth access # token, this will fetch the profile of the active user and the list # of the user's friends: # # graph = # user = graph.get_object("me") # friends = graph.get_connections(user["id"], "friends") # # You can see a list of all of the objects and connections supported # by the API at # # You can obtain an access token via OAuth or by using the Facebook # JavaScript SDK. See the Koala and Facebook documentation for more information. # # If you are using the JavaScript SDK, you can use the # Koala::Facebook::OAuth.get_user_from_cookie() method below to get the OAuth access token # for the active user from the cookie saved by the SDK. # Objects def get_object(id, args = {}, options = {}) # Fetchs the given object from the graph. graph_call(id, args, "get", options) end def get_objects(ids, args = {}, options = {}) # Fetchs all of the given objects from the graph. # If any of the IDs are invalid, they'll raise an exception. return [] if ids.empty? graph_call("", args.merge("ids" => ids.respond_to?(:join) ? ids.join(",") : ids), "get", options) end def put_object(parent_object, connection_name, args = {}, options = {}) # Writes the given object to the graph, connected to the given parent. # See for all of # the supported writeable objects. # # For example, # graph.put_object("me", "feed", :message => "Hello, world") # writes "Hello, world" to the active user's wall. # # Most write operations require extended permissions. For example, # publishing wall posts requires the "publish_stream" permission. See # for details about # extended permissions. raise{"type" => "KoalaMissingAccessToken", "message" => "Write operations require an access token"}) unless @access_token graph_call("#{parent_object}/#{connection_name}", args, "post", options) end def delete_object(id, options = {}) # Deletes the object with the given ID from the graph. raise{"type" => "KoalaMissingAccessToken", "message" => "Delete requires an access token"}) unless @access_token graph_call(id, {}, "delete", options) end # Connections def get_connections(id, connection_name, args = {}, options = {}) # Fetchs the connections for given object. graph_call("#{id}/#{connection_name}", args, "get", options) do |result| result ?, self) : nil # when facebook is down nil can be returned end end def put_connections(id, connection_name, args = {}, options = {}) # Posts a certain connection raise{"type" => "KoalaMissingAccessToken", "message" => "Write operations require an access token"}) unless @access_token graph_call("#{id}/#{connection_name}", args, "post", options) end def delete_connections(id, connection_name, args = {}, options = {}) # Deletes a given connection raise{"type" => "KoalaMissingAccessToken", "message" => "Delete requires an access token"}) unless @access_token graph_call("#{id}/#{connection_name}", args, "delete", options) end # Media (photos and videos) # to delete photos or videos, use delete_object(object_id) # note: you'll need the user_photos or user_videos permissions to actually access media after upload def get_picture(object, args = {}, options = {}) # Gets a picture object, returning the URL (which Facebook sends as a header) graph_call("#{object}/picture", args, "get", options.merge(:http_component => :headers)) do |result| result["Location"] end end # Can be called in multiple ways: # # put_picture(file, [content_type], ...) # put_picture(path_to_file, [content_type], ...) # put_picture(picture_url, ...) # # You can pass in uploaded files directly from Rails or Sinatra. # (See lib/koala/uploadable_io.rb for supported frameworks) # # Optional parameters can be added to the end of the argument list: # - args: a hash of request parameters (default: {}) # - target_id: ID of the target where to post the picture (default: "me") # - options: a hash of http options passed to the HTTPService module # # put_picture(file, content_type, {:message => "Message"}, 01234560) # put_picture(params[:file], {:message => "Message"}) # # (Note that with URLs, there's no optional content type field) # put_picture(picture_url, {:message => "Message"}, my_page_id) def put_picture(*picture_args) put_object(*parse_media_args(picture_args, "photos")) end def put_video(*video_args) args = parse_media_args(video_args, "videos") args.last[:video] = true put_object(*args) end # Wall posts # To get wall posts, use get_connections(user, "feed") # To delete a wall post, just use delete_object(post_id) def put_wall_post(message, attachment = {}, profile_id = "me", options = {}) # attachment is a hash describing the wall post # (see X for more details) # For instance, # # {"name" => "Link name" # "link" => "", # "caption" => "{*actor*} posted a new review", # "description" => "This is a longer description of the attachment", # "picture" => ""} self.put_object(profile_id, "feed", attachment.merge({:message => message}), options) end # Comments # to delete comments, use delete_object(comment_id) # to get comments, use get_connections(object, "likes") def put_comment(object_id, message, options = {}) # Writes the given comment on the given post. self.put_object(object_id, "comments", {:message => message}, options) end # Likes # to get likes, use get_connections(user, "likes") def put_like(object_id, options = {}) # Likes the given post. self.put_object(object_id, "likes", {}, options) end def delete_like(object_id, options = {}) # Unlikes a given object for the logged-in user raise{"type" => "KoalaMissingAccessToken", "message" => "Unliking requires an access token"}) unless @access_token graph_call("#{object_id}/likes", {}, "delete", options) end # Search def search(search_terms, args = {}, options = {}) args.merge!({:q => search_terms}) unless search_terms.nil? graph_call("search", args, "get", options) do |result| result ?, self) : nil # when facebook is down nil can be returned end end # Convenience Methods def get_page_access_token(object_id) result = get_object(object_id, :fields => "access_token") do result ? result["access_token"] : nil end end def get_comments_for_urls(urls = [], args = {}, options = {}) # Fetchs the comments for given URLs (array or comma-separated string) # see return [] if urls.empty? args.merge!(:ids => urls.respond_to?(:join) ? urls.join(",") : urls) get_object("comments", args, options) end # GraphCollection support def get_page(params) # Pages through a set of results stored in a GraphCollection # Used for connections and search results graph_call(*params) do |result| result ?, self) : nil # when facebook is down nil can be returned end end # Batch API def batch(http_options = {}, &block) batch_client = if block yield batch_client batch_client.execute(http_options) else batch_client end end def self.included(base) base.class_eval do def self.batch raise NoMethodError, "The BatchAPI signature has changed (the original implementation was not thread-safe). Please see (This message will be removed in the final 1.1 release.)" end end end # Direct access to the Facebook API # see any of the above methods for example invocations def graph_call(path, args = {}, verb = "get", options = {}, &post_processing) result = api(path, args, verb, options) do |response| error = check_response(response) raise error if error end # now process as appropriate (get picture header, make GraphCollection, etc.) post_processing ? : result end def check_response(response) # check for Graph API-specific errors # this returns an error, which is immediately raised (non-batch) # or added to the list of batch results (batch) if response.is_a?(Hash) && error_details = response["error"] end end private def parse_media_args(media_args, method) # photo and video uploads can accept different types of arguments (see above) # so here, we parse the arguments into a form directly usable in put_object raise"Wrong number of arguments for put_#{method == "photos" ? "picture" : "video"}") unless media_args.size.between?(1, 5) args_offset = media_args[1].kind_of?(Hash) || media_args.size == 1 ? 0 : 1 args = media_args[1 + args_offset] || {} target_id = media_args[2 + args_offset] || "me" options = media_args[3 + args_offset] || {} if url?(media_args.first) # If media_args is a URL, we can upload without UploadableIO args.merge!(:url => media_args.first) else args["source"] =*media_args.slice(0, 1 + args_offset)) end [target_id, method, args, options] end def url?(data) return false unless data.is_a? String begin uri = URI.parse(data) %w( http https ).include?(uri.scheme) rescue URI::BadURIError false end end end end end