module Kernel def method_missing(symbol, *args, &block) raise NoMethodError, "undefined method `#{symbol}' for #{inspect}" end def =~(obj) false end def ===(other) self == other end def <=>(other) %x{ if (#{self == other}) { return 0; } return nil; } end def method(name) %x{ var meth = self['$' + name]; if (!meth || meth.$$stub) { #{raise NameError, "undefined method `#{name}' for class `#{self.class}'"}; } return #{, `meth`, name)}; } end def methods(all = true) %x{ var methods = []; for (var key in self) { if (key[0] == "$" && typeof(self[key]) === "function") { if (all == false || all === nil) { if (!, key)) { continue; } } if (self[key].$$stub === undefined) { methods.push(key.substr(1)); } } } return methods; } end def Array(object, *args, &block) %x{ if (object == null || object === nil) { return []; } else if (#{object.respond_to? :to_ary}) { return #{object.to_ary}; } else if (#{object.respond_to? :to_a}) { return #{object.to_a}; } else { return [object]; } } end def at_exit(&block) $__at_exit__ ||= [] $__at_exit__ << block end # Opal does not support #caller, but we stub it as an empty array to not # break dependant libs def caller [] end def class `self.$$class` end def copy_instance_variables(other) %x{ for (var name in other) { if (name.charAt(0) !== '$') { self[name] = other[name]; } } } end def clone copy = self.class.allocate copy.copy_instance_variables(self) copy.initialize_clone(self) copy end def initialize_clone(other) initialize_copy(other) end def define_singleton_method(name, &body) unless body raise ArgumentError, "tried to create Proc object without a block" end %x{ var jsid = '$' + name; body.$$jsid = name; body.$$s = null; body.$$def = body; #{singleton_class}.$$proto[jsid] = body; return self; } end def dup copy = self.class.allocate copy.copy_instance_variables(self) copy.initialize_dup(self) copy end def initialize_dup(other) initialize_copy(other) end def enum_for(method = :each, *args, &block) Enumerator.for(self, method, *args, &block) end alias to_enum enum_for def equal?(other) `self === other` end def exit(status = true) $__at_exit__.reverse.each(&:call) if $__at_exit__ status = 0 if `status === true` # it's in JS because it can be null/undef `Opal.exit(status);` nil end def extend(*mods) %x{ var singleton = #{singleton_class}; for (var i = mods.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var mod = mods[i]; #{`mod`.append_features `singleton`}; #{`mod`.extended self}; } } self end def format(format, *args) %x{ var idx = 0; return format.replace(/%(\d+\$)?([-+ 0]*)(\d*|\*(\d+\$)?)(?:\.(\d*|\*(\d+\$)?))?([cspdiubBoxXfgeEG])|(%%)/g, function(str, idx_str, flags, width_str, w_idx_str, prec_str, p_idx_str, spec, escaped) { if (escaped) { return '%'; } var width, prec, is_integer_spec = ("diubBoxX".indexOf(spec) != -1), is_float_spec = ("eEfgG".indexOf(spec) != -1), prefix = '', obj; if (width_str === undefined) { width = undefined; } else if (width_str.charAt(0) == '*') { var w_idx = idx++; if (w_idx_str) { w_idx = parseInt(w_idx_str, 10) - 1; } width = #{`args[w_idx]`.to_i}; } else { width = parseInt(width_str, 10); } if (!prec_str) { prec = is_float_spec ? 6 : undefined; } else if (prec_str.charAt(0) == '*') { var p_idx = idx++; if (p_idx_str) { p_idx = parseInt(p_idx_str, 10) - 1; } prec = #{`args[p_idx]`.to_i}; } else { prec = parseInt(prec_str, 10); } if (idx_str) { idx = parseInt(idx_str, 10) - 1; } switch (spec) { case 'c': obj = args[idx]; if (obj.$$is_string) { str = obj.charAt(0); } else { str = String.fromCharCode(#{`obj`.to_i}); } break; case 's': str = #{`args[idx]`.to_s}; if (prec !== undefined) { str = str.substr(0, prec); } break; case 'p': str = #{`args[idx]`.inspect}; if (prec !== undefined) { str = str.substr(0, prec); } break; case 'd': case 'i': case 'u': str = #{`args[idx]`.to_i}.toString(); break; case 'b': case 'B': str = #{`args[idx]`.to_i}.toString(2); break; case 'o': str = #{`args[idx]`.to_i}.toString(8); break; case 'x': case 'X': str = #{`args[idx]`.to_i}.toString(16); break; case 'e': case 'E': str = #{`args[idx]`.to_f}.toExponential(prec); break; case 'f': str = #{`args[idx]`.to_f}.toFixed(prec); break; case 'g': case 'G': str = #{`args[idx]`.to_f}.toPrecision(prec); break; } idx++; if (is_integer_spec || is_float_spec) { if (str.charAt(0) == '-') { prefix = '-'; str = str.substr(1); } else { if (flags.indexOf('+') != -1) { prefix = '+'; } else if (flags.indexOf(' ') != -1) { prefix = ' '; } } } if (is_integer_spec && prec !== undefined) { if (str.length < prec) { str = #{'0' * `prec - str.length`} + str; } } var total_len = prefix.length + str.length; if (width !== undefined && total_len < width) { if (flags.indexOf('-') != -1) { str = str + #{' ' * `width - total_len`}; } else { var pad_char = ' '; if (flags.indexOf('0') != -1) { str = #{'0' * `width - total_len`} + str; } else { prefix = #{' ' * `width - total_len`} + prefix; } } } var result = prefix + str; if ('XEG'.indexOf(spec) != -1) { result = result.toUpperCase(); } return result; }); } end def freeze @___frozen___ = true self end def frozen? @___frozen___ || false end def hash `[self.$$class.$$name,#{`self.$$class`.__id__},#{__id__}].join(':')` end def initialize_copy(other) end def inspect to_s end def instance_of?(klass) `self.$$class === klass` end def instance_variable_defined?(name) `, name.substr(1))` end def instance_variable_get(name) %x{ var ivar = self[name.substr(1)]; return ivar == null ? nil : ivar; } end def instance_variable_set(name, value) `self[name.substr(1)] = value` end def instance_variables %x{ var result = []; for (var name in self) { if (name.charAt(0) !== '$') { if (name !== '$$class' && name !== '$$id') { result.push('@' + name); } } } return result; } end def Integer(value, base = nil) if String === value if value.empty? raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for Integer: (empty string)" end return `parseInt(#{value}, #{base || `undefined`})` end if base raise ArgumentError "base is only valid for String values" end case value when Integer value when Float if value.nan? or value.infinite? raise FloatDomainError, "unable to coerce #{value} to Integer" end value.to_int when NilClass raise TypeError, "can't convert nil into Integer" else if value.respond_to? :to_int value.to_int elsif value.respond_to? :to_i value.to_i else raise TypeError, "can't convert #{value.class} into Integer" end end end def Float(value) if String === value `parseFloat(value)` elsif value.respond_to? :to_f value.to_f else raise TypeError, "can't convert #{value.class} into Float" end end def is_a?(klass) `Opal.is_a(self, klass)` end alias kind_of? is_a? def lambda(&block) `block.$$is_lambda = true` block end def load(file) file = Opal.coerce_to!(file, String, :to_str) `Opal.load(Opal.normalize_loadable_path(#{file}))` end def loop(&block) %x{ while (true) { if (block() === $breaker) { return $breaker.$v; } } } self end def nil? false end alias object_id __id__ def printf(*args) if args.length > 0 print format(*args) end nil end def private_methods(*) [] end alias private_instance_methods private_methods def proc(&block) unless block raise ArgumentError, "tried to create Proc object without a block" end `block.$$is_lambda = false` block end def puts(*strs) $stdout.puts(*strs) end def p(*args) args.each { |obj| $stdout.puts obj.inspect } args.length <= 1 ? args[0] : args end def print(*strs) $stdout.print(*strs) end def warn(*strs) $stderr.puts(*strs) unless $VERBOSE.nil? || strs.empty? end def raise(exception = undefined, string = undefined) %x{ if (exception == null && #$!) { exception = #$!; } else if (exception.$$is_string) { exception = #{ exception}; } else if (!#{exception.is_a? Exception}) { exception = #{ string}; } #{$! = exception}; throw exception; } end alias fail raise def rand(max = undefined) %x{ if (max === undefined) { return Math.random(); } else if (max.$$is_range) { var arr = #{max.to_a}; return arr[#{rand(`arr.length`)}]; } else { return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.abs(#{Opal.coerce_to max, Integer, :to_int})); } } end def respond_to?(name, include_all = false) return true if respond_to_missing?(name) %x{ var body = self['$' + name]; if (typeof(body) === "function" && !body.$$stub) { return true; } } false end def respond_to_missing?(method_name) false end def require(file) file = Opal.coerce_to!(file, String, :to_str) `Opal.require(Opal.normalize_loadable_path(#{file}))` end def require_relative(file) Opal.try_convert!(file, String, :to_str) file = File.expand_path File.join(`Opal.current_file`, '..', file) `Opal.require(Opal.normalize_loadable_path(#{file}))` end # `path` should be the full path to be found in registered modules (`Opal.modules`) def require_tree(path) path = File.expand_path(path) %x{ for (var name in Opal.modules) { if (#{`name`.start_with?(path)}) { Opal.require(name); } } } nil end alias send __send__ alias public_send __send__ def singleton_class %x{Opal.get_singleton_class(self)} end alias sprintf format alias srand rand def String(str) `String(str)` end def taint self end def tainted? false end def tap(&block) yield self self end def to_proc self end def to_s "#<#{self.class}:0x#{__id__.to_s(16)}>" end alias untaint taint end