Feature: Login
To ensure the safety of the application
A regular user of the system
Must authenticate before using the app
Scenario Outline: Failed Login
Given the user "known_user"
When I go to the main page
Then I should see the login form
When I fill in "login" with "<login>"
And I fill in "password" with "<password>"
And I press "Log In"
Then the login request should fail
And I should see the error message "Login or Password incorrect"
login | password |
| |
unknown_user | |
known_user | |
| wrong_password |
| known_userpass |
unknown_user | wrong_password |
unknown_user | known_userpass |
known_user | wrong_password |
Users want to know that nobody can masquerade as them. We want to extend trust
only to visitors who present the appropriate credentials. Everyone wants this
identity verification to be as secure and convenient as possible.
Feature: Logging in
As an anonymous user with an account
I want to log in to my account
So that I can be myself
Scenario: Anonymous user can get a login form.
Given I am logged out
When I go to "/login"
Then I should be at the "sessions/new" page
Scenario: Anonymous user can log in
Given an "activated" user named "reggie" exists
And I am logged out
When I go to "/login"
And I fill in "Login" with "reggie"
And I fill in "Password" with "password"
And I press "Log in"
Then I should be at the "dashboard/index" page
Visitors may create an account, but for those who are not already in the
system an someone must activate the account for them before it can be used.
Feature: Activating an account
As a registered, but not yet activated, user
I want to be able to activate my account
So that I can log in to the site
Scenario: Not-yet-activated user can activate her account
Given a registered user named 'Reggie' # need to rewrite
Feature: Matt's example with a comment before a step
Scenario: Upload an image for an artist and create a concert in the process
Given I am logged in to my account
And there is one Artist named "Pixies"
And there is one Venue
When I visit the page for the Artist
And I follow "add a photo"
And I upload an Image
And I press "Search Pixies concerts"
And I follow "Add a new Concert"
And I fill in new Concert information
And I press "Preview"
And I press "Add concert"
And I press "Submit"
Then my Concert should exist with 1 Image
Feature: Cucumber command line
In order to write better software
Developers should be able to execute requirements as tests
Scenario: Pending Scenario at the end of a file with whitespace after it
Feature: Tagged hooks
In order to provide more flexible setups
I should be able to specify exactly
where hooks are executed
@i_am_so_specialScenario: Yes I am
When special me goes to town
Feature: Unsubstituted argument placeholder
Scenario Outline: See Annual Leave Details (as Management & Human Resource)
Given the following users exist in the system
name | email | role_assignments | group_memberships |
Jane | jane@fmail.com | <role> | Sales (manager) |
Max | max@fmail.com | | Sales (member) |
Carol | carol@fmail.com | | Sales (member) |
Cat | cat@fmail.com | | |
Users want to use cucumber, so tests are necessary to verify
it is all working as expected
Feature: Using the Console Formatter
In order to verify this error
I want to run this feature using the progress format
So that it can be fixed
Scenario: A normal feature
Given I have a pending step
TODO (Cucumber::Pending)
./features/step_definitons/tickets_steps.rb:57:in `/^I have a pending step$/'
features/241.feature:10:in `Given I have a pending step'
When I run this feature with the progress format
Then I should get a no method error for 'backtrace_line'
Feature: https://rspec.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16211/tickets/246-distorted-console-output-for-slightly-complicated-step-regexp-match
Scenario: See "No Record(s) Found" for Zero Existing
Given no public holiday exists in the system
Feature: pending method causes failure in Scenario Outlines
Scenario Outline: blah
Given this is pending until we fix it
Given context with <Stuff>
When action
Then outcome with <Blah>
Stuff | Blah |
Cheese | Pepper Jack |
TODO (Cucumber::Pending)
./features/step_definitons/248_steps.rb:2:in `/^this is pending until we fix it$/'
features/248.feature:4:in `Given this is pending until we fix it' |
Feature: Background
In for background to work properly
As a user
I want it to run transactionally and only once when I call an individual scenario
Scenario: Barping
When I barp
Scenario: Wibbling
When I wibble
Feature: pystring indentaion testcase
Scenario: example of correct indentation
Given multiline string
I'm a cucumber and I'm ok
I sleep all night and test all day
Then string is
I'm a cucumber and I'm ok
I sleep all night and test all day
Scenario: example of wrong indentation
Given I am in tickets/features/279
When I run cucumber -q wrong.feature_
Then it should fail with
And STDERR should match
wrong.feature_:8:10: Parse error
Feature https://rspec.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16211/tickets/301
Background: A background
Given whatever
Scenario: VB is not cool
Then VB should not be cool
Feature: woo yeah
Given passing step without a table
Feature: Outlines
In order to re-use scenario table values
As a citizen of Cucumbia
I want to explicitly mark the parameters in a scenario outline
Scenario Outline: controlling order
Given there are <start> cucumbers
When I eat <eat> cucumbers
Then I should have <left> cucumbers
Scenario Outline: reusing place holder
Given there are <start> cucumbers
When I eat <eat> cucumbers
Then I should have <left> cucumbers
And I should have <eat> cucumbers in my belly
Examples: Ridiculous amounts of cukes
start | eat | left |
120 | 50 | 70 |
200 | 50 | 150 |
Scenario Outline: no placeholders
Given there are 12 cucumbers
When I eat 5 cucumbers
Then I should have 7 cucumbers
Scenario Outline: using '<' and '>' not as placeholder
Given the belly space is < 12 and > 6
And there are <start> cucumbers
When I eat <eat> cucumbers
Then I should have <left> cucumbers
Scenario Outline: with step tables
Given I have the following fruits in my pantry
name | quantity |
cucumbers | 10 |
strawberrys | 5 |
apricots | 7 |
When I eat <number> <fruits> from the pantry
Then I should have <left> <fruits> in the pantry
number | fruits | left |
2 | cucumbers | 8 |
4 | strawberrys | 1 |
2 | apricots | 5 |
Scenario Outline: placeholder in a multiline string
Given my shopping list
Must buy some
Then my shopping list should equal
Must buy some cucumbers
Scenario Outline: placeholder in step table
Given I have the following fruits in my pantry
name | quantity |
cucumbers | <quant_cukes> |
strawberrys | <quant_straw> |
When I eat <number> <fruits> from the pantry
Then I should have <left> <fruits> in the pantry
quant_cukes | quant_straw | number | fruits | left |
10 | 5 | 2 | cucumbers | 8 |
5 | 5 | 4 | strawberrys | 1 |
Feature: Cucumber
In order to have a happy user base
As a Cucumber user
I don't want no stinkin bugs
Scenario: RSpec be_*
Given be_empty
Scenario: Call step from step
Given nested step is called
Then nested step should be executed
Scenario: Call step from step using text table
Given nested step is called using text table
Then nested step should be executed
Scenario: Reading a table
Given the following table
Then I should be working in London
And I should be born in Oslo
And I should see a multiline string like
A string
that spans
several lines
43 scenarios (12 undefined, 2 pending, 29 passed)
173 steps (5 skipped, 89 undefined, 2 pending, 77 passed)