class Eye::Dsl::Opts < Eye::Dsl::PureOpts STR_OPTIONS = [ :pid_file, :working_dir, :stdout, :stderr, :stdall, :stdin, :start_command, :stop_command, :restart_command, :uid, :gid ] create_options_methods(STR_OPTIONS, String) BOOL_OPTIONS = [ :daemonize, :keep_alive, :auto_start, :stop_on_delete, :clear_pid, :preserve_fds, :use_leaf_child ] create_options_methods(BOOL_OPTIONS, [TrueClass, FalseClass]) INTERVAL_OPTIONS = [ :check_alive_period, :start_timeout, :restart_timeout, :stop_timeout, :start_grace, :restart_grace, :stop_grace, :children_update_period, :restore_in, :auto_update_pidfile_grace, :revert_fuckup_pidfile_grace ] create_options_methods(INTERVAL_OPTIONS, [Fixnum, Float]) create_options_methods([:environment], Hash) create_options_methods([:stop_signals], Array) create_options_methods([:umask], Fixnum) def initialize(name = nil, parent = nil) super(name, parent) @config[:application] = if parent.is_a?(Eye::Dsl::ApplicationOpts) @config[:group] = if parent.is_a?(Eye::Dsl::GroupOpts) # hack for full name @full_name = parent.full_name if @name == '__default__' && parent.respond_to?(:full_name) end def checks(type, opts = {}) nac = Eye::Checker.name_and_class(type.to_sym) raise Eye::Dsl::Error, "unknown checker type #{type}" unless nac opts.merge!(:type => nac[:type]) Eye::Checker.validate!(opts) @config[:checks] ||= {} @config[:checks][nac[:name]] = opts end def triggers(type, opts = {}) nac = Eye::Trigger.name_and_class(type.to_sym) raise Eye::Dsl::Error, "unknown trigger type #{type}" unless nac opts.merge!(:type => nac[:type]) Eye::Trigger.validate!(opts) @config[:triggers] ||= {} @config[:triggers][nac[:name]] = opts end # clear checks from parent def nochecks(type) nac = Eye::Checker.name_and_class(type.to_sym) raise Eye::Dsl::Error, "unknown checker type #{type}" unless nac @config[:checks].try :delete, nac[:name] end # clear triggers from parent def notriggers(type) nac = Eye::Trigger.name_and_class(type.to_sym) raise Eye::Dsl::Error, "unknown trigger type #{type}" unless nac @config[:triggers].try :delete, nac[:name] end alias check checks alias nocheck nochecks alias trigger triggers alias notrigger notriggers def notify(contact, level = :warn) unless Eye::Process::Notify::LEVELS[level] raise Eye::Dsl::Error, "level should be in #{Eye::Process::Notify::LEVELS.keys}" end @config[:notify] ||= {} @config[:notify][contact.to_s] = level end def nonotify(contact) @config[:notify] ||= {} @config[:notify].delete(contact.to_s) end def set_environment(value) raise Eye::Dsl::Error, "environment should be a hash, but not #{value.inspect}" unless value.is_a?(Hash) @config[:environment] ||= {} @config[:environment].merge!(value) end alias dir working_dir alias env environment def set_stdall(value) super set_stdout value set_stderr value end def set_uid(value) raise Eye::Dsl::Error, ':uid not supported (use ruby >= 2.0)' unless Eye::Local.supported_setsid? super end def set_gid(value) raise Eye::Dsl::Error, ':gid not supported (use ruby >= 2.0)' unless Eye::Local.supported_setsid? super end def daemonize! set_daemonize true end def clear_bundler_env env('GEM_PATH' => nil, 'GEM_HOME' => nil, 'RUBYOPT' => nil, 'BUNDLE_BIN_PATH' => nil, 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' => nil) end def scoped(&block) h =, self) h.instance_eval(&block) Eye::Utils.deep_merge!(config, h.config, [:groups, :processes]) end # execute part of config on particular server # array of strings # regexp # string def with_server(glob = nil, &block) on_server = true if glob.present? host = if glob.is_a?(Array) on_server = !!glob.any?{|elem| elem == host} elsif glob.is_a?(Regexp) on_server = !!host.match(glob) elsif glob.is_a?(String) || glob.is_a?(Symbol) on_server = (host == glob.to_s) end end scoped do with_condition(on_server, &block) end on_server end end