en: vagrant_openstack: global_error: |- An unknown error happened in Vagrant OpenStack provider To easily debug what happened, we recommend to set the environment variable VAGRANT_OPENSTACK_LOG to debug $ export VAGRANT_OPENSTACK_LOG=debug If doing this does not help fixing your issue, there may be a bug in the provider. Please submit an issue on Github at https://github.com/ggiamarchi/vagrant-openstack-provider with the stracktrace and the logs. We are looking for feedback, so feel free to ask questions or describe features you would like to see in this provider. version_outdated: |- You're not using the latest version of the 'vagrant-openstack-provider' plugin. The latest version is %{latest}, yours is %{current}. You should update to the latest version running the command : $ vagrant plugin update vagrant-openstack-provider version_unstable: |- You're not running a stable version of the 'vagrant-openstack-provider' plugin. Unless you are either developing on vagrant or have deliberately installed a not stable version, you should uninstall it an install the latest stable version running commands : $ vagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-openstack-provider $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-openstack-provider already_created: |- The server is already created. create_stack: |- Creating Heat Stack. delete_stack: |- Deleting Heat Stack. already_suspended: |- The server is already suspended. ongoing_task: |- The server is currently running a task and cannot execute your request. not_suspended: |- The server is not currently "suspended" and cannot be resumed. deleting_server: |- Deleting server... finding_flavor: |- Finding flavor for server... finding_image: |- Finding image for server... finding_networks: |- Finding network(s) for server... finding_volumes: |- Finding volume(s) to attach on server... launching_server: |- Launching a server with the following settings... not_created: |- The server hasn't been created yet. Run `vagrant up` first. ready: |- The server is ready! stopping_server: |- Stopping server... starting_server: |- Starting server... timeout: |- Timeout! trying_authentication: |- Trying authentication... rsync_folder: |- Rsyncing folder: %{hostpath} => %{guestpath} using_floating_ip: |- Using floating IP %{floating_ip} waiting_for_floating_ip: |- Waiting for floating IP %{floating_ip} to be assigned... waiting_for_build: |- Waiting for the server to be built... waiting_for_ssh: |- Waiting for SSH to become available... waiting_stop: |- Waiting for the server to stop... waiting_start: |- Waiting for the server to start... waiting_deleted: |- Waiting for the server to be deleted... waiting_for_stack: |- Waiting for Heat Stack to be created... waiting_for_stack_deleted: |- Waiting for Heat Stack to be created... warn_networks: |- Warning! The OpenStack provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant high-level network configurations (`config.vm.network`). They will be silently ignored. warn_network_identifier_is_assumed_to_be_an_id: |- As Neutron endpoint is not available, the identifier '%{network}' is assumed to be an id (not a name). warn_volume_identifier_is_assumed_to_be_an_id: |- As Cinder endpoint is not available, the identifier '%{volume}' is assumed to be an id (not a name). ssh_disabled_provisioning: |- Provisioning will not be performed because provider config ssh_disabled is set to true ssh_disabled_sync_folders: |- Folders will not be synced because provider config ssh_disabled is set to true disabled_sync_folders: |- Sync folders are disabled in the provider configuration config: password_required: |- A password is required. username_required: |- A username is required. tenant_name_required: |- A tenant name is required. invalid_uri: |- The value for %{key} is not a valid URI: %{uri} invalid_stack: |- One of the stacks in the stacks provider configuration is invalid The configuration option should have the following format: os.stacks = [{ name: 'mystack', template: '/path/to/heat_template.yml', }] invalid_endpoint_type: |- endpoint_type must be publicURL, adminURL or internalURL (if not provided, default is publicURL) metadata_must_be_hash: |- Metadata must be a hash. keypair_name_required: |- Warning! You have specified ssh.private_key_path in your Vagrant configuration. but nor keypair_name neither public_key_path are present. The OpenStack provider will automatically generate a new keypair and your configuration option ssh.private_key_path will be overriden private_key_missing: |- config.ssh.private_key_path is required when either keypair_name or public_key_path is set in Vagrantfile ssh_username_deprecated: |- ssh_username provider config is deprecated for vagrant-openstack provider. If you are using it, it will continue to work but we recommend to switch to the standard vagrant configuration option `config.ssh.username` instead ssh_username_required: |- vagrant standard configuration option `ssh.username` is required ssh_timeout_deprecated: |- ssh_timeout provider config is deprecated for vagrant-openstack provider. If you are using it, it will continue to work but we recommend switching to the standard vagrant configuration option `config.vm.boot_timeout`. invalid_value_for_parameter: |- Invalid value '%{value}' for parameter '%{parameter}' sync_folders_deprecated: |- The following configuration settings are deprecated and should be removed: rsync_includes, rsync_ignore_files, sync_method. Using these settings causes the OpenStack provider to fall back to an old synced folder implementation instead of using standard Vagrant synced folders. domain_required: |- A domain is required when using identity API version 3 project_name_required: |- A project name is required when using identity API version 3 invalid_interface_type: |- Interface type must be public, admin or internal (if not provided, default is public) invalid_api_version: |- identity API verison must be 2 or 3 (if nto provided, default is 2) errors: default: |- %{message} timeout: |- Timeout occurred authentication_required: |- Authentication token is missing or no longer valid. floating_ip_already_assigned: |- Floating IP %{floating_ip} already assigned to another server floating_ip_not_available: |- Floating IP %{floating_ip} not available for this tenant authentication_failed: |- Authentication failed. bad_authentication_endpoint: |- Bad authentication endpoint. create_bad_state: |- While creating the server, it transitioned to an unexpected state: '%{state}', instead of properly booting. Run `vagrant status` to find out what can be done about this state, or `vagrant destroy` if you want to start over. no_matching_api_version: |- No matching version found for %{api_name} API %{version_list} You must specify the desired %{api_name} API url by setting the provider's property '%{url_property}'. no_matching_flavor: |- No matching flavor was found! Please check your flavor setting to make sure you have a valid flavor chosen. no_matching_image: |- No matching image was found! Please check your image setting to make sure you have a valid image chosen. conflict_boot_volume: |- When booting from an existing volume it is not authorized to specify in your Vagrantfile either 'image' or 'size' or 'delete_on_destroy'. When booting from a newly creating volume it is not authorized to specify in your Vagrantfile either 'id' or 'name'. sync_method_error: |- Value '%{sync_method_value}' is not allowed for 'sync_method' configuration parameter. Valid values are 'rsync' and 'none' rsync_error: |- There was an error when attempting to rsync a share folder. Please inspect the error message below for more info. Host path: %{hostpath} Guest path: %{guestpath} Error: %{stderr} ssh_unavailble: |- SSH server unavailable on instance %{host}. You should maybe increase the timeout value which currently is %{timeout} second(s). no_arg_required_for_command: |- Command '%{cmd}' does not required any argument. unrecognized_arg_for_command: |- Argument '%{arg}' unrecognized for command '%{cmd}'. unable_to_resolve_floating_ip: |- Vagrant was unable to resolve a floating ip to communicate with your OpenStack instance. Please specify in your Vagrantfile either `floating_ip` or `floating_ip_pool`. unable_to_resolve_ip: |- Vagrant was unable to resolve a valid ip to ssh on your OpenStack instance. unable_to_resolve_ssh_key: |- Vagrant was unable to resolve a valid ssh key to connect to your OpenStack instance. Please specify in your Vagrantfile either `public_key_path` or `keypair_name`. invalid_network_format: |- Network '%{network}' is not valid. unresolved_network: |- No matching network with id or name '%{network}' unresolved_network_id: |- No matching network with id '%{id}' unresolved_network_name: |- No matching network with name '%{name}' conflict_network_name_id: |- One (and only one) of 'id' or 'name' must be specified in network definition : %{network} multiple_network_name: |- More than one network exists with name '%{name}'. In this case you can't use name in network definition. Please, use id instead. invalid_volume_format: |- Volume '%{volume}' is not valid. unresolved_volume: |- No matching volume with id or name '%{volume}' unresolved_volume_id: |- No matching volume with id '%{id}' unresolved_volume_name: |- No matching volume with name '%{name}' conflict_volume_name_id: |- One (and only one) of 'id' or 'name' must be specified in volume definition : %{volume} multiple_volume_name: |- More than one volume exists with name '%{name}'. In this case you can't use name in volume definition. Please, use id instead. missing_boot_option: |- Either 'image' or 'volume_boot' configuration must be provided conflict_boot_option: |- Only one of 'image' and 'volume_boot' configuration must be provided ssh_username_missing: |- Vagrant was unable to resolve which ssh username to use to connect to the machine. Please provide config parameter `ssh.username` instance_not_found: |- Vagrant was unable to find the OpenStack instance used for your vagrant machine. This can happen when the instance has been deleted via OpenStack APIs or OpenStack Dashboard instead of using vagrant commands. We recommend using the command `vagrant openstack reset` to reset vagrant to a clear state stack_not_found: |- Heat stack not found nerwork_service_unavailable: |- Neutron service endpoint is not available, thus there is not way to retrieve network id from its name. You have to provide only ids in your Vagrantfile. volume_service_unavailable: |- Cinder service endpoint is not available, thus there is not way to retrieve volume id from its name. You have to provide only ids in your Vagrantfile. server_status_error: |- Server '%{server}' is in error status. stack_status_error: |- Heat Stack '%{stack}' is in error status. missing_nova_endpoint: |- Nova endpoint must either be present in your keystone service catalog or be specified using the provider's attribute 'openstack_compute_url' states: short_active: |- active long_active: |- The server is up and running. Run `vagrant ssh` to access it. short_build: |- building long_build: |- The server is currently being built. You must wait for this to complete before you can access it. You can delete the server, however, by running `vagrant destroy`. short_error: |- error long_error: |- The server is in an erroneous state. Contact your OpenStack administrator or destroy the machine with `vagrant destroy`. short_hard_reboot: |- hard reboot long_hard_reboot: |- The server is hard rebooting. This is equivalent to pulling the power plug on a physical server, plugging it back in, and rebooting it. short_password: |- password reset long_password: |- The password is being reset on the server. short_reboot: |- reboot long_reboot: |- The server is in a soft reboot state. A reboot command was passed to the operating system. short_rebuild: |- rebuild long_rebuild: |- The server is currently being rebuilt from an image. short_rescue: |- rescue long_rescue: |- The server is in rescue mode. short_resize: |- resize long_resize: |- Server is performing the differential copy of data that changed during its initial copy. Server is down for this stage. short_revert_resize: |- revert resize long_revert_resize: |- The resize or migration of a server failed for some reason. The destination server is being cleaned up and the original source server is restarting. short_shutoff: |- shutoff long_shutoff: |- The virtual machine (VM) was powered down by the user, but not through the OpenStack Compute API. For example, the user issued a shutdown -h command from within the server instance. If the OpenStack Compute manager detects that the VM was powered down, it transitions the server instance to the SHUTOFF status. If you use the OpenStack Compute API to restart the instance, the instance might be deleted first, depending on the value in the shutdown_terminate database field on the Instance model. short_suspended: |- suspended long_suspended: |- The server is suspended, either by request or necessity. This status appears for only the following hypervisors: XenServer/XCP, KVM, and ESXi. short_unknown: |- unknown long_unknown: |- The state of the server is unknown. Contact your cloud provider. short_verify_resize: |- verify resize long_verifiy_resize: |- System is awaiting confirmation that the server is operational after a move or resize. short_not_created: |- not created long_not_created: |- The server is not created. Run `vagrant up` to create it. short_suspending: |- suspending long_suspending: |- The server is active and currently suspending, either by request or necessity. short_resuming: |- resuming long_resuming: |- The server is suspended and currently resuming by request. short_spawning: |- spawning long_spawning: |- The server is not created yet but is currently spawning by request. short_scheduling: |- scheduling long_scheduling: |- The server is building and currently scheduling by necessity. short_deleting: |- deleting long_deleting: |- The server is created and currently deleting by request. short_rebooting: |- rebooting long_rebooting: |- The server is currently rebooting, either by request or necessity. short_reboot_pending: |- reboot_pending long_reboot_pending: |- The server reboot is pending by necessity. short_reboot_started: |- reboot_started long_reboot_started: |- The server is starting to reboot, either by request or necessity. short_rebooting_hard: |- rebooting_hard long_rebooting_hard: |- The server is currently hard rebooting, either by request. short_reboot_pending_hard: |- reboot_pending_hard long_reboot_pending_hard: |- The server hard reboot is pending by necessity. short_reboot_started_hard: |- reboot_started_hard long_reboot_started_hard: |- The server is starting to hard reboot by request. client: looking_for_available_endpoints: |- Looking for available endpoints... multiple_endpoint: |- %{size} endpoints are available for service '%{type}' but only the first one will be used authentication: |- Authentication on project %{project} with user %{user} command: main_synopsis: |- OpenStack provider specific commands main_usage : |- Usage: vagrant openstack command available_subcommands: |- Available subcommands: image_list_synopsis : |- List available images flavor_list_synopsis : |- List available flavors network_list_synopsis : |- List private networks in project subnet_list_synopsis : |- List subnets for available networks flaotingip_list_synopsis : |- List floating IP and floating IP pools volume_list_synopsis : |- List existing volumes reset : |- Reset Vagrant OpenStack provider to a clear state