require File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../spec_helper") class StubSpecFixture attr_reader :initialize_arguments def initialize(*args) @initialize_arguments = args yield if block_given? method_run_in_initialize end def method_run_in_initialize end end describe "stub" do attr_reader :subject before(:each) do @subject = extend RR::Adapters::RRMethods end after(:each) do RR.reset end it "stubs via inline call" do stub(subject).to_s {"a value"} subject.to_s.should == "a value" end describe ".once.ordered" do it "returns the values in the ordered called" do stub(subject).to_s {"value 1"}.once.ordered stub(subject).to_s {"value 2"}.once.ordered subject.to_s.should == "value 1" subject.to_s.should == "value 2" end end context "when the subject is a proxy for the object with the defined method" do it "stubs the method on the proxy object" do proxy_target = {def foobar; :original_foobar; end}.new proxy = do def initialize(target) @target = target end instance_methods.each do |m| unless m =~ /^_/ || m.to_s == 'object_id' || m.to_s == 'method_missing' alias_method "__blank_slated_#{m}", m undef_method m end end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) @target.send(method_name, *args, &block) end proxy.methods.should =~ proxy_target.methods stub(proxy).foobar {:new_foobar} proxy.foobar.should == :new_foobar end end it "stubs via block with argument" do stub subject do |d| d.to_s {"a value"} d.to_sym {:crazy} end subject.to_s.should == "a value" subject.to_sym.should == :crazy end it "stubs via block without argument" do stub subject do to_s {"a value"} to_sym {:crazy} end subject.to_s.should == "a value" subject.to_sym.should == :crazy end it "stubs instance_of" do stub.instance_of(StubSpecFixture) do |o| o.to_s {"High Level Spec"} end == "High Level Spec" end it "stubs methods without letters" do stub(subject).__send__(:==) {:equality} (subject == 55).should == :equality end it "stubs methods invoked in #initialize while passing along the #initialize arg" do method_run_in_initialize_stubbed = false stub.instance_of(StubSpecFixture) do |o| o.method_run_in_initialize {method_run_in_initialize_stubbed = true} end method_run_in_initialize_stubbed.should be_true end it "passed the arguments and block passed to #initialize" do block_called = false stub.instance_of(StubSpecFixture) do |o| o.method_run_in_initialize end instance =, 2) {block_called = true} instance.initialize_arguments.should == [1, 2] block_called.should be_true end context "mock then stub" do it "stubs any calls not matching the mock" do mock(subject).foobar(3) {:baz3} stub(subject).foobar {:baz} subject.foobar(3).should == :baz3 subject.foobar(4).should == :baz end end context "stub that yields" do context "when yields called without any arguments" do it "yields only once" do called_from_block = mock!.foo.once.subject block_caller = stub!.bar.yields.subject { } end end context "when yields called with an argument" do it "yields only once" do called_from_block = mock!.foo(1).once.subject block_caller = stub!.bar.yields(1).subject { |argument| } end end context "when yields calls are chained" do it "yields several times" do called_from_block = mock!.foo(1) block_caller = stub!.bar.yields(1).yields(2).subject { |argument| } end end end end