module IB class Account def account_data_scan search_key, search_currency=nil if account_values.is_a? Array if search_currency.present? account_values.find_all{|x| x.key.match( search_key ) && x.currency == search_currency.upcase } else account_values.find_all{|x| x.key.match( search_key ) } end else # not tested!! if search_currency.present? account_values.where( ['key like %', search_key] ).where( currency: search_currency ) else # any currency account_values.where( ['key like %', search_key] ) end end end =begin rdoc given any key of local_id, perm_id or order_ref and an optional status, which can be a string or a regexp ( status: /mitted/ matches Submitted and Presubmitted) the last associated Orderrecord is returned. Thus if several Orders are placed with the same order_ref, the active one is returned (If multible keys are specified, local_id preceeds perm_id) =end def locate_order local_id: nil, perm_id: nil, order_ref: nil, status: /ubmitted/, contract: nil, con_id: nil search_option = [ local_id.present? ? [:local_id , local_id] : nil , perm_id.present? ? [:perm_id, perm_id] : nil, order_ref.present? ? [:order_ref , order_ref ] : nil ].compact.first matched_items = if search_option.nil? orders else orders.find_all{|x| x[search_option.first].to_i == search_option.last.to_i } end if contract.present? if && !contract.is_a?( IB::Bag ) contract = contract.verify.first end matched_items = matched_items.find_all{|o| o.contract.essential == contract.essential } elsif con_id.present? matched_items = matched_items.find_all{|o| o.contract.con_id == con_id } end if status.present? status = unless status.is_a? Regexp matched_items.detect{|x| x.order_state.status =~ status } else matched_items.last # return the last item end end =begin rdoc requires an IB::Order as parameter. If attached, the associated IB::Contract is used to specify the tws-command The associated Contract overtakes the specified (as parameter) auto_adjust: Limit- and Aux-Prices are adjusted to Min-Tick convert_size: The action-attribute (:buy :sell) is associated according the content of :total_quantity. The parameter «order» is modified! It can further used to modify and eventually cancel Example j36 = symbol: 'J36', exchange: 'SGX' order = IB::Limit.order size: 100, price: 65.5 g = IB::Gateway.current.clients.last g.preview contract: j36, order: order => {:init_margin=>0.10864874e6, :maint_margin=>0.9704137e5, :equity_with_loan=>0.97877973e6, :commission=>0.524e1, :commission_currency=>"USD", :warning=>"" the_local_id = order: order => 67 # returns local_id order.contract # updated contract-record => #9534669, :exchange=>"SGX", :right=>"", :include_expired=>false}> order.limit_price = 65 # set new price g.modify order: order # and transmit => 67 # returns local_id g.locate_order( local_id: the_local_id ) => returns the assigned order-record for inspection g.cancel order: order # logger output: 05:17:11 Cancelling 65 New #250/ from 3000/DU167349> =end def place_order order:, contract: nil, auto_adjust: true, convert_size: true # adjust the orderprice to min-tick result = ->(l){ orders.detect{|x| x.local_id == l && x.submitted? } } #·IB::Symbols are always qualified. They carry a description-field qualified_contract = ->(c) { c.is_a?(IB::Contract) && ( c.description.present? || ! || (c.con_id.to_i <0 && c.sec_type == :bag )) } order.contract ||= if qualified_contract[ contract ] contract else contract.verify.first end error "No valid contract given" unless order.contract.is_a?(IB::Contract) ## sending of plain vanilla IB::Bags will fail using, unless a (negative) con-id is provided! error "place order: ContractVerification failed. No con_id assigned" unless qualified_contract[order.contract] ib = IB::Connection.current wrong_order = nil the_local_id = nil q = ### Handle Error messages ### Default action: raise IB::Transmission Error sa = ib.subscribe( :Alert ) do | msg | # puts "local_id: #{the_local_id}"a puts msg.inspect if msg.error_id == the_local_id if [ 110, # The price does not confirm to the minimum price variation for this contract 201, # Order rejected, No Trading permissions 203, # Security is not allowed for trading 325, # Disretionary Orders are not supported for ths combination of oerder-type and exchange 355, # Order size does not conform to market rule 361, 362, 363, 364, # invalid trigger or stop-price 388, # Order size x is smaller than the minimum required size of yy. ].include? msg.code wrong_order = msg.message ib.logger.error msg.message q.close # closing the queue indicates that no order was transmitted end end end sb = ib.subscribe( :OpenOrder ){|m| q << m.order if m.order.local_id.to_i == the_local_id.to_i } # modify order (parameter) order.account = account # assign the account_id to the account-field of IB::Order self.orders.update_or_create order, :order_ref order.auto_adjust if auto_adjust # /defined in file order_handling.rb if convert_size order.action = order.total_quantity.to_i < 0 ? :sell : :buy unless order.action == :sell{ "Converted ordesize to #{order.total_quantity} and triggered a #{order.action} order"} if order.total_quantity.to_i < 0 order.total_quantity = order.total_quantity.to_i.abs end # apply non_guarenteed and other stuff bound to the contract to order. order.attributes.merge! order.contract.order_requirements unless order.contract.order_requirements.blank? # con_id and exchange fully qualify a contract, no need to transmit other data # if no contract is passed to, order.contract is used for placement the_contract = order.contract.con_id.to_i >0 ? con_id: order.contract.con_id, exchange: : nil the_local_id = the_contract # return the local_id # if transmit is false, just include the local_id in the order-record{ if order.transmit || order.what_if then sleep 1 else sleep 0.001 end ; q.close } tws_answer = q.pop ib.unsubscribe sa ib.unsubscribe sb if q.closed? if wrong_order.present? raise IB::SymbolError, wrong_order elsif the_local_id.present? order.local_id = the_local_id else error " #{order.to_human} is not transmitted properly", :symbol end else order=tws_answer # return order-record received from tws end the_local_id # return_value end # place # shortcut to enable # order: {} , contract: {} # account.preview order: {} , contract: {} # account.modify order: {} alias place place_order =begin #rdoc Account#ModifyOrder operates in two modi: First: The order is specified via local_id, perm_id or order_ref. It is checked, whether the order is still modificable. Then the Order ist provided through the block. Any modification is done there. Important: The Block has to return the modified IB::Order Second: The order can be provided as parameter as well. This will be used without further checking. The block is now optional. Important: The OrderRecord must provide a valid Contract. The simple version does not adjust the given prices to tick-limits. This has to be done manualy in the provided block =end def modify_order local_id: nil, order_ref: nil, order:nil result = ->(l){ orders.detect{|x| x.local_id == l && x.submitted? } } order ||= locate_order( local_id: local_id, status: /ubmitted/ , order_ref: order_ref ) if order.is_a? IB::Order order.modify else error "No suitable IB::Order provided/detected. Instead: #{order.inspect}" end end alias modify modify_order # Preview # # Submits a "WhatIf" Order # # Returns the order_state.forcast # # The order received from the TWS is kept in account.orders # # Raises IB::SymbolError if the Order could not be placed properly # def preview order:, contract: nil, **args_which_are_ignored # to_do: use a copy of order instead of temporary setting order.what_if q = ib = IB::Connection.current the_local_id = nil req = ib.subscribe( :OpenOrder ){|m| q << m.order if m.order.local_id.to_i == the_local_id.to_i } result = ->(l){ orders.detect{|x| x.local_id == l && x.submitted? } } order.what_if = true order.account = account the_local_id = contract{ sleep 1 ; q.close } returned_order = q.pop ib.unsubscribe req order.what_if = false # reset what_if flag order.local_id = nil # reset local_id to enable re-using the order-object for placing raise IB::SymbolError,"(Preview-) #{order.to_human} is not transmitted properly" if q.closed? returned_order.order_state.forcast # return_value end # closes the contract by submitting an appropiate order # the action- and total_amount attributes of the assigned order are overwritten. # # if a ratio-value (0 ..1) is specified in _order.total_quantity_ only a fraction of the position is closed. # Other values are silently ignored # # if _reverse_ is specified, the opposide position is established. # Any value in total_quantity is overwritten # # returns the order transmitted # # raises an IB::Error if no PortfolioValues have been loaded to the IB::Acoount def close order:, contract: nil, reverse: false, **args_which_are_ignored error "must only be called after initializing portfolio_values " if portfolio_values.blank? contract_size = ->(c) do # note: portfolio_value.position is either positiv or negativ if c.con_id <0 # Spread p = portfolio_values.detect{|p| p.contract.con_id ==c.legs.first.con_id} &.position.to_i p/ c.combo_legs.first.weight unless else portfolio_values.detect{|x| x.contract.con_id == c.con_id} &.position.to_i # nil.to_i -->0 end end contract &.verify{|c| order.contract = c} # if contract is specified: don't touch the parameter, get a new object . error "Cannot transmit the order – No Contract given " unless order.contract.is_a?(IB::Contract) the_quantity = if reverse -contract_size[order.contract] * 2 elsif order.total_quantity.abs < 1 && ! -contract_size[order.contract] * order.total_quantity.abs else -contract_size[order.contract] end if{ "Cannot close #{order.contract.to_human} - no position detected"} else order.total_quantity = the_quantity order.action = nil order.local_id = nil # in any case, close is a new order { "Order modified to close, reduce or revese position: #{order.to_human}" } place order: order, convert_size: true end end # just a wrapper to the Gateway-cancel-order method def cancel order: Gateway.current.cancel_order order end #returns an hash where portfolio_positions are grouped into Watchlists. # # Watchlist => [ contract => [ portfoliopositon] , ... ] ] # def organize_portfolio_positions the_watchlists= IB::Gateway.current.active_watchlists the_watchlists = [ the_watchlists ] unless the_watchlists.is_a?(Array) self.focuses = do | pw | z= do | w | ref_con_id = pw.contract.con_id watchlist_contract = w.find do |c| c.is_a?(IB::Bag) ? : c.con_id == ref_con_id end rescue nil watchlist_contract.present? ? [w,watchlist_contract] : nil end.compact z.empty? ? [ IB::Symbols::Unspecified, pw.contract, pw ] : z.first << pw end.group_by{|a,_,_| a }.map{|x,y|[x,{|_,d,e|[d,e]}.group_by{|e,_| e}.map{|f,z| [f,]} ] }.to_h # group:by --> [a,b,c] .group_by {|_g,_| g} --->{ a => [a,b,c] } # group_by+map --> removes "a" from the resulting array end def locate_contract con_id contracts.detect{|x| x.con_id.to_i == con_id.to_i } end ## returns the contract definition of an complex portfolio-position detected in the account def complex_position con_id con_id = con_id.con_id if con_id.is_a?(IB::Contract){|x,y| y.detect{|x,y| x.con_id.to_i== con_id.to_i} }.compact.flatten.first end end # class ## # in the console (call gateway with watchlist: [:Spreads, :BuyAndHold]) #head :001 > .clients.first.focuses.to_a.to_human #Unspecified # # # # # # # # # # #BuyAndHold # # # # #Spreads # # # # => nil # # end ## module