require 'spec_helper' module Torasup describe Operator do let(:sample_operator) do country = pstn_data.first [country.first, country.last["operators"].first.first] end shared_examples_for "operator metadata" do it "should return the operators with their metadata" do operators = Operator.send(method) operators = Operator.send(method) # run it twice to highlight the duplication problem with_operators do |number_parts, assertions| operator = operators[assertions["country_id"]][assertions["id"]] expect(operator["country_id"]).to eq(assertions["country_id"]) expect(operator["id"]).to eq(assertions["id"]) asserted_prefix = assertions["country_code"].to_s + assertions["area_code"].to_s + assertions["prefix"].to_s asserted_type = assertions["type"] asserted_prefixes = operator["#{asserted_type}_prefixes"] expect(asserted_prefixes).to include(asserted_prefix) asserted_prefix_metadata = asserted_prefixes[asserted_prefix] expect(asserted_prefix_metadata).to have_key("subscriber_number_min") expect(asserted_prefix_metadata).to have_key("subscriber_number_max") expect(asserted_prefix_metadata).to have_key("subscriber_number_pattern") end end end describe ".all" do it_should_behave_like "operator metadata" do let(:method) { :all } end end describe ".registered" do context "given no operators have been registered" do before do clear_registered_operators end it "should return an empty hash" do expect(Operator.registered).to eq({}) end end context "given one operator has been registered" do before do configure_registered_operators(sample_operator[0], sample_operator[1]) end it_should_behave_like "operator metadata" do let(:method) { :registered } def with_operators(&block) super(:only_registered => {sample_operator[0] => [sample_operator[1]]}, &block) end end end end shared_examples_for "an operator" do it "should return all the operator metadata" do with_operators(options) do |number_parts, assertions| subject =*number_parts) assertions.each do |method, assertion| args = [] args << {:interpolation => nil} unless subject.respond_to?(method) result = subject.send(method, *args) result_error = result.nil? ? "nil" : "'#{result}'" expect(result).to(eq(interpolated_assertion(assertion, :interpolation => nil)), "expected'#{number_parts}').#{method} to return '#{assertion}' but got #{result_error}") end end end end context "using the standard data" do it_should_behave_like "an operator" do let(:options) { {} } end end context "using overridden data" do before do configure_with_custom_data(configuration_options) end context "with a single configuration file" do let(:configuration_options) { {} } it_should_behave_like "an operator" do let(:options) { { :with_custom_pstn_data => true } } end end context "with multiple configuration files" do let(:configuration_options) { {:multiple_files => true} } def assert_overridden_data! torasup_number ="85515234567") operator = torasup_number.operator expect(operator.my_custom_property_2).to eq("hello-foo-2") end it { assert_overridden_data! } end end end end