# WB -- Software Engineers's Workbook [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/JuanitoFatas/wb.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/JuanitoFatas/wb) [Background reading: Lab Notebooking for the Software Engineer](https://blog.nelhage.com/2010/06/lab-notebooking-for-the-software-engineer/): - Only append to the workbook - [Keep automatic backups](https://github.com/JuanitoFatas/wb/issues/1) - What to note? - Measurement - Non-trival search and found something - Explicit design decision - Whenever you wish you had written down ## Installation $ gem install wb ## Usage Set `wb` up first: ``` $ wb setup # wb init + wb ignore ``` This will create a config yaml at `~/.workbookrc`: ```yaml # Auto generated by wb 1.0.0 workbook: working_hours: "9-17" personal: "~/Dropbox/workbooks/personal.md" work: "~/Dropbox/workbooks/work.md" project: note_folder: ".note" ``` and add following to `~/.gitignore_global`: ``` # ignore project notes by https://github.com/juanitofatas/wb /.note/ ``` To open a global workbook: ``` wb ``` This will open workbook based on the working hour set in `~/.workbookrc`. Inside working hour `wb` equals to: ``` wb work # opens "~/Dropbox/workbooks/work.md ``` Outside working hour `wb` equals to: ``` wb personal # opens "~/Dropbox/workbooks/personal.md ``` Create a new workbook in the project you are working: ``` wb new ``` by default it creates a markdown workbook using today's date: ``` 2018-09-24.md ``` The date could be overrided in `~/.workbookrc`, either at `workbook` or `project` level: Based on [Ruby's `strftime`](https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.5.1/libdoc/date/rdoc/DateTime.html#method-i-strftime): ``` workbook: date_format: %c ``` ``` workbook: project: date_format: %D ``` The extension could be overrided in `~/.workbookrc`, either at `workbook` or `project` level: ``` workbook: extension: rdoc ``` ``` workbook: project: extension: txt ``` Invoking `wb new` again will use your editor `$EDITOR` to open the existing workbook. You can also create a workbook with custom name under project by: ``` (on branch fix-nasty-bugs) git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | xargs wb new # will create a new note named under {project.note_folder}: # 2018-09-24-fix-nasty-bugs.md ``` Opening local / global notebooks by: ``` wb open 0: .note/2018-09-23.md 1: .note/2018-09-24.md 2: ~/Dropbox/workbooks/personal.md 3: ~/Dropbox/workbooks/work.md ``` Type in the notebook number you want to open. If you remember the notebook name by heart, supply `NAME` to `wb open`: ``` # both works wb open .note/2018-09-23.md wb open 2018-09-23.md # opens .note/2018-09-23.md wb open personal.md # ~/Dropbox/workbooks/personal.md ``` Full documentation by `wb help`: ``` wb init Initialize wb config yaml file wb ignore Add {project.note_folder} to global gitignore wb setup wb init + wb ignore wb config Open wb config file wb Open global notebook based on {working_hours} wb personal Open global personal notebook wb work Open global work notebook wb open Open from all notes in {project.note_folder} and global notes wb open NAME Open note by NAME wb new Create/Open note of name {date_format}.{extension} under {project.note_folder} wb new NAME Create note by {date_format}.NAME under {project.note_folder} ``` Thank you for using `wb`. Feedback and improvement are welcome! ## License, Contributor's Guidelines, and Credits - MIT license - [Moya Contributors Guidelines][moya] which TLDR: means we give out push access easily and often. - Notebook idea by [Nelson Elhage](https://blog.nelhage.com/about/) [mit]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT [moya]: https://github.com/Moya/contributors