require 'data_objects' require 'dm-core' module DataMapper module Adapters # DataObjectsAdapter is the base class for all adapers for relational # databases. If you want to add support for a new RDBMS, it makes # sense to make your adapter class inherit from this class. # # By inheriting from DataObjectsAdapter, you get a copy of all the # standard sub-modules (Quoting, Coersion and Queries) in your own Adapter. # You can extend and overwrite these copies without affecting the originals. class DataObjectsAdapter < AbstractAdapter extend Chainable extend Deprecate deprecate :query, :select # Retrieve results using an SQL SELECT statement # # @param [String] statement # the SQL SELECT statement # @param [Array] *bind_values # optional bind values to merge into the statement # # @return [Array] # if fields > 1, return an Array of Struct objects # if fields == 1, return an Array of objects # # @api public def select(statement, *bind_values) with_connection do |connection| reader = connection.create_command(statement).execute_reader(*bind_values) fields = reader.fields begin if fields.size > 1 select_fields(reader, fields) else select_field(reader) end ensure reader.close end end end # Execute non-SELECT SQL query # # @param [String] statement # the SQL statement # @param [Array] *bind_values # optional bind values to merge into the statement # # @return [DataObjects::Result] # result with number of affected rows, and insert id if any # # @api public def execute(statement, *bind_values) with_connection do |connection| command = connection.create_command(statement) command.execute_non_query(*bind_values) end end # For each model instance in resources, issues an SQL INSERT # (or equivalent) statement to create a new record in the data store for # the instance # # Note that this method does not update the identity map. If a plugin # needs to use an adapter directly, it is up to plugin developer to # keep the identity map up to date. # # @param [Enumerable(Resource)] resources # The list of resources (model instances) to create # # @return [Integer] # The number of records that were actually saved into the database # # @api semipublic def create(resources) name = resources.each do |resource| model = resource.model serial = model.serial(name) attributes = resource.dirty_attributes properties = [] bind_values = [] # make the order of the properties consistent do |property| next unless attributes.key?(property) bind_value = attributes[property] # skip insering NULL for columns that are serial or without a default next if bind_value.nil? && (property.serial? || !property.default?) # if serial is being set explicitly, do not set it again if property.equal?(serial) serial = nil end properties << property bind_values << bind_value end statement = insert_statement(model, properties, serial) result = with_connection do |connection| connection.create_command(statement).execute_non_query(*bind_values) end if result.affected_rows == 1 && serial serial.set!(resource, result.insert_id) end end end # Constructs and executes SELECT query, then instantiates # one or many object from result set. # # @param [Query] query # composition of the query to perform # # @return [Array] # result set of the query # # @api semipublic def read(query) fields = query.fields types = { |property| property.primitive } statement, bind_values = select_statement(query) records = [] with_connection do |connection| command = connection.create_command(statement) command.set_types(types) # Handle different splat semantics for nil on 1.8 and 1.9 reader = if bind_values command.execute_reader(*bind_values) else command.execute_reader end begin while! records << Hash[ ] end ensure reader.close end end records end # Constructs and executes UPDATE statement for given # attributes and a query # # @param [Hash(Property => Object)] attributes # hash of attribute values to set, keyed by Property # @param [Collection] collection # collection of records to be updated # # @return [Integer] # the number of records updated # # @api semipublic def update(attributes, collection) query = collection.query properties = [] bind_values = [] # make the order of the properties consistent do |property| next unless attributes.key?(property) properties << property bind_values << attributes[property] end statement, conditions_bind_values = update_statement(properties, query) bind_values.concat(conditions_bind_values) with_connection do |connection| connection.create_command(statement).execute_non_query(*bind_values) end.affected_rows end # Constructs and executes DELETE statement for given query # # @param [Collection] collection # collection of records to be deleted # # @return [Integer] # the number of records deleted # # @api semipublic def delete(collection) query = collection.query statement, bind_values = delete_statement(query) with_connection do |connection| connection.create_command(statement).execute_non_query(*bind_values) end.affected_rows end protected # @api private def normalized_uri @normalized_uri ||= begin keys = [ :adapter, :user, :password, :host, :port, :path, :fragment, :scheme, :query, :username, :database ] query = DataMapper::Ext::Hash.except(@options, keys) query = nil if query.empty? # Better error message in case port is no Numeric value port = @options[:port].nil? ? nil : @options[:port].to_int :scheme => @options[:adapter], :user => @options[:user] || @options[:username], :password => @options[:password], :host => @options[:host], :port => port, :path => @options[:path] || @options[:database], :query => query, :fragment => @options[:fragment] ).freeze end end chainable do protected # Instantiates new connection object # # @api semipublic def open_connection end # Takes connection and closes it # # @api semipublic def close_connection(connection) connection.close if connection.respond_to?(:close) end end private # @api public def initialize(name, uri_or_options) super # Default the driver-specific logger to DataMapper's logger if driver_module = DataObjects.const_get(normalized_uri.scheme.capitalize) driver_module.logger = DataMapper.logger if driver_module.respond_to?(:logger=) end end # @api private def with_connection yield connection = open_connection rescue Exception => exception DataMapper.logger.error(exception.to_s) if DataMapper.logger raise ensure close_connection(connection) end # @api private def select_fields(reader, fields) fields = { |field| DataMapper::Inflector.underscore(field).to_sym } struct =*fields) results = [] while! results <<*reader.values) end results end # @api private def select_field(reader) results = [] while! results << end results end # This module is just for organization. The methods are included into the # Adapter below. module SQL #:nodoc: IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH = 128 QUESTION_MARK = '?'.freeze GT_OPERATOR = '>'.freeze LT_OPERATOR = '<'.freeze GTE_OPERATOR = '>='.freeze LTE_OPERATOR = '<='.freeze IS_OPERATOR = 'IS'.freeze EQ_OPERATOR = '='.freeze IN_OPERATOR = 'IN'.freeze BETWEEN_OPERATOR = 'BETWEEN'.freeze REGEXP_OPERATOR = '~'.freeze LIKE_OPERATOR = 'LIKE'.freeze NULL_KEYWORD = 'NULL'.freeze AND_KEYWORD = ' AND '.freeze ON_KEYWORD = 'ON'.freeze COLUMN_SEPARATOR = ', '.freeze SPACE = ' '.freeze ONE_EQ_ZERO = '1 = 0'.freeze SINGLE_QUOTE = /"/.freeze DOUBLE_QUOTE = '""'.freeze # @api semipublic def property_to_column_name(property, qualify) column_name = quote_name(property.field) case qualify when true "#{quote_name(property.model.storage_name(name))}.#{column_name}" when String "#{quote_name(qualify)}.#{column_name}" else column_name end end private # Adapters requiring a RETURNING syntax for INSERT statements # should overwrite this to return true. # # @api private def supports_returning? false end # Adapters that do not support the DEFAULT VALUES syntax for # INSERT statements should overwrite this to return false. # # @api private def supports_default_values? true end # Constructs SELECT statement for given query, # # @return [String] SELECT statement as a string # # @api private def select_statement(query) qualify = query.links.any? fields = query.fields order_by = query.order group_by = if query.unique? { |property| property.kind_of?(Property) } end conditions_statement, bind_values = conditions_statement(query.conditions, qualify) statement = "SELECT #{columns_statement(fields, qualify)}" statement << " FROM #{quote_name(query.model.storage_name(name))}" statement << " #{join_statement(query, bind_values, qualify)}" if qualify statement << " WHERE #{conditions_statement}" unless DataMapper::Ext.blank?(conditions_statement) statement << " GROUP BY #{columns_statement(group_by, qualify)}" if group_by && group_by.any? statement << " ORDER BY #{order_statement(order_by, qualify)}" if order_by && order_by.any? add_limit_offset!(statement, query.limit, query.offset, bind_values) return statement, bind_values end # default construction of LIMIT and OFFSET # overriden by some adapters (currently Oracle and SQL Server) def add_limit_offset!(statement, limit, offset, bind_values) if limit statement << ' LIMIT ?' bind_values << limit end if limit && offset > 0 statement << ' OFFSET ?' bind_values << offset end end # Constructs INSERT statement for given query, # # @return [String] INSERT statement as a string # # @api private def insert_statement(model, properties, serial) statement = "INSERT INTO #{quote_name(model.storage_name(name))} " if supports_default_values? && properties.empty? statement << default_values_clause else statement << DataMapper::Ext::String.compress_lines(<<-SQL) (#{ { |property| quote_name(property.field) }.join(COLUMN_SEPARATOR)}) VALUES (#{([QUESTION_MARK] * properties.size).join(COLUMN_SEPARATOR)}) SQL end if supports_returning? && serial statement << returning_clause(serial) end statement end # by default PostgreSQL syntax # overrided in Oracle adapter def default_values_clause 'DEFAULT VALUES' end # by default PostgreSQL syntax # overrided in Oracle adapter def returning_clause(serial) " RETURNING #{quote_name(serial.field)}" end # Constructs UPDATE statement for given query, # # @return [String] UPDATE statement as a string # # @api private def update_statement(properties, query) model = query.model name = # TODO: DRY this up with delete_statement conditions_statement, bind_values = if query.limit || query.links.any? subquery(query, model.key(name), false) else conditions_statement(query.conditions) end statement = "UPDATE #{quote_name(model.storage_name(name))}" statement << " SET #{ { |property| "#{quote_name(property.field)} = ?" }.join(COLUMN_SEPARATOR)}" statement << " WHERE #{conditions_statement}" unless DataMapper::Ext.blank?(conditions_statement) return statement, bind_values end # Constructs DELETE statement for given query, # # @return [String] DELETE statement as a string # # @api private def delete_statement(query) model = query.model name = # TODO: DRY this up with update_statement conditions_statement, bind_values = if query.limit || query.links.any? subquery(query, model.key(name), false) else conditions_statement(query.conditions) end statement = "DELETE FROM #{quote_name(model.storage_name(name))}" statement << " WHERE #{conditions_statement}" unless DataMapper::Ext.blank?(conditions_statement) return statement, bind_values end # Constructs comma separated list of fields # # @return [String] # list of fields as a string # # @api private def columns_statement(properties, qualify) { |property| property_to_column_name(property, qualify) }.join(COLUMN_SEPARATOR) end # Constructs joins clause # # @return [String] # joins clause # # @api private def join_statement(query, bind_values, qualify) statements = [] join_bind_values = [] target_alias = query.model.storage_name(name) seen = { target_alias => 0 } query.links.reverse_each do |relationship| target_alias = relationship.target_model.storage_name(name) storage_name = relationship.source_model.storage_name(name) source_alias = storage_name statements << "INNER JOIN #{quote_name(storage_name)}" if seen.key?(source_alias) seen[source_alias] += 1 source_alias = "#{source_alias}_#{seen[source_alias]}" statements << quote_name(source_alias) else seen[source_alias] = 0 end statements << ON_KEYWORD add_join_conditions(relationship, target_alias, source_alias, statements) add_extra_join_conditions(relationship, target_alias, statements, join_bind_values) end # prepend the join bind values to the statement bind values bind_values.unshift(*join_bind_values) statements.join(SPACE) end def add_join_conditions(relationship, target_alias, source_alias, statements) statements << do |target_property, source_property| "#{property_to_column_name(target_property, target_alias)} = #{property_to_column_name(source_property, source_alias)}" end.join(AND_KEYWORD) end def add_extra_join_conditions(relationship, target_alias, statements, bind_values) conditions = DataMapper.repository(name).scope do relationship.target_model.all(relationship.query).query.conditions end return if conditions.nil? extra_statement, extra_bind_values = conditions_statement(conditions, target_alias) statements << "AND #{extra_statement}" bind_values.concat(extra_bind_values) end # Constructs where clause # # @return [String] # where clause # # @api private def conditions_statement(conditions, qualify = false) case conditions when Query::Conditions::NotOperation then negate_operation(conditions.operand, qualify) when Query::Conditions::AbstractOperation then operation_statement(conditions, qualify) when Query::Conditions::AbstractComparison then comparison_statement(conditions, qualify) when Array statement, bind_values = conditions # handle raw conditions [ "(#{statement})", bind_values ].compact end end # @api private def supports_subquery?(*) true end # @api private def subquery(query, subject, qualify) source_key, target_key = subquery_keys(subject) if == name && supports_subquery?(query, source_key, target_key, qualify) subquery_statement(query, source_key, target_key, qualify) else subquery_execute(query, source_key, target_key, qualify) end end # @api private def subquery_statement(query, source_key, target_key, qualify) query = subquery_query(query, source_key) select_statement, bind_values = select_statement(query) statement = if target_key.size == 1 property_to_column_name(target_key.first, qualify) else "(#{ { |property| property_to_column_name(property, qualify) }.join(COLUMN_SEPARATOR)})" end statement = "#{statement} IN (#{select_statement})" return statement, bind_values end # @api private def subquery_execute(query, source_key, target_key, qualify) query = subquery_query(query, source_key) sources = query.model.all(query) conditions = Query.target_conditions(sources, source_key, target_key) if conditions.valid? conditions_statement(conditions, qualify) else [ ONE_EQ_ZERO, [] ] end end # @api private def subquery_keys(subject) case subject when Associations::Relationship relationship = subject.inverse [ relationship.source_key, relationship.target_key ] when PropertySet [ subject, subject ] end end # @api private def subquery_query(query, source_key) # force unique to be false because PostgreSQL has a problem with # subselects that contain a GROUP BY with different columns # than the outer-most query query = query.merge(:fields => source_key, :unique => false) query.update(:order => nil) unless query.limit query end # Constructs order clause # # @return [String] # order clause # # @api private def order_statement(order, qualify) statements = do |direction| statement = property_to_column_name(, qualify) statement = "#{statement} DESC" if direction.operator == :desc statement end statements.join(COLUMN_SEPARATOR) end # @api private def negate_operation(operand, qualify) statement, bind_values = conditions_statement(operand, qualify) statement = "NOT(#{statement})" unless statement.nil? [ statement, bind_values ] end # @api private def operation_statement(operation, qualify) statements = [] bind_values = [] operation.each do |operand| statement, values = conditions_statement(operand, qualify) next unless statement statements << statement bind_values.concat(values) if values end statement = statements.join(" #{operation.slug.to_s.upcase} ") if statements.size > 1 statement = "(#{statement})" end return statement, bind_values end # Constructs comparison clause # # @return [String] # comparison clause # # @api private def comparison_statement(comparison, qualify) subject = comparison.subject value = comparison.value # TODO: move exclusive Range handling into another method, and # update conditions_statement to use it # break exclusive Range queries up into two comparisons ANDed together if value.kind_of?(Range) && value.exclude_end? operation =,, subject, value.first),, subject, value.last) ) statement, bind_values = conditions_statement(operation, qualify) return "(#{statement})", bind_values elsif comparison.relationship? if value.respond_to?(:query) && value.respond_to?(:loaded?) && !value.loaded? return subquery(value.query, subject, qualify) else return conditions_statement(comparison.foreign_key_mapping, qualify) end elsif comparison.slug == :in && !value.any? return [] # match everything end operator = comparison_operator(comparison) column_name = property_to_column_name(subject, qualify) # if operator return value contains ? then it means that it is function call # and it contains placeholder (%s) for property name as well (used in Oracle adapter for regexp operator) if operator.include?(QUESTION_MARK) return operator % column_name, [ value ] else return "#{column_name} #{operator} #{value.nil? ? NULL_KEYWORD : QUESTION_MARK}", [ value ].compact end end def comparison_operator(comparison) subject = comparison.subject value = comparison.value case comparison.slug when :eql then equality_operator(subject, value) when :in then include_operator(subject, value) when :regexp then regexp_operator(value) when :like then like_operator(value) when :gt then GT_OPERATOR when :lt then LT_OPERATOR when :gte then GTE_OPERATOR when :lte then LTE_OPERATOR end end # @api private def equality_operator(property, operand) operand.nil? ? IS_OPERATOR : EQ_OPERATOR end # @api private def include_operator(property, operand) case operand when Array then IN_OPERATOR when Range then BETWEEN_OPERATOR end end # @api private def regexp_operator(operand) REGEXP_OPERATOR end # @api private def like_operator(operand) LIKE_OPERATOR end # @api private def quote_name(name) "\"#{name[0, self.class::IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH].gsub(SINGLE_QUOTE,DOUBLE_QUOTE)}\"" end end include SQL end const_added(:DataObjectsAdapter) end end