Feature: html generation Lurker generates pretty info pages based on schema information and form which allow you to test live api. When testing your api ensure that CSRF protection is handled properly with `protect_from_forgery :null_session` @javascript Scenario: json schema gets generated into html preview using "users/create" Given an empty directory named "public/lurker" And a service file with: """yml --- name: Lurker Demo Application basePath: '' description: '' domains: '[Sandbox] Heroku': 'http://lurker-app.herokuapp.com' '[Real] razum2um.me': 'http://lurker.razum2um.me' consumes: - application/x-www-form-urlencoded - application/json """ And a file named "lurker/api/v1/users-POST.json.yml" with: """yml --- prefix: users management description: user creation requestParameters: properties: user: type: object properties: name: type: string example: Bob responseCodes: - status: 200 successful: true description: '' responseParameters: properties: id: type: integer example: 1 name: type: string example: Bob required: [] extensions: method: POST path_info: "/api/v1/users.json" path_params: controller: api/v1/users action: create """ When I successfully run `bin/lurker convert` Then the output should contain these lines: """ Converting lurker to html using lurker create public/lurker/index.html create public/lurker/api/v1/users-POST.html """ When I go to "/lurker" Then I should see "users management" When I click on "users management" Then I should see "user creation" When I click on "user creation" And I fill in the submit form field "name" with "Jim" Then I should see: """ curl -X POST -d 'user%5Bname%5D=Jim' """ And I submit lurk form Then I should see JSON response with "Jim" When I fill in the submit form field "name" with "" And I submit it Then I should see JSON response with "can't be blank" When I select "application/json" request media type And I fill in the submit form field "name" with "Jim" Then I should see: """ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"user":{"name":"Jim"}}' """ And I submit lurk form Then I should see JSON response with "Jim"