var vows = require("vows"), load = require("../load"), assert = require("../assert"); var suite = vows.describe("d3.rebind"); suite.addBatch({ "rebind": { topic: load("core/rebind").expression("d3.rebind"), "source function always has source as context": function(rebind) { var target = {}, source = {method: function() { that = this; }}, that; rebind(target, source, "method"); assert.strictEqual((target.method(), that), source); assert.strictEqual(({}), that), source); }, "source function receives target function's arguments": function(rebind) { var target = {}, source = {method: function() { those =; }}, those; rebind(target, source, "method"); assert.deepEqual((target.method(), those), []); assert.deepEqual((target.method(1), those), [1]); assert.deepEqual((target.method(null), those), [null]); assert.deepEqual((target.method(source, source, 1), those), [source, source, 1]); }, "target function returns target if source function returns source": function(rebind) { var target = {}, source = {method: function(value) { return value ? source : 42; }}; rebind(target, source, "method"); assert.strictEqual(target.method(true), target); }, "otherwise, target function returns source function return value": function(rebind) { var target = {}, source = {method: function(value) { return value ? source : 42; }}; rebind(target, source, "method"); assert.strictEqual(target.method(false), 42); }, "can bind multiple methods": function(rebind) { var target = {}, source = { foo: function() { return 1; }, bar: function() { return 2; } }; rebind(target, source, "foo", "bar"); assert.strictEqual(, 1); assert.strictEqual(, 2); }, "returns the target object": function(rebind) { var target = {}, source = {foo: function() {}}; assert.strictEqual(rebind(target, source, "foo"), target); } } }); suite.export(module);