module Katello module Resources module Candlepin class UpstreamConsumer < UpstreamCandlepinResource extend ConsumerResource class << self def path(id = upstream_consumer_id) super(id) end def ping resource.head rescue RestClient::Unauthorized, RestClient::Gone raise ::Katello::Errors::UpstreamConsumerGone end # Overrides the HttpResource get method to check if the upstream # consumer exists. def get(params) includes = params.key?(:include_only) ? "&" + included_list(params.delete(:include_only)) : "" JSON.parse(super(path + hash_to_query(params) + includes, self.default_headers).body) rescue RestClient::Gone raise ::Katello::Errors::UpstreamConsumerGone end def remove_entitlement(entitlement_id) fail ArgumentError, "No entitlement ID given to remove." if entitlement_id.blank? self["entitlements/#{entitlement_id}"].delete rescue RestClient::NotFound raise ::Katello::Errors::UpstreamEntitlementGone end def export(url, client_cert, client_key, ca_file) logger.debug "Sending GET request to upstream Candlepin: #{url}" return resource(url, client_cert, client_key, ca_file).get rescue RestClient::Exception => e raise e end def update(url, client_cert, client_key, ca_file, attributes) logger.debug "Sending POST request to upstream Candlepin: #{url} #{attributes.to_json}" return resource(url, client_cert, client_key, ca_file).put(attributes.to_json, 'accept' => 'application/json', 'accept-language' => I18n.locale, 'content-type' => 'application/json') end def bind_entitlement(**pool) JSON.parse(self['entitlements'].post(nil, params: pool)) end end end end end end