module PaperTrail def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Options: # :ignore an array of attributes for which a new +Version+ will not be created if only they change. # :meta a hash of extra data to store. You must add a column to the versions table for each key. # Values are objects or procs (which are called with +self+, i.e. the model with the paper # trail). def has_paper_trail(options = {}) send :include, InstanceMethods cattr_accessor :ignore self.ignore = (options[:ignore] || []).map &:to_s cattr_accessor :meta self.meta = options[:meta] || {} cattr_accessor :paper_trail_active self.paper_trail_active = true has_many :versions, :as => :item, :order => 'created_at ASC, id ASC' after_create :record_create before_update :record_update after_destroy :record_destroy end def paper_trail_off self.paper_trail_active = false end def paper_trail_on self.paper_trail_active = true end end module InstanceMethods def record_create if self.class.paper_trail_active versions.create merge_metadata(:event => 'create', :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit) end end def record_update if changed_and_we_care? and self.class.paper_trail_active merge_metadata(:event => 'update', :object => object_to_string(previous_version), :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit) end end def record_destroy if self.class.paper_trail_active versions.create merge_metadata(:event => 'destroy', :object => object_to_string(previous_version), :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit) end end # Returns the object (not a Version) as it was at the given timestamp. def version_at(timestamp) # Short-circuit if the current state is applicable. return self if self.updated_at <= timestamp # Look for the first version created after, rather than before, the # timestamp because a version stores how the object looked before the # change. version = versions.first :conditions => ['created_at > ?', timestamp], :order => 'created_at ASC' version.reify if version end private def merge_metadata(data) meta.each do |k,v| data[k] = v.respond_to?(:call) ? : v end data end def previous_version previous = self.clone = id changes.each do |attr, ary| previous.send "#{attr}=", ary.first end previous end def object_to_string(object) object.attributes.to_yaml end def changed_and_we_care? changed? and !(changed - self.class.ignore).empty? end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, PaperTrail