require "rubygems" require "uri" require "active_support" #-- # #++ class String # :nodoc: def underscore gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end end module Celerity # # Experimental - generate a method definition for accessing elements on the current page. # # Usage: # #, opts).parse # # class MethodGenerator ELEMENTS = %w[text_field select_list radio checkbox button].map { |e| e.to_sym } BUGGY_ELEMENTS = %w[radio checkbox].map { |e| e.to_sym } def initialize(ie, opts = {}) @ie = ie @opts = opts @browser = @opts[:browser] || '@ie' @docs = " # Fills in the page at #{@ie.url}\n #\n" @docs << " # Parameters:\n #\n" @doc_elements = [] @method = " def #{@opts[:method_name] || 'generated_method'}(opts = {})\n\n" end def parse ELEMENTS.each do |elem| @method << " # buggy!\n" if BUGGY_ELEMENTS.include?(elem) add_elements(elem) end add_elements(:link) if @opts[:include_links] @method << " end\n\n" # fix docs max = { |symbol, _| symbol.to_s.size }.max @doc_elements.each do |sym, desc| @docs << " # #{sym.to_s.ljust(max)} => #{desc}\n" end @docs << " #\n"*2 @docs + @method end private def add_elements(symbol) symbol = symbol.to_sym symbol_pluralized = symbol.to_s.pluralize.to_sym @ie.send(symbol_pluralized).each_with_index do |elem, idx| self.send("add_#{symbol}".to_sym, elem, idx) end @method << "\n" end def add_text_field(elem, idx) how, what = find_identifier(elem) || [:index, (idx + 1).to_s] @method << " #{@browser}.text_field(#{how.inspect}, #{what.inspect}).value = " symbol = (how == :index) ? ":text_field_#{what.underscore}" : ":#{what.underscore}" @method << "opts[#{symbol}]\n" @doc_elements << [symbol, "value for text field #{what.inspect}"] end def add_select_list(elem, idx) how, what = find_identifier(elem) || [:index, (idx + 1).to_s] @method << " #{@browser}.select_list(#{how.inspect}, #{what.inspect}).select(" symbol = (how == :index) ? ":select_list_#{what.underscore}" : ":#{what.underscore}" @method << "opts[#{symbol}])\n" @doc_elements << [symbol, "option to select for select list #{what.inspect}"] end def add_radio(elem, idx) how, what = find_identifier(elem) || [:index, (idx + 1).to_s] @method << " #{@browser}.radio(#{how.inspect}, #{what.inspect}, " if (value = elem.value).empty? symbol = (how == :index) ? ":radio_#{what.underscore}" : ":#{what.underscore}" else symbol = ":#{what.underscore}_#{value.underscore}" @method << "#{value.inspect}).set if opts[#{symbol}]\n" end @doc_elements << [symbol, "set the radio with id/value #{what.inspect}"] end def add_checkbox(elem, idx) how, what = find_identifier(elem) || [:index, (idx + 1).to_s] @method << " #{@browser}.checkbox(#{how.inspect}, #{what.inspect}, " symbol = (how == :index) ? ":checkbox_#{what.underscore}" : ":#{what.underscore}" @method << "#{elem.value.inspect}).set if opts[#{symbol}]\n" @doc_elements << [symbol, "set the checkbox with id/value #{what.inspect}"] end def add_button(elem, idx) how, what = find_identifier(elem) || [:index, (idx + 1).to_s] @method << " #{@browser}.button(#{how.inspect}, #{what.inspect}).click\n" end def add_link(elem, idx) if (href = elem.href) =~ /javascript/ how, what = :index, (idx + 1).to_s else how = :url begin uri = URI.parse(href) what =*#{}\//, ''))) rescue URI::InvalidURIError what = href end end @method << " #{@browser}.link(#{how.inspect}, #{what.inspect}).click\n" end def find_identifier(element) # could use ATTRIBUTES if they were 'weighted' somehow? attrs = element.class::ATTRIBUTES [:id, :name].each do |attribute| return [attribute, element.send(attribute)] if attrs.include?(attribute) && !element.send(attribute).empty? end nil end end # MethodGenerator class Browser # # Experimental - generate a method definition for accessing elements on the current page # Not loaded by default - need to require 'celerity/extra/method_generator' # def generate_method(opts = {}), opts).parse end end # Browser end # Celerity # if __FILE__ == $0 # require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec/spec_helper" # $stdout.sync = true # @ie = # @ie.goto(HTML_DIR + "/forms_with_input_elements.html") # # puts # @ie.goto(HTML_DIR + "/forms3.html") # puts # end