module Fae module ApplicationHelper def form_header(name) name ='::').last unless name.is_a? String form_title = "#{params[:action]} #{name}".titleize form_title = form_title.singularize if params[:action] == 'edit' content_tag :h1, form_title end def markdown_helper(links: true, formatting: true, emphasis: true, headers: true, list: true, paragraph: true) helper = "
To link text, place a [bracket] around the link title and use a (/url) to house the url.
Internal Link: [link to about](/about)
External link: [link to about](
Emphasize text in a variety of ways by placing **asterisks** to bold, _underscores_ to italicize.
Bold **bold**
Italicize _italic_
Use up to six hashtags to identify the importance of the section header.
Page Header: # Page Header
Sub Header: ## Sub Header
Format lists by swapping out the characters that lead the list item.
Bulleted List:
* bullet
* bullet 2
Numbered List:
1. line item
2. line item
Adding a blank line in between your paragraphs makes a paragraph break.
" if paragraph helper.html_safe end def require_locals(local_array, local_assigns) local_array.each do |loc| raise "#{loc} is a required local, please define it when you render this partial" unless local_assigns[loc.to_sym].present? end end def col_name_or_image(item, attribute) value = item.send(attribute) return if value.blank? # if item is an image if == 'Fae::Image' image_tag(value.asset.thumb.url) # if item's attribute is an association elsif item.class.reflections.include?(attribute) value.try(:fae_display_field) # if item is a date or a time adjust to timezone elsif value.is_a?(Date) fae_date_format(value) elsif value.is_a?(Time) fae_datetime_format(value) else # otherwise it's an attribute so display it's value value end end def fae_scope fae.root_path.gsub('/', '') end def page_title if @page_title.present? @page_title else default_page_title end end def body_class @body_class.present? ? @body_class : "#{controller_name} #{action_name}" end def change_item_link(change) text = "#{change.changeable_type}: " if change.changeable_type.exclude?('Fae') && change.changeable_type.exclude?('Page') && (!ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists? change.changeable_type.tableize) return "#{change.changeable_type}: model destroyed" else text += change.try(:changeable).try(:fae_display_field) || "##{change.changeable_id}" begin return link_to text, fae.edit_content_block_path(change.changeable.slug) if change.changeable_type == 'Fae::StaticPage' parent = change.changeable.respond_to?(:fae_parent) ? change.changeable.fae_parent : nil edit_path = edit_polymorphic_path([main_app, fae_scope, parent, change.changeable]) return link_to text, edit_path rescue return text end end end private def nav_path_current?(path) current_page?(path) || path[1..-1].classify == params[:controller].classify end def default_page_title pieces = [@option.title] pieces << page_title_piece pieces.join ' | ' end def page_title_piece return @page_title_piece if @page_title_piece.present? action = params[:action].humanize.titleize unless params[:action] == 'index' controller = controller_title unless params[:controller] == 'fae/pages' controller = controller.singularize if params[:action] == 'new' || params[:action] == 'edit' "#{action} #{controller}".strip end def controller_title params[:controller].gsub(/fae\/|#{fae_scope}\//, '').humanize.titleize end def tr_id(item) "#{'/', '_').pluralize}_#{}" end end end