From: <%= mail[:from]%> To: <%= mail[:to].kind_of?(Array)? mail[:to].join(";") : mail[:to]%> Subject: UPDATED resource request for project <%= info[:app_info].project %> from <%= info[:from] %> Dear <%= info[:name] %> : The resource request for project [<%= info[:app_info].project %>] has been [UPDATED] by [<%= info[:from]%>] at [<%= info[:time]%>]. The application id is [<%= info[:app_info].id%>]. <% unless info[:change_set].empty?%> The change set is as below : <% info[:change_set].each do |change|%> <%= change[:key]%> : <%= change[:from]%> ==> <%= change[:to]%> <% end %> <% end %> The comment is : <%= info[:comments] %> You can review or apply the settings from <%= info[:application_link]%> Thanks! OCP registry (This email is auto-sent by system, please don't reply this mail)