Given /httpthumbnailer log is empty/ do (support_dir + 'server.log').truncate(0) end Given /httpthumbnailer server is running at (.*)/ do |url| start_server( "bundle exec #{script('httpthumbnailer')}", '/tmp/', support_dir + 'server.log', url ) end Given /(.*) file content as request body/ do |file| @request_body = + file){|f| } end When /I do (.*) request (.*)/ do |method, url| @response =, url, nil, @request_body) end Then /I will get multipart response/ do @response.header['Content-Type'].first.should match /^multipart/ @response_multipart =['Content-Type'].last, @response.body) end Then /response body will be CRLF endend lines like/ do |body| @response.body.should match(body) @response.body.each do |line| line[-2,2].should == "\r\n" end end Then /response body will be CRLF endend lines$/ do |body| @response.body.should == body.gsub("\n", "\r\n") + "\r\n" end Then /response status will be (.*)/ do |status| @response.status.should == status.to_i end Then /response content type will be (.*)/ do |content_type| @response.header['Content-Type'].first.should == content_type end Then /(.*) part mime type will be (.*)/ do |part, mime| @response_multipart.part[part_no(part)].header['Content-Type'].should == mime end Then /(.*) part content type will be (.*)/ do |part, content_type| @response_multipart.part[part_no(part)].header['Content-Type'].should == content_type end Then /(.*) part body will be CRLF endend lines$/ do |part, body| @response_multipart.part[part_no(part)].body.should == body.gsub("\n", "\r\n") + "\r\n" end Then /(.*) part body will be CRLF endend lines like$/ do |part, body| pbody = @response_multipart.part[part_no(part)].body pbody.should match(body) pbody.each do |line| line[-2,2].should == "\r\n" end end Then /(.*) part will contain (.*) image of size (.*)x(.*)/ do |part, format, width, height| mime = @response_multipart.part[part_no(part)].header['Content-Type'] data = @response_multipart.part[part_no(part)].body fail("expecte image got #{mime}: #{data}") unless mime =~ /^image\// @image.destroy! if @image @image = Magick::Image.from_blob(data).first @image.format.should == format @image.columns.should == width.to_i @image.rows.should == height.to_i end And /(.*) part body will be saved as (.*) for human inspection/ do |part, file| data = @response_multipart.part[part_no(part)].body (support_dir + file).open('w'){|f| f.write(data)} end And /that image pixel at (.*)x(.*) will be of color (.*)/ do |x, y, color| @image.pixel_color(x.to_i, y.to_i).to_color.sub(/^#/, '0x').should == color end And /there will be no leaked images/ do"http://localhost:3100/stats/images").to_i.should == 0 end