2.1. Windows

This section describes how to install Groonga on Windows. You can install Groogna by extracting a zip package or running an installer.

We distribute both 32-bit and 64-bit packages but we strongly recommend a 64-bit package for server. You should use a 32-bit package just only for tests or development. You will encounter an out of memory error with a 32-bit package even if you just process medium size data.

2.1.1. Installer

For 32-bit environment, download x86 executable binary from packages.groonga.org:

Then run it.

For 64-bit environment, download x64 executable binary from packages.goronga.org:

Then run it.

Use command prompt in start menu to run groonga executable file.

2.1.2. zip

For 32-bit environment, download x86 zip archive from packages.groonga.org:

Then extract it.

For 64-bit environment, download x64 zip archive from packages.groonga.org:

Then extract it.

You can find groonga executable file in bin folder.

2.1.3. Build from source

First, you need to install required tools for building Groonga on Windows. Here are required tools:

Download zipped source from packages.groonga.org:

Then extract it.

Move to the Groonga's source folder:

> cd c:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\groonga-6.0.5

Configure by cmake. The following commnad line is for 64-bit version. To build 32-bit version, use -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" parameter instead:

groonga-6.0.5> cmake . -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\Groonga


groonga-6.0.5> cmake --build . --config Release


groonga-6.0.5> cmake --build . --config Release --target Install

After the above steps, groonga executable file is found at c:\Groonga\bin\groonga.exe.