module CassandraObject module Persistence extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def remove(id) execute_cql "DELETE FROM #{column_family} WHERE KEY = ?", id end def delete_all execute_cql "TRUNCATE #{column_family}" end def create(attributes = {}) new(attributes).tap do |object| end end def write(id, attributes) if (encoded = encode_attributes(attributes)).any? insert_attributes = {'KEY' => id}.update encode_attributes(attributes) statement = "INSERT INTO #{column_family} (#{insert_attributes.keys * ','}) VALUES (#{, '?') * ','})" execute_cql statement, *insert_attributes.values end if (nil_attributes = { |key, value| value.nil? }).any? execute_cql "DELETE #{nil_attributes.keys * ','} FROM #{column_family} WHERE KEY = ?", id end end def instantiate(id, attributes) allocate.tap do |object| object.instance_variable_set("@id", id) if id object.instance_variable_set("@new_record", false) object.instance_variable_set("@destroyed", false) object.instance_variable_set("@attributes", typecast_attributes(object, attributes)) end end def encode_attributes(attributes) encoded = {} attributes.each do |column_name, value| # The ruby thrift gem expects all strings to be encoded as ascii-8bit. unless value.nil? encoded[column_name.to_s] = attribute_definitions[column_name.to_sym].coder.encode(value) end end encoded end def typecast_attributes(object, attributes) attributes = attributes.symbolize_keys Hash[ { |k, attribute_definition| [k.to_s, attribute_definition.instantiate(object, attributes[k])] }] end end def new_record? @new_record end def destroyed? @destroyed end def persisted? !(new_record? || destroyed?) end def save(*) new_record? ? create : update end def destroy self.class.remove(id) @destroyed = true freeze end def update_attribute(name, value) name = name.to_s send("#{name}=", value) save(validate: false) end def update_attributes(attributes) self.attributes = attributes save end def update_attributes!(attributes) self.attributes = attributes save! end def reload @attributes.update(self.class.find(id).instance_variable_get('@attributes')) end private def update write end def create @new_record = false write end def write changed_attributes = Hash[ { |attr| [attr, read_attribute(attr)] }] self.class.write(id, changed_attributes) end end end