# Formatted Form Author: [The Working Group](http://www.theworkinggroup.ca) --- ## What is it? A Rails form builder to simplify your forms and keep your views clean. ## Install ### 1. Add the gem definition to your Gemfile: config.gem 'form_builder' ### 2. From within your Rails project run: bundle install ### 3. Generate the javascript file rails g formatted_form:javascripts This will create `public/javascripts/formatted_form.js` and you should load it using: javascript_include_tag 'formatted_form' ### 4. (Optionaly) generate the stylesshet (SASS) file rails g formatted_form:stylesheets This will create `app/views/stylesheets/formatted_form.sass` and you can move it to wherever you keep your SASS files and load it using: stylesheet_link_tag 'formatted_form' ## Usage (with haml) = formatted_form_for @session_user, :url => login_path do |f| = f.text_field :email, :label => 'Email address' = f.password_field :password = f.check_box :remember_me, :label => 'Remember me when I come back' = f.submit 'Log In', :change_to_text => 'Logging you in ...', :image => true