Brochure ======== A Rack application for serving static sites with ERB templates (or any of the many [template languages supported by Tilt]( Sample application structure: templates/ help/ index.html.erb index.html.erb shared/ _header.html.erb _footer.html.erb signup.html.erb public/ ... Sample ``: require "brochure" ROOT = File.dirname(__FILE__) run ## Templates and URL mapping URLs are automatically mapped to template names: * `/` → `templates/index.html.erb` * `/signup` → `templates/signup.html.erb` * `/help/` → `templates/help/index.html.erb` Templates can render partials. A partial is denoted by a leading underscore in its filename. So `<%= render "shared/header" %>` will render `templates/shared/_header.html.erb` inline. Templates have access to the Rack environment via the `env` method and to the Brochure application via the `application` method. ## Helper methods and instance variables You can make additional helper methods and instance variables available to your templates. Helper methods live in Ruby modules and can be included with the `:helpers` option to ``: module AssetHelper def asset_path(filename) local_path = File.join(application.asset_root, filename) if File.file?(local_path) cache_buster = "?#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(}" else cache_buster = "" end "#{filename}#{cache_buster}" end end run, :helpers => [AssetHelper]) Similarly, instance variables can be defined with the `:assigns` option: run, :assigns => { :domain => "" }) # Installation $ gem install brochure Requires [Hike](, [Rack](, and [Tilt]( # License Copyright (c) 2010 Sam Stephenson and Josh Peek. Released under the MIT license. See `LICENSE` for details.