require 'spec_helper' describe XCJobs::Xcodebuild do before(:each) do @commands = [] allow_any_instance_of(FileUtils).to receive(:sh) do |object, command| @commands << command end allow_any_instance_of(XCJobs::Xcodebuild).to receive(:run) do |object, command| @commands << command.join(' ') end Rake.application = rake end let(:rake) { } let(:destinations) do ['name=iPhone 6,OS=8.1', 'name=iPhone 6 Plus,OS=8.1', 'name=iPad 2,OS=7.1', 'name=iPad Air,OS=8.1'] end describe XCJobs::Test do context 'when a scheme is not specified' do subject do do |t| t.project = 'Example.xcodeproj' end end it 'fails' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'test action requires specifying a scheme') end end context 'when both scheme and targets specified' do subject do do |t| t.project = 'Example.xcodeproj' t.scheme = 'Example' = 'Example' end end it 'fails' do expect { subject.invoke }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'cannot specify both a scheme and targets') end end context 'When no file extension (project)' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.project = 'Project' t.scheme = 'Scheme' end end it 'Automatically complemented' do expect(task.project).to eq 'Project.xcodeproj' end end context 'When no file extension (workspace)' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.workspace = 'Workspace' t.scheme = 'Scheme' end end it 'Automatically complemented' do expect(task.workspace).to eq 'Workspace.xcworkspace' end end describe 'test project with simulator' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.project = 'Example.xcodeproj' t.scheme = 'Example' t.configuration = 'Debug' destinations.each do |destination| t.add_destination(destination) end end end it 'configures the project' do expect(task.project).to eq 'Example.xcodeproj' end it 'configures the scheme' do expect(task.scheme).to eq 'Example' end it 'configures the build configuration' do expect(task.configuration).to eq 'Debug' end describe 'tasks' do describe 'test' do subject { Rake.application['test'] } it 'executes the appropriate commands' do subject.invoke expect(@commands).to eq ['xcodebuild test -project Example.xcodeproj -scheme Example -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Debug -destination name=iPhone 6,OS=8.1 -destination name=iPhone 6 Plus,OS=8.1 -destination name=iPad 2,OS=7.1 -destination name=iPad Air,OS=8.1 CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN=NO'] end end end end describe 'test workspace with simulator' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.workspace = 'Example.xcworkspace' t.scheme = 'Example' t.configuration = 'Debug' destinations.each do |destination| t.add_destination(destination) end end end it 'configures the workspace' do expect(task.workspace).to eq 'Example.xcworkspace' end it 'configures the scheme' do expect(task.scheme).to eq 'Example' end it 'configures the build configuration' do expect(task.configuration).to eq 'Debug' end it 'configures destinations' do expect(task.destinations).to eq destinations end describe 'tasks' do describe 'test' do subject { Rake.application['test'] } it 'executes the appropriate commands' do subject.invoke expect(@commands).to eq ['xcodebuild test -workspace Example.xcworkspace -scheme Example -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Debug -destination name=iPhone 6,OS=8.1 -destination name=iPhone 6 Plus,OS=8.1 -destination name=iPad 2,OS=7.1 -destination name=iPad Air,OS=8.1 CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN=NO'] end end end end describe 'test project with device' do let(:destination) { 'platform=iOS,id=8d18c8c4d1a6988ac4a70d370bfcbe99fef3f7b5' } let!(:task) do do |t| t.project = 'Example.xcodeproj' t.scheme = 'Example' t.configuration = 'Debug' t.sdk = 'iphoneos' t.add_destination(destination) end end it 'configures the project' do expect(task.project).to eq 'Example.xcodeproj' end it 'configures the scheme' do expect(task.scheme).to eq 'Example' end it 'configures the build configuration' do expect(task.configuration).to eq 'Debug' end it 'configures the sdk' do expect(task.sdk).to eq 'iphoneos' end it 'configures destinations' do expect(task.destinations).to eq [destination] end describe 'tasks' do describe 'test' do subject { Rake.application['test'] } it 'executes the appropriate commands' do subject.invoke expect(@commands).to eq ['xcodebuild test -project Example.xcodeproj -scheme Example -sdk iphoneos -configuration Debug -destination platform=iOS,id=8d18c8c4d1a6988ac4a70d370bfcbe99fef3f7b5 GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN=NO'] end end end end end describe XCJobs::Build do context 'when specifying build_dir' do subject do do |t| t.project = 'Example.xcodeproj' t.build_dir = 'build' end end it 'fails' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'the scheme is required when specifying build_dir') end end context 'when both scheme and targets specified' do subject do do |t| t.project = 'Example.xcodeproj' t.scheme = 'Example' = 'Example' end end it 'fails' do expect { subject.invoke }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'cannot specify both a scheme and targets') end end context 'When no file extension (project)' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.project = 'Project' t.scheme = 'Scheme' end end it 'Automatically complemented' do expect(task.project).to eq 'Project.xcodeproj' end end context 'When no file extension (workspace)' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.workspace = 'Workspace' t.scheme = 'Scheme' end end it 'Automatically complemented' do expect(task.workspace).to eq 'Workspace.xcworkspace' end end describe 'simple task with a project' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.project = 'Example.xcodeproj' = 'Example' t.configuration = 'Release' end end it 'configures the project' do expect(task.project).to eq 'Example.xcodeproj' end it 'configures the target' do expect( eq 'Example' end it 'configures the build configuration' do expect(task.configuration).to eq 'Release' end describe 'tasks' do describe 'build' do subject { Rake.application['build'] } it 'executes the appropriate commands' do subject.invoke expect(@commands).to eq ['xcodebuild build -project Example.xcodeproj -target Example -configuration Release'] end end end end describe 'simple task with a workspace' do let(:signing_identity) { 'iPhone Developer: Katsumi Kishikawa (9NXEJ2L8Q6)' } let!(:task) do do |t| t.workspace = 'Example.xcworkspace' t.scheme = 'Example' t.configuration = 'Debug' t.signing_identity = signing_identity unless ENV['CI'] t.provisioning_profile = './spec/profiles/development.mobileprovision' end t.build_dir = 'build' end end it 'configures the workspace' do expect(task.workspace).to eq 'Example.xcworkspace' end it 'configures the scheme' do expect(task.scheme).to eq 'Example' end it 'configures the build configuration' do expect(task.configuration).to eq 'Debug' end it 'configures the code signing identity' do expect(task.signing_identity).to eq signing_identity end it 'configures the build directory' do expect(task.build_dir).to eq('build') end describe 'tasks' do describe 'build' do subject { Rake.application['build'] } it 'executes the appropriate commands' do subject.invoke if ENV['CI'] expect(@commands).to eq ['xcodebuild build -workspace Example.xcworkspace -scheme Example -configuration Debug -derivedDataPath build CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR=build/temp CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=iPhone Developer: Katsumi Kishikawa (9NXEJ2L8Q6)'] else expect(@commands).to eq ['xcodebuild build -workspace Example.xcworkspace -scheme Example -configuration Debug -derivedDataPath build CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR=build/temp CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=iPhone Developer: Katsumi Kishikawa (9NXEJ2L8Q6) PROVISIONING_PROFILE=a55e7d27-6196-4994-ab9d-871d5d56b3fd'] end end end end end end describe XCJobs::Archive do context 'when a scheme is not specified' do subject do do |t| t.project = 'Example.xcodeproj' end end it 'fails' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'archive action requires specifying a scheme') end end context 'when both scheme and targets specified' do subject do do |t| t.project = 'Example.xcodeproj' t.scheme = 'Example' = 'Example' end end it 'fails' do expect { subject.invoke }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'cannot specify both a scheme and targets') end end describe 'simple task with a project' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.project = 'Example.xcodeproj' t.scheme = 'Example' t.configuration = 'Release' t.build_dir = 'build' end end it 'configures the project' do expect(task.project).to eq 'Example.xcodeproj' end it 'configures the target' do expect(task.scheme).to eq 'Example' end it 'configures the build configuration' do expect(task.configuration).to eq 'Release' end it 'configures the build directory' do expect(task.build_dir).to eq('build') end describe 'tasks' do describe 'build:archive' do subject { Rake.application['build:archive'] } it 'executes the appropriate commands' do subject.invoke expect(@commands).to eq [ 'xcodebuild archive -project Example.xcodeproj -scheme Example -configuration Release -derivedDataPath build CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR=build/temp -archivePath build/Example', '(cd build; zip -ryq Example.xcarchive/dSYMs)', '(cd build; zip -ryq Example.xcarchive)', ] end end end end describe 'archive task with a workspace' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.workspace = 'Example.xcworkspace' t.scheme = 'Example' t.configuration = 'Release' t.signing_identity = 'iPhone Distribution: kishikawa katsumi' unless ENV['CI'] t.provisioning_profile = 'spec/profiles/distribution.mobileprovision' end t.build_dir = 'build' end end it 'configures the workspace' do expect(task.workspace).to eq('Example.xcworkspace') end it 'configures the scheme' do expect(task.scheme).to eq('Example') end it 'configures the build configuration' do expect(task.configuration).to eq('Release') end it 'configures the code signing identity' do expect(task.signing_identity).to eq('iPhone Distribution: kishikawa katsumi') end unless ENV['CI'] it 'configures the provisioning profile' do expect(task.provisioning_profile).to eq('spec/profiles/distribution.mobileprovision') end it 'configures the provisioning profile name' do expect(task.provisioning_profile_name).to eq('Distribution Provisioning Profile') end it 'configures the provisioning profile UUID' do expect(task.provisioning_profile_uuid).to eq('5d09b88d-ff09-43aa-a6fd-3907f98fe467') end end it 'configures the build directory' do expect(task.build_dir).to eq('build') end describe 'tasks' do describe 'build:archive' do subject { Rake.application['build:archive'] } it 'executes the appropriate commands' do subject.invoke if ENV['CI'] expect(@commands).to eq [ 'xcodebuild archive -workspace Example.xcworkspace -scheme Example -configuration Release -derivedDataPath build CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR=build/temp CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=iPhone Distribution: kishikawa katsumi -archivePath build/Example', '(cd build; zip -ryq Example.xcarchive/dSYMs)', '(cd build; zip -ryq Example.xcarchive)', ] else expect(@commands).to eq [ 'xcodebuild archive -workspace Example.xcworkspace -scheme Example -configuration Release -derivedDataPath build CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR=build/temp CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=iPhone Distribution: kishikawa katsumi PROVISIONING_PROFILE=5d09b88d-ff09-43aa-a6fd-3907f98fe467 -archivePath build/Example', '(cd build; zip -ryq Example.xcarchive/dSYMs)', '(cd build; zip -ryq Example.xcarchive)', ] end end end end end end describe XCJobs::Export do describe 'export task for IPA' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.archive_path = 'build/Example' t.export_format = 'IPA' t.export_path = 'build/Example.ipa' if ENV['CI'] t.export_provisioning_profile = 'Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile' else t.export_provisioning_profile = './spec/profiles/adhoc.mobileprovision' end t.export_signing_identity = 'iPhone Distribution: kishikawa katsumi' end end it 'configures the archive path' do expect(task.archive_path).to eq 'build/Example' end it 'configures the export format' do expect(task.export_format).to eq 'IPA' end it 'configures the export path' do expect(task.export_path).to eq 'build/Example.ipa' end it 'configures the export provisioning profile' do expect(task.export_provisioning_profile).to eq 'Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile' end it 'configures the export signing identity' do expect(task.export_signing_identity).to eq 'iPhone Distribution: kishikawa katsumi' end describe 'tasks' do describe 'export' do subject { Rake.application['build:export'] } it 'executes the appropriate commands' do subject.invoke expect(@commands).to eq ['xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath build/Example -exportFormat IPA -exportPath build/Example.ipa -exportProvisioningProfile Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile -exportSigningIdentity iPhone Distribution: kishikawa katsumi'] end end end end describe 'export task for IPA' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.archive_path = 'build/Example' t.export_format = 'IPA' t.export_path = 'build/Example.ipa' t.export_provisioning_profile = 'Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile' t.export_signing_identity = 'iPhone Distribution: kishikawa katsumi' end end it 'configures the archive path' do expect(task.archive_path).to eq 'build/Example' end it 'configures the export format' do expect(task.export_format).to eq 'IPA' end it 'configures the export path' do expect(task.export_path).to eq 'build/Example.ipa' end it 'configures the export provisioning profile' do expect(task.export_provisioning_profile).to eq 'Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile' end it 'configures the export signing identity' do expect(task.export_signing_identity).to eq 'iPhone Distribution: kishikawa katsumi' end describe 'tasks' do describe 'export' do subject { Rake.application['build:export'] } it 'executes the appropriate commands' do subject.invoke expect(@commands).to eq ['xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath build/Example -exportFormat IPA -exportPath build/Example.ipa -exportProvisioningProfile Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile -exportSigningIdentity iPhone Distribution: kishikawa katsumi'] end end end end describe 'export task for PKG' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.archive_path = 'build/Example' t.export_format = 'PKG' t.export_path = 'build/Example.pkg' t.export_signing_identity = 'Developer ID Application' t.export_installer_identity = 'Developer ID Installer' end end it 'configures the archive path' do expect(task.archive_path).to eq 'build/Example' end it 'configures the export format' do expect(task.export_format).to eq 'PKG' end it 'configures the export path' do expect(task.export_path).to eq 'build/Example.pkg' end it 'configures the export signing identity' do expect(task.export_signing_identity).to eq 'Developer ID Application' end it 'configures the export installer identity' do expect(task.export_installer_identity).to eq 'Developer ID Installer' end describe 'tasks' do describe 'export' do subject { Rake.application['build:export'] } it 'executes the appropriate commands' do subject.invoke expect(@commands).to eq ['xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath build/Example -exportFormat PKG -exportPath build/Example.pkg -exportSigningIdentity Developer ID Application -exportInstallerIdentity Developer ID Installer'] end end end end end end