# frozen_string_literal: true require "strscan" # Processing content follows these stages: # # string - Text with tags. like this: "some {{cms:fragment content}} text" # tokenization - Splits string into a list of strings and hashes that define tags # Example: ["some ", {tag_class: "fragment", tag_params: ""}, " text"] # nodefying - Initializes Tag instances from tag hashes and returns list # like this: ["some ", (FragmentTagInstance), " text"] # rendering - Recursively iterates through nodes. Tag instances get their # `render` method called. Result of that is tokenized, nodefied # and rendered once again until there are no tags to expand. # Resulting list is flattened and joined into a final rendered string. # class ComfortableMexicanSofa::Content::Renderer class SyntaxError < StandardError; end class Error < StandardError; end MAX_DEPTH = 100 # tags are in this format: {{ cms:tag_class params }} TAG_REGEX = %r{\{\{\s*?cms:(?\w+)(?.*?)\}\}} class << self # @return [Hash>] def tags @tags ||= {} end # @param [String] name # @param [Class] klass def register_tag(name, klass) tags[name.to_s] = klass end end # @param [Comfy::Cms::WithFragments, nil] context def initialize(context) @context = context @depth = 0 end # This is how we render content out. Takes context (cms page) and content # nodes # @param [Array] # @param [Boolean] allow_erb def render(nodes, allow_erb = ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.allow_erb) if (@depth += 1) > MAX_DEPTH raise Error, "Deep tag nesting or recursive nesting detected" end nodes.map do |node| case node when String sanitize_erb(node, allow_erb) else tokens = tokenize(node.render) nodes = nodes(tokens) render(nodes, allow_erb || node.allow_erb?) end end.flatten.join end def sanitize_erb(string, allow_erb) if allow_erb string.to_s else string.to_s.gsub("<%", "<%").gsub("%>", "%>") end end # Splitting text with tags into tokens we can process down the line # @return [Array String}>] def tokenize(string) tokens = [] ss = StringScanner.new(string.to_s) while (string = ss.scan_until(TAG_REGEX)) text = string.sub(ss[0], "") tokens << text unless text.empty? tokens << { tag_class: ss[:class], tag_params: ss[:params].strip, source: ss[0] } end text = ss.rest tokens << text if text.present? tokens end # Constructing node tree for content. It's a list of strings and tags with # their own `nodes` method that has array of strings and tags with their own # `nodes` method that... you get the idea. # @param [Array String}>] tokens # @return [Array] def nodes(tokens) nodes = [[]] tokens.each do |token| case token # tag signature when Hash case tag_class = token[:tag_class] # This handles {{cms:end}} tag. Stopping collecting block nodes. when "end" if nodes.count == 1 raise SyntaxError, "closing unopened block" end nodes.pop else # @type [Class] klass = self.class.tags[tag_class] || raise(SyntaxError, "Unrecognized tag: #{token[:source]}") # @type [ComfortableMexicanSofa::Content::Tag] tag = klass.new( context: @context, params: ComfortableMexicanSofa::Content::ParamsParser.new(token[:tag_params]).params, source: token[:source] ) nodes.last << tag # If it's a block tag we start collecting nodes into it if tag.is_a?(ComfortableMexicanSofa::Content::Block) nodes << tag.nodes end end # text else nodes.last << token end end if nodes.count > 1 raise SyntaxError, "unclosed block detected" end nodes.flatten end end