Pending jobs on <%= params[:id] %>
<%= form_tag(clear_queue_path(params[:id]), :method => :put) do %>
<%= submit_tag "Clear Pending Jobs", :class => 'btn btn-danger', :data => { :confirm => "Are you absolutely sure? This cannot be undone." } %>
<% end %>
<%= form_tag(queue_path(params[:id]), :method => :delete, :class => 'remove-queue') do %>
<%= submit_tag "Remove Queue", :class => 'btn btn-danger', :data => { :confirm => "Are you absolutely sure? This cannot be undone." } %>
<% end %>
Showing <%= queue_start_at %> to <%= queue_end_at %> of <%= queue_size %> jobs
Class |
Args |
<% queue_jobs.each do |job| %>
<%= job['class'] %> |
<%=h job['args'].inspect %> |
<% end %>
<% if queue_jobs.empty? %>
There are no pending jobs in this queue |
<% end %>
<%= pagination :start => queue_start_at, :total => queue_size %>