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In other words, it is a framework for [Integration Contract Testing](http://martinfowler.com/bliki/IntegrationContractTest.html), and helps guide service evolution patterns like [Consumer-Driven Contracts](http://thoughtworks.github.io/pacto/patterns/cdc/) or [Documentation-Driven Contracts](http://thoughtworks.github.io/pacto/patterns/documentation_driven/). Pacto considers two major terms in order decide if there has been a breach of contract: the **request clause** and the **response clause**. The **request clause** defines what information must be sent by the **consumer** to the **provider** in order to compel them to render a service. The request clause often describes the required HTTP request headers like `Content-Type`, the required parameters, and the required request body (defined in [json-schema](http://json-schema.org/)) when applicable. Providers are not held liable for failing to deliver services for invalid requests. The **response clause** defines what information must be returned by the **provider** to the **consumer** in order to successfully complete the transaction. This commonly includes HTTP response headers like `Location` as well as the required response body (also defined in [json-schema](http://json-schema.org/)). ## Test Doubles The consumer may also enter into an agreement with **test doubles** like [WebMock](http://robots.thoughtbot.com/how-to-stub-external-services-in-tests), [vcr](https://github.com/vcr/vcr) or [mountebank](http://www.mbtest.org/). The services delivered by the **test doubles** for the purposes of development and testing will be held to the same conditions as the service the final services rendered by the parent **provider**. This prevents misrepresentation of sample services as realistic, leading to damages during late integration. Pacto can provide a [**test double**](#stubbing) if you cannot afford your own. ## Due Diligence Pacto usually makes it clear if the **consumer** or **provider** is at fault, but if a contract is too vague Pacto cannot assign blame, and if it is too specific the matter may become litigious. Pacto can provide a [**contract writer**](#generating) that tries to strike a balance, but you may still need to adjust the terms. ## Implied Terms - Pacto only arbitrates contracts for JSON services. - Pacto requires Ruby 1.9.3 or newer, though you can use [Polyglot Testing](http://thoughtworks.github.io/pacto/patterns/polyglot/) techniques to support older Rubies and non-Ruby projects. ## Roadmap - The **test double** provided by Pacto is only semi-competent. It handles simple cases, but we expect to find a more capable replacement in the near future. - Pacto will provide additional Contract Writers for converting from apiblueprint, WADL, or other documentation formats in the future. It's part of our goal to support [Documentation-Driven Contracts](http://thoughtworks.github.io/pacto/patterns/documentation_driven/) - Pacto reserves the right to consider other clauses in the future, like security and compliance to industry specifications. ## Usage **See also: http://thoughtworks.github.io/pacto/usage/** Pacto can perform three activities: generating, validating, or stubbing services. You can do each of these activities against either live or stubbed services. ### Configuration In order to start with Pacto, you just need to require it and optionally customize the default [Configuration](https://www.relishapp.com/maxlinc/pacto/docs/configuration). For example: ```ruby require 'pacto' Pacto.configure do |config| config.contracts_path = 'contracts' end ``` ### Generating The easiest way to get started with Pacto is to run a suite of live tests and tell Pacto to generate the contracts: ```ruby Pacto.generate! # run your tests ``` If you're using the same configuration as above, this will produce Contracts in the contracts/ folder. We know we cannot generate perfect Contracts, especially if we only have one sample request. So we do our best to give you a good starting point, but you will likely want to customize the contract so the validation is more strict in some places and less strict in others. ### Contract Lists In order to stub or validate or stub a group of contracts you need to create a ContractList. A ContractList represent a collection of endpoints attached to the same host. ```ruby require 'pacto' default_contracts = Pacto.load_contracts('contracts/services', 'http://example.com') authentication_contracts = Pacto.load_contracts('contracts/auth', 'http://example.com') legacy_contracts = Pacto.load_contracts('contracts/legacy', 'http://example.com') ``` ### Validating Once you have a ContractList, you can validate all the contracts against the live host. ```ruby contracts = Pacto.load_contracts('contracts/services', 'http://example.com') contracts.validate_all ``` This method will hit the real endpoint, with a request created based on the request part of the contract. The response will be compared against the response part of the contract and any structural difference will generate a validation error. Running this in your build pipeline will ensure that your contracts actually match the real world, and that you can run your acceptance tests against the contract stubs without worries. ### Stubbing To generate stubs based on a ContractList you can run: ```ruby contracts = Pacto.load_contracts('contracts/services', 'http://example.com') contracts.stub_all ``` This method uses webmock to ensure that whenever you make a request against one of contracts you actually get a stubbed response, based on the default values specified on the contract, instead of hitting the real provider. You can override any default value on the contracts by providing a hash of optional values to the stub_all method. This will override the keys for every contract in the list ```ruby contracts = Pacto.load_contracts('contracts/services', 'http://example.com') contracts.stub_all(request_id: 14, name: "Marcos") ``` ## Pacto Server (non-Ruby usage) **See also: http://thoughtworks.github.io/pacto/patterns/polyglot/** It is really easy to embed Pacto inside a small server. We haven't bundled a server inside of Pacto, but check out [pacto-demo](https://github.com/thoughtworks/pacto-demo) to see how easily you can expose Pacto via server. That demo lets you easily run a server in several modes: ```sh $ bundle exec ruby pacto_server.rb -sv --generate # Runs a server that will generate Contracts for each request received $ bundle exec ruby pacto_server.rb -sv --validate # Runs the server that provides stubs and checks them against Contracts $ bundle exec ruby pacto_server.rb -sv --validate --host http://example.com # Runs the server that acts as a proxy to http://example.com, validating each request/response against a Contract ``` ## Rake Tasks Pacto includes a few Rake tasks to help with common tasks. If you want to use these tasks, just add this top your Rakefile: ```ruby require 'pacto/rake_task' ``` This should add several new tasks to you project: ```sh rake pacto:generate[input_dir,output_dir,host] # Generates contracts from partial contracts rake pacto:meta_validate[dir] # Validates a directory of contract definitions rake pacto:validate[host,dir] # Validates all contracts in a given directory against a given host ``` The pacto:generate task will take partially defined Contracts and generate the missing pieces. See [Generate](https://www.relishapp.com/maxlinc/pacto/docs/generate) for more details. The pacto:meta_validate task makes sure that your Contracts are valid. It only checks the Contracts, not the services that implement them. The pacto:validate task sends a request to an actual provider and ensures their response complies with the Contract. ## Contracts Pacto works by associating a service with a Contract. The Contract is a JSON description of the service that uses json-schema to describe the response body. You don't need to write your contracts by hand. In fact, we recommend generating a Contract from your documentation or a service. A contract is composed of a request that has: - Method: the method of the HTTP request (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE); - Path: the relative path (without host) of the provider's endpoint; - Headers: headers sent in the HTTP request; - Params: any data or parameters of the HTTP request (e.g. query string for GET, body for POST). And a response has that has: - Status: the HTTP response status code (e.g. 200, 404, 500); - Headers: the HTTP response headers; - Body: a JSON Schema defining the expected structure of the HTTP response body. Below is an example contract for a GET request to the /hello_world endpoint of a provider: ```json { "request": { "method": "GET", "path": "/hello_world", "headers": { "Accept": "application/json" }, "params": {} }, "response": { "status": 200, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "body": { "description": "A simple response", "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "type": "string" } } } } } ``` ## Constraints - Pacto only works with JSON services - Pacto requires Ruby 1.9.3 or newer (though you can older Rubies or non-Ruby projects with a [Pacto Server](#pacto-server-non-ruby-usage)) - Pacto cannot currently specify multiple acceptable status codes (e.g. 200 or 201) ## Contributing Read the CONTRIBUTING.md file.