namespace :db do desc 'Pull Down a copy of the database from the specified heroku environment' task :restore do env = ENV['ENV'] abort "Please specify ENV=production or ENV=staging" unless env app = app_name_from_environment(env) if ENV['LATEST'] #if this is here, then create a fresh backup, if not grab whichever is the latest sh "heroku pg:backups capture --app #{app}" end sh "curl -o tmp/latest.dump `heroku pg:backups public-url --app #{app} | head -n 1`" #ensures there are no extra tables or views Rake::Task["db:restore:local"].invoke end namespace :restore do desc "Restore a local copy of Heroku's Staging Environment database" task :staging do ENV['ENV'] = "staging" Rake::Task["db:restore"].invoke end desc "Restore a local copy of Heroku's Production Environment database" task :production do ENV['ENV'] = "production" Rake::Task["db:restore"].invoke end desc "Erase local development and test database and restore from the local dump file." task :local do #ensures there are no extra tables or views Rake::Task["db:drop"].invoke Rake::Task["db:create"].invoke Rake::Task["db:restore:from_local_dump"].invoke #migrate the database, remove sensitive information, and setup tests Rake::Task["db:migrate"].invoke Rake::Task["db:test:prepare"].invoke end desc "Restore from local dump file (defaults to '/tmp/latest.dump' - specify with DUMP_FILE Environmental Variable)" task :from_local_dump do dump_file_location = (ENV['DUMP_FILE'] || "tmp/latest.dump") #in backticks so that pg_restore warnings dont exit this routine `pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -d #{local_database_name} #{dump_file_location}` end end end def local_database_name Rails.configuration.database_configuration[Rails.env]["database"] end def app_name_from_environment(env) case env.downcase when "production" ENV['HEROKU_APPNAME_PRODUCTION'] || "#{Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore.gsub('_','-')}-production" when "staging" ENV['HEROKU_APPNAME_STAGING'] || "#{Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore.gsub('_','-')}-staging" end end