=== 0.8.1 / 2010-03-29 * Fixed Regression summaries === 0.8.0 / 2010-03-29 * New Statsample::Test::T module, with classes and methods to do Student's t tests for one and two samples. * Statsample::PromiseAfter module to set a number of variables without explicitly call the compute or iterate method * All tests ported to MiniUnit * Directory 'demo' renamed to 'examples' * Bug fix on report_building on Statsample::Regression::Multiple classes === 0.7.0 / 2010-03-25 * Ported to ReportBuilder 1.x series * Implementation of ruby based covariance and correlation changed to a clearer code * Statsample::Vector#svggraph_frequencies accepts IO * Some test ported to Miniunit * CSV on Ruby1.8 uses FasterCSV === 0.6.7 / 2010-03-23 * Bug fix: dependency on ReportBuilder should be set to "~>0.2.0", not "0.2" === 0.6.6 / 2010-03-22 * Set ReportBuilder dependency to '0.2.~' version, because future API break * Removed Alglib dependency * Factor::PrincipalAxis and Factor::PCA reworked * Standarization of documentation on almost every file * New Statsample::Test::Levene, to test equality of variances * Constant HAS_GSL replaced by Statsample.has_gsl? * PCA and Principal Axis test based on R and SPSS results * Bug fix on test_dataset.rb / test_saveload * Added Rakefile * Demos for levene, Principal Axis === 0.6.5 / 2010-02-24 * Bug fix on test: Use tempfile instead of tempdir * Multiple Regression: Calculation of constant standard error , using covariance matrix. * Calculation of R^2_yx and P^2_yx for Regresion on Multiple Dependents variables * Dominance Analysis could use Correlation or Covariance Matrix as input. * Dominance Analysis extension to multiple dependent variables (Azen & Budescu, 2006) * Two-step estimate of Polychoric correlation uses minimization gem, so could be executed without rb-gsl === 0.6.4 / 2010-02-19 * Dominance Analysis and Dominance Analysis Bootstrap allows multivariate dependent analysis. * Test suite for Dominance Analysis, using Azen and Budescu papers as references * X^2 for polychoric correlation === 0.6.3 / 2010-02-15 * Statsample::Bivariate::Polychoric have joint estimation. * Some extra documentation and bug fixs === 0.6.2 / 2010-02-11 * New Statsample::Bivariate::Polychoric. For implement: X2 and G2 * New matrix.rb, for faster development of Contingence Tables and Correlation Matrix === 0.6.1 / 2010-02-08 * Bug fix on DominanceAnalysis summary for Ruby1.9 * Some extra documentation === 0.6.0 / 2010-02-05 * New Statsample::Factor module. Include classes for extracting factors (Statsample::Factor::PCA and Statsample::Factor::PrincipalAxis) and rotate component matrix ( Statsample::Factor::Rotation subclasses). For now, only orthogonal rotations * New Statsample::Dataset.crosstab_with_asignation, Statsample::Dataset.one_to_many * New class Statsample::Permutation to produce permutations of a given array * New class Statsample::Histogram, with same interface as GSL one * New class Statsample::Test::UMannWhitney, to perform Mann-Whitney's U test. Gives z based and exact calculation of probability * Improved support for ReportBuilder * Statsample::Codification module reworked * Fixed bugs on Dominance Analysis classes * Fixed bugs on Statsample::Vector.kurtosis and Statsample::Vector.skew === 0.5.1 / 2009-10-06 * New class Statsample::Bivariate::Tetrachoric, for calculation of tetrachoric correlations. See http://www.john-uebersax.com/stat/tetra.htm for information. * New Statsample::Dataset.merge * New Statsample::Vector.dichotomize * New ItemReliability.item_difficulty_analysis * New module Statsample::SPSS, to export information to SPSS. For now, only tetrachoric correlation matrix are provided * All SpreadSheet based importers now accept repeated variable names and renames they on the fly * MultipleRegression::BaseEngine moved to new file * Bug fix for MultipleRegression::GslEngine checks for Alglib, not GSL === 0.5.0 / 2009-09-26 * Vector now uses a Hash as a third argument * Tested on Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.7 and 1.9.1 with multiruby === 0.4.1 / 2009-09-12 * More methods and usage documentation * Logit tests * Bug fix: rescue for requires doesn't specify LoadError * Binomial::BaseEngine new methods: coeffs_se, coeffs, constant and constant_se === 0.4.0 / 2009-09-10 * New Distribution module, based on statistics2.rb by Shin-ichiro HARA. Replaces all instances of GSL distributions pdf and cdf calculations for native calculation. * New Maximum Likehood Estimation for Logit, Probit and Normal Distribution using Von Tessin(2005) algorithm. See MLE class and subclasses for more information. * New Binomial regression subclasses (Logit and Probit), usign MLE class * Added tests for gsl, Distribution, MLE and Logit * Bug fix on svggraph.rb. Added check_type for scale graphics * Bug fix on gdchart. Replaced old Nominal, Ordinal and Scale for Vector === 0.3.4 / 2009-08-21 * Works with statsample-optimization 2.0.0 * Vector doesn't uses delegation. All methods are part of Vector * Added Combination. Generates all combination of n elements taken r at a time * Bivariate#prop_pearson now can uses as a second parameter :both, :left, :right, :positive or :negative * Added LICENSE.txt === 0.3.3 / 2009-08-11 * Added i18n support. For now, only spanish translation available * Bug fix: Test now load libraries on ../lib path * Excel and CSV importers automatically modify type of vector to Scale when all data are numbers or nils values === 0.3.2 / 2009-08-04 * Added Regression::Multiple::GslEngine * Added setup.rb * Crosstab#row_label and #column_name * DominanceAnalysis and DominanceAnalysisBootstrap uses Dataset#labels for Vector names. === 0.3.1 / 2009-08-03 * Name and logic of Regression classes changed. Now, you have Regression::Simple class and Regression::Multiple module with two engines: RubyEngine and AlglibEngne * New Crosstab#summary === 0.3.0 / 2009-08-02 * Statsample renamed to Statsample * Optimization extension goes to another gem: ruby-statsample-optimization === 0.2.0 / 2009-08-01 * One Way Anova on Statsample::Anova::OneWay * Dominance Analysis!!!! The one and only reason to develop a Multiple Regression on pure ruby. * Multiple Regression on Multiple Regression module. Pairwise (pure ruby) or MultipleRegressionPairwise and Listwise (optimized) on MultipleRegressionAlglib and * New Dataset#to_gsl_matrix, #from_to,#[..],#bootstrap,#vector_missing_values, #vector_count_characters, #each_with_index, #collect_with_index * New Vector#box_cox_transformation * Module Correlation renamed to Bivariate * Some fancy methods and classes to create Summaries * Some documentation about Algorithm used on doc_latex * Deleted 'distributions' extension. Ruby/GSL has all the pdf and cdf you ever need. * Tests work without any dependency. Only nags about missing deps. * Test for MultipleRegression, Anova, Excel, Bivariate.correlation_matrix and many others === 0.1.9 / 2009-05-22 * Class Vector: new method vector_standarized_pop, []=, min,max * Class Dataset: global variable $RUBY_SS_ROW stores the row number on each() and related methods. dup() with argument returns a copy of the dataset only for given fields. New methods: standarize, vector_mean, collect, verify,collect_matrix * Module Correlation: new methods covariance, t_pearson, t_r, prop_pearson, covariance_matrix, correlation_matrix, correlation_probability_matrix * Module SRS: New methods estimation_n0 and estimation_n * Module Reliability: new ItemCharacteristicCurve class * New HtmlReport class * New experimental SPSS Class. * Converters: Module CSV with new options. Added write() method for GGobi module * New Mx exporter (http://www.vcu.edu/mx/) * Class SimpleRegression: new methods standard error * Added tests for regression and reliability, Vector#vector_mean, Dataset#dup (partial) and Dataset#verify === 0.1.8 / 2008-12-10 * Added Regression and Reliability modules * Class Vector: added methods vector_standarized, recode, inspect, ranked * Class Dataset: added methods vector_by_calculation, vector_sum, filter_field * Module Correlation: added methods like spearman, point biserial and tau-b * Added tests for Vector#ranked, Vector#vector_standarized, Vector#sum_of_squared_deviation, Dataset#vector_by_calculation, Dataset#vector_sum, Dataset#filter_field and various test for Correlation module * Added demos: item_analysis and sample_test === 0.1.7 / 2008-10-1 * New module for codification * ... === 0.1.6 / 2008-09-26 * New modules for SRS and stratified sampling * Statsample::Database for read and write onto databases. You could use Database and CSV on-tandem for mass-editing and reimport of databases === 0.1.5 / 2008-08-29 * New extension statsampleopt for optimizing some functions on Statsample submodules * New submodules Correlation and Test === 0.1.4 / 2008-08-27 * New extension, with cdf functions for chi-square, t, gamma and normal distributions. Based on dcdflib (http://www.netlib.org/random/) Also, has a function to calculate the tail for a noncentral T distribution === 0.1.3 / 2008-08-22 * Operational versions of Vector, Dataset, Crosstab and Resample * Read and write CSV files * Calculate chi-square for 2 matrixes === 0.1.1 - 0.1.2 / 2008-08-18 * Included several methods on Ruby::Type classes * Organized dirs with sow === 0.1.0 / 2008-08-12 * First version.