class Landslider class WsSearchCriterion # @return [String] attr_reader :field_id, :operator # @return [String] attr_reader :query_value # @param [String] field_id # # Currently Searchable Account Fields: # * AccountId # * AccountName # * AccountNumber # * AccountShortName # * AccountType # * AccountTypeId # * ArchivedOn # * BillingAddressCity # * BillingAddressCountry # * BillingAddressState # * BillingAddressStreet # * BillingAddressZip # * CreatedById # * CreatedDate # * Division # * Fax # * LastUpdatedById # * LastUpdatedDate # * MainAddressCity # * MainAddressCountry # * MainAddressState # * MainAddressStreet # * MainAddressZip # * NewsKeywords # * OwnerId # * ParentAccount # * ParentAccountId # * Phone # * PrimaryContactId, # * QuickbooksLastSynced # * ShippingAddressCity # * ShippingAddressCountry # * ShippingAddressState # * ShippingAddressStreet # * ShippingAddressZip # * SourceSystemId # * SyncWithQuickBooks # * Ticker # * Url # * acc_ # # Currently Searchable Opportunity Fields: # * AccountId # * AccountName # * ArchivedOn, ClosedDate # * ComputedConfidence # * ComputedForecastDate # * CreatedById # * CreatedDate # * CurrentPhaseId # * CurrentPhaseName # * DealValue # * Description # * IsHot # * LastUpdatedById, # * LastUpdatedDate # * LeadSource # * LeadSourceId # * Name, OpportunityId # * OverriddenConfidence # * OverriddenForecastDate # * OverrideComments # * OwnerId # * PaymentTerms # * PaymentTermsId # * QuickbooksLastSyncedQuickbooksTransactionType # * SellingProcess # * SellingProcessId # * SourceSystemId # * StartDate # * Status # * StatusId # * StatusReason # * StatusReasonId # * SuspendedDate # * opp_ # # Currently Searchable Duration Type Fields: # * DurationType # * DurationTypeId # # Currently Searchable Product Family Fields: # * Description # * ParentProductFamily # * ParentProductFamilyId # * ProductFamily # * ProductFamilyId # @param [String, WsSearchOperator] operator Contains,SoundsLike,Equals,NotEquals # LessThan,LessThanOrEqual,GreaterThan,GreaterThanOrEqual # Empty,NotEmpty,True,False,In,NotIn # @param [String, WsSearchOperator] query_value string to search for def initialize(field_id, operator, query_value) @field_id = field_id @operator = operator @query_value = query_value end # Adds the search criteria xml # @param [Handsoap::XmlMason::Node] msg xml node # @return [Handsoap::XmlMason::Node] def soapify_for(msg) msg.add('searchCriteria') { |crit| crit.add 'fieldId', @field_id crit.add 'operator', @operator crit.add 'queryValue', @query_value unless @query_value.nil? } end end end