require 'spec_helper' describe "Basepack basic list" do # subject { page } let(:employee1) { FactoryGirl.create :employee } let(:employee2) { FactoryGirl.create :employee } let(:employees) { [employee1, employee2] } let(:ability) { } describe "responses" do it "success code with :html", js: true do employees visit employees_path expect(page.driver.status_code).to eq 200 end it "responses with :json" do # touch employees to create them employees visit employees_path(:format => :json) expect(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(page.body).length).to eq(2) ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(page.body).each do |employee| expect(employee).to have_key("id") expect(employee).to have_key("name") expect(employee).to have_key("email") expect(employee).to have_key("created_at") expect(employee).to have_key("updated_at") end end it "responses with :xml" do employees visit employees_path(:format => :xml) xml = Nokogiri::XML(page.html) expect(xml.xpath("//employee").count).to eq(2) xml.xpath("//employee").each do |employee| expect(employee.xpath('id')).to_not be_empty expect(employee.xpath('name')).to_not be_empty expect(employee.xpath('email')).to_not be_empty expect(employee.xpath('created-at')).to_not be_empty expect(employee.xpath('updated-at')).to_not be_empty end end context "unauthorized" do it "rejects list" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :index, Employee ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employees_path expect(page.driver.status_code).not_to eq 200 end end end describe "actions" do context "authorized" do it "has Show, Add new, Edit and Delete links" do employee1 visit employees_path expect(page.driver.status_code).to eq 200 expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, "Show") expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, "Edit") expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, "Add new") expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, "Delete") end it "displays show page" do employee1 visit employees_path click_on "Show" expect(current_path).to eq employee_path(id: end it "displays edit page" do employee1 visit employees_path click_on "Edit" expect(current_path).to eq edit_employee_path(id: end it "displays new page" do visit employees_path click_on "Add new" expect(current_path).to eq new_employee_path end it "deletes an employee" do employees visit employees_path within("tbody tr:first") do click_on "Delete" end expect(page).to_not have_content(employees[0].name) expect(page).to have_content(employees[1].name) expect(page).to have_css("tbody tr", :count => 1) end end context "unauthorized" do before(:each) do ability.can :manage, :all ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) end it "without Show link and access" do ability.cannot :show, Employee employee1 visit employees_path expect(page).to have_no_selector(:link_or_button, "Show") visit employee_path(employee1) expect(page.driver.status_code).to_not eq 200 end it "without Edit link and access" do ability.cannot :edit, Employee employee1 visit employees_path expect(page).to have_no_selector(:link_or_button, "Edit") visit edit_employee_path(employee1) expect(page.driver.status_code).to_not eq 200 end it "without Add new link and access" do ability.cannot :create, Employee visit employees_path expect(page).to have_no_selector(:link_or_button, "Add new") visit new_employee_path expect(page.driver.status_code).to_not eq 200 end it "without Delete link and permission" do ability.cannot :destroy, Employee employee1 visit employees_path expect(page).to have_no_selector(:link_or_button, /\ADelete\Z/) page.driver.submit :delete, "/employees/#{}", {} expect(page.driver.status_code).to_not eq 200 visit employees_path expect(page).to have_css("tbody tr", :count => 1) end end end describe "fields without association" do it "shows all fields as default" do visit employees_path Employee.attribute_names.each do |attr| expect(page).to have_content(Employee.human_attribute_name(attr)) end end it "shows only defined columns" do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :name end end employees visit employees_path() expect(page).to have_content(employees[0].name) expect(page).to have_content(employees[1].name) expect(page).to have_no_content(employees[0].email) expect(page).to have_no_content(employees[1].email) end it "properly format date columns" do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :name field :created_at end end employee1 visit employees_path() expect(page).to have_content(I18n.l employee1.created_at, format: :long) end describe "properly shows boolean field type" do before(:all) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :bonus end end end it "when true" do employee1.update_attributes(bonus: true) visit employees_path() expect(page).to have_content("Bonus") expect(page).to have_content("✓") end it "when false" do employee1.update_attributes(bonus: false) visit employees_path() expect(page).to have_content("Bonus") expect(page).to have_content("✘") end it "when nil" do employee1.update_attributes(bonus: nil) visit employees_path() expect(page).to have_content("Bonus") expect(page).to have_content("-") end end end describe "belongs_to association" do before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :position end end employee1.position = FactoryGirl.create(:position, name: 'My Position')! end context "when has access" do it "shows as link" do visit employees_path click_on "My Position" expect(current_path).to eq position_path(employee1.position) end end context "when has no access" do it "shows as text" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :show, Position ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employees_path expect(page).to have_content("My Position") expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'My Position') end end end describe "has_one association" do before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :account end end employee1.account = FactoryGirl.create(:account)! end context "when has access" do it "shows as link" do visit employees_path click_on "Account #{employee1.account.account_number}" expect(current_path).to eq account_path(employee1.account) end end context "when has no access" do it "shows as text" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :show, Account ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employees_path expect(page).to have_content("Account #{employee1.account.account_number}") expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, "Account #{employee1.account.account_number}") end end end describe "has_many association" do before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :projects end end 'first project') 'second project')! end context "when has access" do it "shows as links" do visit employees_path expect(page).to have_content('first project and second project') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'first project') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'second project') click_on "first project" expect(current_path).to eq project_path(employee1.projects.first) end end context "when has no access" do it "shows only text" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :show, Project ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employees_path expect(page).to have_content('first project and second project') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'first project') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'second project') end end end describe "has_many through association" do before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :tasks end end task1 =, description: 'first task') task2 =, description: 'second task') project1 =, tasks: [task1, task2]) employee1.projects << project1! end context "when has access" do it "shows as links" do visit employees_path expect(page).to have_content('first task and second task') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'first task') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'second task') click_on "first task" expect(current_path).to eq task_path(employee1.tasks.first) end end context "when has no access" do it "shows only text" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :show, Task ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employees_path expect(page).to have_content('first task and second task') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'first task') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'second task') end end end describe "has_and_belongs_to_many association" do before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :skills end end employee1.skills = { |n| FactoryGirl.create(:skill, name: "skill #{n + 1}") }! end context "when has access" do it "shows as links" do visit employees_path expect(page).to have_content('skill 1 and skill 2') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'skill 1') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'skill 2') click_on "skill 1" expect(current_path).to eq skill_path(employee1.skills.first) end end context "when has no access" do it "shows only text" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :show, Skill ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employees_path expect(page).to have_content('skill 1 and skill 2') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'skill 1') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'skill 2') end end end describe "pagination" do before do #FIXME: setting RailsAdmin items_pare_page do not work for me:( decrease the creating objects to 5. # TODO does items_per_page work? in issue_tracking app it does not 53.times { FactoryGirl.create(:employee) } RailsAdmin.config.default_items_per_page = 1 RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do items_per_page 1 end end visit employees_path(:page => 2) end it "shows total number of items" do # save_and_open_page expect(page).to have_content('53 in total') end it "paginates correctly" do expect(find('.pagination ul li:first')).to have_content("« First") expect(find('.pagination ul li:nth(2)')).to have_content("‹ Prev") expect(find('.pagination ul li:nth-last-child(2)')).to have_content("Next ›") expect(find('.pagination ul li:last')).to have_content("Last »") expect(find('.pagination ul')).to have_content("2") end end describe "sorting" do let!(:employee1) { FactoryGirl.create(:employee, name: 'xxx') } let!(:employee2) { FactoryGirl.create(:employee, name: 'yyy') } let!(:employee3) { FactoryGirl.create(:employee, name: 'xxxx') } before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :name field :created_at end end end it "sorts by name asceding" do visit employees_path('f[s]' => 'name asc') expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:first", text: "xxx") expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(2)", text: "xxxx") expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(3)", text: "yyy") end it "sorts by name descending" do visit employees_path('f[s]' => 'name desc') expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:first", text: "yyy") expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(2)", text: "xxxx") expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(3)", text: "xxx") end it "sorts by date asceding" do visit employees_path click_on 'Created at' expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:first", text: (I18n.l employee1.created_at, format: :long)) expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(2)", text: (I18n.l employee2.created_at, format: :long)) expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(3)", text: (I18n.l employee3.created_at, format: :long)) end it "sorts by date descending" do visit employees_path click_on 'Created at' click_on 'Created at' expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:first", text: (I18n.l employee3.created_at, format: :long)) expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(2)", text: (I18n.l employee2.created_at, format: :long)) expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(3)", text: (I18n.l employee1.created_at, format: :long)) end end describe "sorting combined fields" do let!(:employee1) { FactoryGirl.create(:employee, name: 'xxx', title: "Mrs") } let!(:employee2) { FactoryGirl.create(:employee, name: 'yyy', title: "Mr") } let!(:employee3) { FactoryGirl.create(:employee, name: 'xxx', title: "Miss.") } before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :name_with_title do label 'Title and name' sortable [:name, :title] end end end # touch all employees employee1 employee2 employee3 visit employees_path end it "sorts title and name asceding" do click_on "Title and name" expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:first", text: employee3.name_with_title) expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(2)", text: employee1.name_with_title) expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(3)", text: employee2.name_with_title) end it "sorts title and name descending" do click_on "Title and name" click_on "Title and name" expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:first", text: employee2.name_with_title) expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(2)", text: employee1.name_with_title) expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr:nth(3)", text: employee3.name_with_title) end end describe "filter params" do let!(:employee1) { FactoryGirl.create(:employee, name: 'xxx') } let!(:employee2) { FactoryGirl.create(:employee, name: 'yyy') } let!(:employee3) { FactoryGirl.create(:employee, name: 'xxxx') } describe "default filter" do before(:each) do EmployeesController.any_instance.stub(:default_query_params).and_return( { "f[name_eq]" => "xxx" } ) end it "uses default filter when no search params provided" do visit employees_path expect(page).to have_content( expect(page).to have_no_content( expect(page).to have_css("tbody tr", :count => 1) end it "do not use default filter when search params provided" do visit employees_path('f[name_not_eq]' => '123') expect(page).to have_content( expect(page).to have_content( expect(page).to have_content( end end it "correctly filters contains" do visit employees_path('f[name_cont]' => 'xxx') expect(page).to have_css("tbody tr", :count => 2) expect(page).to have_content( expect(page).to_not have_content( expect(page).to have_content( end end end