require 'digest/sha2' module Slugged # Mixin for adding simple caching support to models using slugged. # Usually included by passing the :cache option as true (by default it is # true, you can disable by passing :cache as false or nil). module Caching extend ActiveSupport::Concern mattr_accessor :cache_expires_in # Cache for 10 minutes by default. self.cache_expires_in = 600 included do after_save :globally_cache_slug end # Automatically called in after_save, will cache this records id # with to match the current records slug / scope def globally_cache_slug return unless send(:"#{self.cached_slug_column}_changed?") value = self.to_slug self.class.cache_slug_lookup!(value, self) if value.present? unless use_slug_history value = send(:"#{self.cached_slug_column}_was") self.class.cache_slug_lookup!(value, nil) end end # Wraps remove_slug_history! to remove each of the slugs # recording in this models slug history. def remove_slug_history! previous_slugs.each { |s| self.class.cache_slug_lookup!(s, nil) } super end module ClassMethods # Wraps find_using_slug to look in the cache. def find_using_slug(slug, options = {}) # First, attempt to load an id and then record from the cache. if (cached_id = lookup_cached_id_from_slug(slug)).present? return find(cached_id, options).tap { |r| r.found_via_slug = slug } end # Otherwise, fallback to the normal approach. super.tap do |record| cache_slug_lookup!(slug, record) if record.present? end end # Returns a slug cache key for a given slug. def slug_cache_key(slug) [Slugged.cache_key_prefix, slug_scope_key(Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(slug.to_s.strip))].compact.join("/") end def has_cache_for_slug?(slug) lookup_cached_id_from_slug(slug).present? end # Modify the cache for a given slug. If record is nil, it will # delete the item from the slug cache, otherwise it will store # the records id. def cache_slug_lookup!(slug, record) return if Slugged.cache.blank? cache = Slugged.cache key = slug_cache_key(slug) # Set an expires in option for caching. caching_options = do |hash| expiry = Slugged::Caching.cache_expires_in hash[:expires_in] = expiry.to_i if expiry.present? end record.nil? ? cache.delete(key) : cache.write(key,, caching_options) end protected def lookup_cached_id_from_slug(slug) Slugged.cache && end end end end