# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # a.rb # # Create anchor easily. # # 1. Usage # a(url, name) # # a "http://www.hoge.com/diary/", "Hoge Diary" # # a(key, option_or_name = "", name = nil) # Use dictionary file. You need to create the dictionary # file with a CGI. # a "home" # a "home", "20020329.html", "Here" # # a("name|key:option") # Use dictionary file. You need to create the dictionary # file with a CGI. # # a "key" # a "key:20020329.html" # a "key:20020329.html|Here" # a "Hoge Diary|http://www.hoge.com/diary/" # a "Hoge Diary|20020201.html#p01" #=> Same as "my" plugin # # 2. Dictionary file # You can edit the dictionary file from "Preferences". # # 3. Documents # See URLs below for more details. # http://ponx.s5.xrea.com/hiki/a.rb.html (English) # http://ponx.s5.xrea.com/hiki/ja/a.rb.html (Japanese) # # Copyright (c) 2002-2004 MUTOH Masao # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under GPL2 or any later version. # # Resources unless @resource_loaded then def a_conf_label; "アンカー自動生成プラグイン辞書ファイル編集"; end def a_conf_explain; "

1行で1つのアンカーになります。フォーマットは、キー URL 名称です。各項目は空白で区切ります。名称は省略可能です。省略した場合はキーが名称として使われます。

例: bibo http://ponx.s5.xrea.com/bibo/ Linuxビボ〜ろく

"; end end def a_conf_cols; '70%'; end def a_conf_rows; 20; end A_REG_PIPE = /\|/ A_REG_COLON = /\:/ A_REG_URL = /:\/\// A_REG_CHARSET = /utf8|euc|sjis|jis/ A_REG_CHARSET2 = /euc|sjis|jis/ A_REG_MY = /^\d{8}/ if @options and @options["a.path"] a_path = @options["a.path"] else a_path = File.join(@cache_path, "a.dat") end @a_anchors = Hash.new if FileTest::exist?(a_path) open(a_path) do |file| file.each_line do |line| key, baseurl, *data = line.split(/\s+/) if data.last =~ A_REG_CHARSET charset = data.pop else charset = "" end @a_anchors[key] = [baseurl, data.join(" "), charset] end end end def a_separate(word) if A_REG_PIPE =~ word name, data = $`, $' else name, data = nil, word end option = nil if data =~ A_REG_URL key = data elsif data =~ A_REG_COLON key, option = $`, $' else key = data #Error pattern end [key, option, name] end def a_convert_charset(option, charset) return "" unless option return option unless charset if charset =~ A_REG_CHARSET2 ret = if String.method_defined?(:encode) option.encode(charset == 'jis' ? 'ISO-2022-JP' : charset) else require 'nkf' NKF::nkf("-#{charset[0].chr}", option) end else ret = option end ret end def a_anchor(key) data = @a_anchors[key] if data data.collect{|v| v ? v.dup : nil} else [nil, nil, nil] end end def a(key, option_or_name = nil, name = nil, charset = nil) url, value, cset = a_anchor(key) if url.nil? key, option, name = a_separate(key) url, value, cset = a_anchor(key) option_or_name = option unless option_or_name; end charset = cset unless charset value = key if value == "" if url.nil? url = key if name value = name url += u(a_convert_charset(option_or_name, charset)) elsif option_or_name value = option_or_name else value = key end else url += u(a_convert_charset(option_or_name, charset)) value = name if name end if key =~ A_REG_MY option_or_name = key unless option_or_name return my(option_or_name, name) end if @options["a.tlink"] if defined?(tlink) url.untaint result = tlink(url, value) else result = "tlink is not available." end else result = %Q[#{value}] end result end def navi_a(name = "a.rb conf") "#{name}\n" end def a_conf_html(data) %Q[ #{a_conf_explain}

] end add_conf_proc( 'a_conf', a_conf_label ) do data = "" if FileTest.exist?( a_path ) open( a_path, "r" ) do |i| data = i.readlines.join end end if @mode == 'saveconf' if @cgi['anchor_plugin_data'] if FileTest.exist?( a_path ) open( a_path, "r" ) do |i| open( a_path + "~", "w" ) do |o| o.print i.readlines end end end open( a_path, 'w' ) do |o| @cgi["anchor_plugin_data"].lines.each do |v| v.split(/\n/).each do |line| o.print line, "\n" if line =~ /\w/ end end end data = @cgi["anchor_plugin_data"] end end a_conf_html(data) end # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # indent-tabs-mode: t # tab-width: 3 # ruby-indent-level: 3 # End: