class Updator { changes markedForFreezeObjects immutable data constructor(immutable) { this.changes = [] this.markedForFreezeObjects = [] this.immutable = immutable } static createFrozenObject(obj) { if (!obj) return obj if (obj.constructor === Array) { obj = => Updator.createFrozenObject(el)) } else if (typeof obj === 'object') { obj = Object.assign({}, obj) for (const key in obj) { obj[key] = Updator.createFrozenObject(obj[key]) } } Object.freeze(obj) return obj } replaceData(data, newData) { if (this.immutable) return Updator.createFrozenObject(newData) return this.recursivelyReplaceData(data, newData) } recursivelyReplaceData(data, newData) { const replaceArray = (as, bs) => { const aids = {} for (const a of as) { if (! return false aids[] = a } const order = {} bs.forEach((b, i) => { if (! return false if (aids[]) { replaceObject(aids[], b) } else { as.push(b) } order[] = i + 1 }) as.sort((a, b) => { const oa = order[] || Infinity const ob = order[] || Infinity return oa > ob ? +1 : oa < ob ? -1 : 0 }) while (as.length && !order[as[as.length - 1].id]) as.pop() return true } const replaceObject = (aobj, bobj) => { const keys = {} for (const key in aobj) keys[key] = true for (const key in bobj) keys[key] = true for (const key in keys) { const a = aobj[key] const b = bobj[key] if ((a instanceof Array) && (b instanceof Array)) { if (!replaceArray(a, b)) aobj[key] = b } else if(a && b && (typeof a === 'object') && (typeof b === 'object') && !(a instanceof Array) && !(b instanceof Array)) { replaceObject(a, b) } else if (a !== b) { aobj[key] = b } } } replaceObject(data, newData) return data } mark(obj) { if (!this.immutable) return obj if (!Object.isFrozen( return obj const mobj = (obj.constructor === Array) ? [...obj] : { ...obj } this.markedForFreezeObjects.push(mobj) return mobj } trace(data, path) { path.forEach(key => { if (this.immutable) data[key] = this.mark(data[key]) data = data[key] }) return data } assign(el, path, column, value, orderParam) { if (this.immutable) value = Updator.createFrozenObject(value) if (el.constructor === Array && !el[column]) { this.changes.push({ path: path.concat([]), target: el, id:, valueWas: null, value }) const limitReached = orderParam && orderParam.limit != null && el.length === orderParam.limit let removed if (orderParam && orderParam.order == 'desc') { el.unshift(value) if (limitReached) removed = el.pop() } else { el.push(value) if (limitReached) removed = el.pop() } if (removed) this.changes.push({ path: path.concat([]), target: el, id:, valueWas: removed, value: null }) } else if (!this.valueEquals(el[column], value)) { this.changes.push({ path: path.concat([column]), target: el, column: column, valueWas: el[column], value }) el[column] = value } } valueEquals(a, b) { if (a === b) return true if (!a || !b) return a == b if (typeof a !== 'object') return false if (typeof b !== 'object') return false const ja = JSON.stringify(a) const jb = JSON.stringify(b) return ja === jb } add(tree, accessKeys, path, column, value, orderParam) { const root = this.mark(tree) const data = this.trace(root, accessKeys) if (data) this.assign(data, path, column, value, orderParam) return root } remove(tree, accessKeys, path, column) { const root = this.mark(tree) let data = this.trace(root, accessKeys) if (!data) return root if (data.constructor === Array) { this.changes.push({ path: path.concat([data[column].id]), target: data, id: data[column].id, valueWas: data[column], value: null }) data.splice(column, 1) } else if (data[column] !== null) { this.changes.push({ path: path.concat([column]), target: data, column: column, valueWas: data[column], value: null }) data[column] = null } return root } cleanup() { this.markedForFreezeObjects.forEach(mobj => Object.freeze(mobj)) } } export default class ArSyncStore { data query immutable constructor(query, data, option = {} as { immutable?: boolean }) { = option.immutable ? Updator.createFrozenObject(data) : data this.query = ArSyncStore.parseQuery(query) this.immutable = option.immutable } replaceData(data) { = new Updator(this.immutable).replaceData(, data) } batchUpdate(patches) { const events = [] const updator = new Updator(this.immutable) patches.forEach(patch => this._update(patch, updator, events)) updator.cleanup() return { changes: updator.changes, events } } update(patch) { return this.batchUpdate([patch]) } _slicePatch(patchData, query) { const obj = {} for (const key in patchData) { if (key === 'id' || query.attributes['*']) { obj[key] = patchData[key] } else { const subq = query.attributes[key] if (subq) { obj[subq.column || key] = patchData[key] } } } return obj } _applyPatch(data, accessKeys, actualPath, updator, query, patchData) { for (const key in patchData) { const subq = query.attributes[key] const value = patchData[key] if (subq || query.attributes['*']) { const subcol = (subq && subq.column) || key if (data[subcol] !== value) { = updator.add(, accessKeys, actualPath, subcol, value) } } } } _update(patch, updator, events) { const { action, path } = patch const patchData = let query = this.query let data = const actualPath: (string | number)[] = [] const accessKeys: (string | number)[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) { const nameOrId = path[i] if (typeof(nameOrId) === 'number') { const idx = data.findIndex(o => === nameOrId) if (idx < 0) return actualPath.push(nameOrId) accessKeys.push(idx) data = data[idx] } else { const { attributes } = query if (!attributes[nameOrId]) return const column = attributes[nameOrId].column || nameOrId query = attributes[nameOrId] actualPath.push(column) accessKeys.push(column) data = data[column] } if (!data) return } const nameOrId = path[path.length - 1] let id, idx, column, target = data if (typeof(nameOrId) === 'number') { id = nameOrId idx = data.findIndex(o => === id) target = data[idx] } else if (nameOrId) { const { attributes } = query if (!attributes[nameOrId]) return column = attributes[nameOrId].column || nameOrId query = attributes[nameOrId] target = data[column] } if (action === 'create') { const obj = this._slicePatch(patchData, query) if (column) { = updator.add(, accessKeys, actualPath, column, obj) } else if (!target) { const ordering = Object.assign({}, patch.ordering) const limitOverride = query.params && query.params.limit ordering.order = query.params && query.params.order || ordering.order if (ordering.limit == null || limitOverride != null && limitOverride < ordering.limit) ordering.limit = limitOverride = updator.add(, accessKeys, actualPath, data.length, obj, ordering) } return } if (action === 'destroy') { if (column) { = updator.remove(, accessKeys, actualPath, column) } else if (idx >= 0) { = updator.remove(, accessKeys, actualPath, idx) } return } if (!target) return if (column) { actualPath.push(column) accessKeys.push(column) } else if (id) { actualPath.push(id) accessKeys.push(idx) } if (action === 'update') { this._applyPatch(target, accessKeys, actualPath, updator, query, patchData) } else { const eventData = { target, path: actualPath, data: } events.push({ type: patchData.type, data: eventData }) } } static parseQuery(query, attrsonly?){ const attributes = {} let column = null let params = null if (query.constructor !== Array) query = [query] for (const arg of query) { if (typeof(arg) === 'string') { attributes[arg] = {} } else if (typeof(arg) === 'object') { for (const key in arg){ const value = arg[key] if (attrsonly) { attributes[key] = this.parseQuery(value) continue } if (key === 'attributes') { const child = this.parseQuery(value, true) for (const k in child) attributes[k] = child[k] } else if (key === 'as') { column = value } else if (key === 'params') { params = value } else { attributes[key] = this.parseQuery(value) } } } } if (attrsonly) return attributes return { attributes, column, params } } }