CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wcc_contentful_schema_version ( version integer PRIMARY KEY, updated_at timestamp DEFAULT now() ); START TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contentful_raw ( -- The Contentful 'sys'->'id' id varchar PRIMARY KEY, -- The contentful entry data jsonb, -- Every ID that this entry links to in 'fields'->*->[each locale]->'sys'->'id' links text[] ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS contentful_raw_value_type ON contentful_raw ((data->'sys'->>'type')); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS contentful_raw_value_content_type ON contentful_raw ((data->'sys'->'contentType'->'sys'->>'id')); -- Insert or update a Contentful entry by it's ID CREATE or replace FUNCTION "fn_contentful_upsert_entry"(_id varchar, _data jsonb, _links text[]) RETURNS jsonb AS $$ DECLARE prev jsonb; BEGIN SELECT data, links FROM contentful_raw WHERE id = _id INTO prev; INSERT INTO contentful_raw (id, data, links) values (_id, _data, _links) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET data = _data, links = _links; RETURN prev; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- Joins the entries table to itself by all the linked entries down to depth 5. -- Each entry has a row for each downstream entry in it's tree. -- Example: -- | id | included_id | depth | -- | page1 | page2 | 1 | -- | page1 | subpage2 | 2 | -- through page2 -- | page1 | asset1 | 1 | -- | page2 | subpage2 | 1 | -- ... CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS contentful_raw_includes_ids_jointable AS WITH RECURSIVE includes (root_id, depth) AS ( SELECT as root_id, 0,, t.links FROM contentful_raw t UNION ALL SELECT l.root_id, l.depth + 1,, r.links FROM includes l, contentful_raw r WHERE = ANY(l.links) AND l.depth < 5 ) SELECT root_id as id, id as included_id, min(depth) FROM includes GROUP BY root_id, id; CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS contentful_raw_includes_ids_jointable_id ON contentful_raw_includes_ids_jointable (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS contentful_raw_includes_ids_jointable_id_included_id ON contentful_raw_includes_ids_jointable (id, included_id); -- Uses the contentful_raw_includes_ids_jointable to join the entries table to itself, -- aggregating the included entries into an array. -- Example: -- | id | data | includes | -- | page1 | jsonb | {page2 jsonb, subpage2 jsonb, asset1 jsonb} | CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW contentful_raw_includes AS SELECT,, array_remove(array_agg(, NULL) as includes FROM contentful_raw t LEFT JOIN contentful_raw_includes_ids_jointable incl ON = LEFT JOIN contentful_raw r_incl ON = incl.included_id GROUP BY,; INSERT INTO wcc_contentful_schema_version VALUES (1); COMMIT;