#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w -s # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- $LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib" require 'axlsx' p = Axlsx::Package.new p.workbook do |wb| # define your regular styles styles = wb.styles title = styles.add_style :sz => 15, :b => true, :u => true default = styles.add_style :border => Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER header = styles.add_style :bg_color => '00', :fg_color => 'FF', :b => true money = styles.add_style :format_code => '#,###,##0', :border => Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER percent = styles.add_style :num_fmt => Axlsx::NUM_FMT_PERCENT, :border => Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER # define the style for conditional formatting - its the :dxf bit that counts! profitable = styles.add_style :fg_color => 'FF428751', :sz => 12, :type => :dxf, :b => true wb.add_worksheet(:name => 'Downtown traffic') do |ws| ws.add_row ['A$$le Q1 Revenue Historical Analysis (USD)'], :style => title ws.add_row ws.add_row ['Quarter', 'Profit', '% of Total'], :style => header ws.add_row ['Q1-2010', '15680000000', '=B4/SUM(B4:B7)'], :style => [default, money, percent] ws.add_row ['Q1-2011', '26740000000', '=B5/SUM(B4:B7)'], :style => [default, money, percent] ws.add_row ['Q1-2012', '46330000000', '=B6/SUM(B4:B7)'], :style => [default, money, percent] ws.add_row ['Q1-2013(est)', '72230000000', '=B7/SUM(B4:B7)'], :style => [default, money, percent] ws.merge_cells 'A1:C1' # Apply conditional formatting to range B3:B7 in the worksheet icon_set = Axlsx::IconSet.new ws.add_conditional_formatting 'B3:B7', { :type => :iconSet, :dxfId => profitable, :priority => 1, :icon_set => icon_set } end end p.serialize 'stop_and_go.xlsx'