class Task < Screwcap::Base def initialize(opts = {}, &block) super self.__name = opts[:name] self.__options = opts self.__commands = [] self.__command_sets = [] self.__server_names = [] if opts[:server] and opts[:servers].nil? self.__server_names << opts[:server] else self.__server_names = opts[:servers] end validate(opts[:deployment_servers]) end # run a command. basically just pass it a string containing the command you want to run. def run arg, options = {} if arg.class == Symbol self.__commands << {:command => self.send(arg), :type => :remote} else self.__commands << {:command => arg, :type => :remote} end end def scp options = {} self.__commands << options.merge({:type => :scp}) end # run a command. basically just pass it a string containing the command you want to run. def local arg, options = {} if arg.class == Symbol self.__commands << {:command => self.send(arg), :type => :local} else self.__commands << {:command => arg, :type => :local} end end def execute! threads = [] self.__servers.each do |_server| _server.__addresses.each do |_address| if self.__options[:parallel] == false execute_on(_server, _address) else threads <<, _address) { |server, address| execute_on(server, address) } end end end threads.each {|t| t.join } end protected def method_missing(m, *args) if m.to_s[0..1] == "__" or [:run].include?(m) or m.to_s.reverse[0..0] == "=" super(m, args.first) else if cs = self.__command_sets.find {|cs| == m } # eval what is in the block clone_table_for(cs) cs.__commands = [] cs.instance_eval(&cs.__block) self.__commands += cs.__commands else raise NoMethodError, "Undefined method '#{m.to_s}' for task :#{}" end end end private def clone_table_for(object) self.table.each do |k,v| object.set(k, v) unless [:__command_sets, :name, :__commands, :__options].include?(k) end end def validate(servers) raise Screwcap::ConfigurationError, "Could not find a server to run this task on. Please specify :server => :servername or :servers => [:server1, :server2] in the task_for directive." if self.__server_names.blank? self.__server_names.each do |server_name| raise Screwcap::ConfigurationError, "Could not find a server to run this task on. Please specify :server => :servername or :servers => [:server1, :server2] in the task_for directive." unless end # finally map the actual server objects via name self.__servers = {|name| servers.find {|s| == name } } end def execute_on(server, address) begin log blue("\n*** BEGIN executing task #{self.__name} on #{} with address #{address}\n") unless self.__options[:silent] == true server.__with_connection_for(address) do |ssh| error = false self.__commands.each do |command| next if error and self.__options[:stop_on_errors] if command[:type] == :remote log green(" I: (#{address}): #{command[:command]}\n") ssh.exec! command[:command] do |ch,stream,data| if stream == :stderr error = true errorlog red(" E: (#{address}): #{data}") else log green(" O: (#{address}): #{data}") end end # ssh.exec elsif command[:type] == :local ret = `#{command[:command]}` if $?.to_i == 0 log blue(" I: (local): #{command[:command]}\n") log blue(" O: (local): #{ret}\n") else log blue(" I: (local): #{command[:command]}\n") errorlog red(" O: (local): #{ret}\n") end elsif command[:type] == :scp server.__upload_to!(address, command[:local], command[:remote]) log green(" I: (#{address}): SCP #{command[:local]} to #{server.__user}@#{address}:#{command[:remote]}") end end # commands.each end # net.ssh start rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed => e raise Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed, "Authentication failed for server named #{}. Please check your authentication credentials." rescue Exception => e errorlog red(" F: (#{address}): #{e}") ensure log blue("*** END executing task #{self.__name} on #{} with address #{address}\n\n") unless self.__options[:silent] == true end end end