describe("FakeDate", function() { it("does not fail if no global date is found", function() { var fakeGlobal = {}, mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal); expect(function() { mockDate.install(); mockDate.tick(0); mockDate.uninstall(); }).not.toThrow(); }); it("replaces the global Date when it is installed", function() { var globalDate = jasmine.createSpy("global Date").and.callFake(function() { return { getTime: function() {} } }), fakeGlobal = { Date: globalDate }, mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal); expect(fakeGlobal.Date).toEqual(globalDate); mockDate.install(); expect(fakeGlobal.Date).not.toEqual(globalDate); }); it("replaces the global Date on uninstall", function() { var globalDate = jasmine.createSpy("global Date").and.callFake(function() { return { getTime: function() {} } }), fakeGlobal = { Date: globalDate }, mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal); mockDate.install(); mockDate.uninstall(); expect(fakeGlobal.Date).toEqual(globalDate); }); it("takes the current time as the base when installing without parameters", function() { var globalDate = jasmine.createSpy("global Date").and.callFake(function() { return { getTime: function() { return 1000; } } }), fakeGlobal = { Date: globalDate }, mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal); mockDate.install(); globalDate.calls.reset(); new fakeGlobal.Date(); expect(globalDate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1000); }); it("can accept a date as time base when installing", function() { var fakeGlobal = { Date: Date }, mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal), baseDate = new Date(); spyOn(baseDate, 'getTime').and.returnValue(123); mockDate.install(baseDate); expect(new fakeGlobal.Date().getTime()).toEqual(123); }); it("makes real dates", function() { var fakeGlobal = { Date: Date }, mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal); mockDate.install(); expect(new fakeGlobal.Date()).toEqual(jasmine.any(Date)); }); it("fakes current time when using", function() { var globalDate = jasmine.createSpy("global Date").and.callFake(function() { return { getTime: function() { return 1000; } } }), fakeGlobal = { Date: globalDate }; = function() {}; var mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal); mockDate.install(); expect(; }); it("does not stub if it doesn't already exist", function() { var globalDate = jasmine.createSpy("global Date").and.callFake(function() { return { getTime: function() { return 1000; } } }), fakeGlobal = { Date: globalDate }, mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal); mockDate.install(); expect("Browser does not support"); }); it("makes time passes using tick", function() { var globalDate = jasmine.createSpy("global Date").and.callFake(function() { return { getTime: function() { return 1000; } } }), fakeGlobal = { Date: globalDate }; = function() {}; var mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal); mockDate.install(); mockDate.tick(100); expect(; mockDate.tick(1000); expect(; }); it("allows to increase 0 milliseconds using tick", function() { var globalDate = jasmine.createSpy("global Date").and.callFake(function() { return { getTime: function() { return 1000; } } }), fakeGlobal = { Date: globalDate }; = function() {}; var mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal); mockDate.install(); mockDate.tick(0); expect(; mockDate.tick(); expect(; }); it("allows to create a Date in a different time than the mocked time", function() { var fakeGlobal = { Date: Date }, mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal), baseDate = new Date(2013, 9, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0); mockDate.install(baseDate); var otherDate = new fakeGlobal.Date(2013, 9, 23, 0, 0, 1, 0); expect(otherDate.getTime()).not.toEqual(baseDate.getTime()); }); it("copies all Date properties to the mocked date", function() { var fakeGlobal = { Date: Date }, mockDate = new j$.MockDate(fakeGlobal); mockDate.install(); expect(fakeGlobal.Date.UTC(2013, 9, 23)).toEqual(Date.UTC(2013, 9, 23)); }); });