# frozen_string_literal: true require 'stringio' require 'logger' RSpec.describe Faraday::Response::Logger do let(:string_io) { StringIO.new } let(:logger) { Logger.new(string_io) } let(:logger_options) { {} } let(:conn) do rubbles = ['Barney', 'Betty', 'Bam Bam'] Faraday.new do |b| b.response :logger, logger, logger_options do |logger| logger.filter(/(soylent green is) (.+)/, '\1 tasty') logger.filter(/(api_key:).*"(.+)."/, '\1[API_KEY]') logger.filter(/(password)=(.+)/, '\1=[HIDDEN]') end b.adapter :test do |stubs| stubs.get('/hello') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, 'hello'] } stubs.post('/ohai') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, 'fred'] } stubs.post('/ohyes') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, 'pebbles'] } stubs.get('/rubbles') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, rubbles] } stubs.get('/filtered_body') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, 'soylent green is people'] } stubs.get('/filtered_headers') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, 'headers response'] } stubs.get('/filtered_params') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, 'params response'] } stubs.get('/filtered_url') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, 'url response'] } end end end before do logger.level = Logger::DEBUG end it 'still returns output' do resp = conn.get '/hello', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(resp.body).to eq('hello') end context 'without configuration' do let(:conn) do Faraday.new do |b| b.response :logger b.adapter :test do |stubs| stubs.get('/hello') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, 'hello'] } end end end it 'defaults to stdout' do expect(Logger).to receive(:new).with($stdout).and_return(Logger.new(nil)) conn.get('/hello') end end context 'with default formatter' do let(:formatter) { instance_double(Faraday::Logging::Formatter, request: true, response: true, filter: []) } before { allow(Faraday::Logging::Formatter).to receive(:new).and_return(formatter) } it 'delegates logging to the formatter' do expect(formatter).to receive(:request).with(an_instance_of(Faraday::Env)) expect(formatter).to receive(:response).with(an_instance_of(Faraday::Env)) conn.get '/hello' end context 'when no route' do it 'delegates logging to the formatter' do expect(formatter).to receive(:request).with(an_instance_of(Faraday::Env)) expect(formatter).to receive(:error).with(an_instance_of(Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs::NotFound)) expect { conn.get '/noroute' }.to raise_error(Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs::NotFound) end end end context 'with custom formatter' do let(:formatter_class) do Class.new(Faraday::Logging::Formatter) do def request(_env) info 'Custom log formatter request' end def response(_env) info 'Custom log formatter response' end end end let(:logger_options) { { formatter: formatter_class } } it 'logs with custom formatter' do conn.get '/hello' expect(string_io.string).to match('Custom log formatter request') expect(string_io.string).to match('Custom log formatter response') end end it 'logs method and url' do conn.get '/hello', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match('GET http:/hello') end it 'logs status' do conn.get '/hello', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match('Status 200') end it 'does not log error message by default' do expect { conn.get '/noroute' }.to raise_error(Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs::NotFound) expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(no stubbed request for get http:/noroute)) end it 'logs request headers by default' do conn.get '/hello', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%(Accept: "text/html)) end it 'logs response headers by default' do conn.get '/hello', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%(Content-Type: "text/html)) end it 'does not log request body by default' do conn.post '/ohai', 'name=Unagi', accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(name=Unagi)) end it 'does not log response body by default' do conn.post '/ohai', 'name=Toro', accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(fred)) end it 'logs filter headers' do conn.headers = { 'api_key' => 'ABC123' } conn.get '/filtered_headers', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%(api_key:)) expect(string_io.string).to match(%([API_KEY])) expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(ABC123)) end it 'logs filter url' do conn.get '/filtered_url?password=hunter2', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%([HIDDEN])) expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(hunter2)) end context 'when not logging request headers' do let(:logger_options) { { headers: { request: false } } } it 'does not log request headers if option is false' do conn.get '/hello', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(Accept: "text/html)) end end context 'when not logging response headers' do let(:logger_options) { { headers: { response: false } } } it 'does not log response headers if option is false' do conn.get '/hello', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(Content-Type: "text/html)) end end context 'when logging request body' do let(:logger_options) { { bodies: { request: true } } } it 'log only request body' do conn.post '/ohyes', 'name=Tamago', accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%(name=Tamago)) expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(pebbles)) end end context 'when logging response body' do let(:logger_options) { { bodies: { response: true } } } it 'log only response body' do conn.post '/ohyes', 'name=Hamachi', accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%(pebbles)) expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(name=Hamachi)) end end context 'when logging request and response bodies' do let(:logger_options) { { bodies: true } } it 'log request and response body' do conn.post '/ohyes', 'name=Ebi', accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%(name=Ebi)) expect(string_io.string).to match(%(pebbles)) end it 'log response body object' do conn.get '/rubbles', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%([\"Barney\", \"Betty\", \"Bam Bam\"]\n)) end it 'logs filter body' do conn.get '/filtered_body', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%(soylent green is)) expect(string_io.string).to match(%(tasty)) expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(people)) end end context 'when logging errors' do let(:logger_options) { { errors: true } } it 'logs error message' do expect { conn.get '/noroute' }.to raise_error(Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs::NotFound) expect(string_io.string).to match(%(no stubbed request for get http:/noroute)) end end context 'when using log_level' do let(:logger_options) { { bodies: true, log_level: :debug } } it 'logs request/request body on the specified level (debug)' do logger.level = Logger::DEBUG conn.post '/ohyes', 'name=Ebi', accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%(name=Ebi)) expect(string_io.string).to match(%(pebbles)) end it 'logs headers on the debug level' do logger.level = Logger::DEBUG conn.get '/hello', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).to match(%(Content-Type: "text/html)) end it 'does not log request/response body on the info level' do logger.level = Logger::INFO conn.post '/ohyes', 'name=Ebi', accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(name=Ebi)) expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(pebbles)) end it 'does not log headers on the info level' do logger.level = Logger::INFO conn.get '/hello', nil, accept: 'text/html' expect(string_io.string).not_to match(%(Content-Type: "text/html)) end end end