require 'spec_helper' require 'json' require 'open-uri' describe "Klomp acceptance", :acceptance => true do include_context :acceptance_client context "connect" do When { klomp } Then { klomp.should be_connected } end context "publish" do When { klomp.publish("/queue/greeting", "hello") } Then do vhosts = apollo_api_get_json "/broker/virtual-hosts.json" vhost = vhosts['rows'].detect {|row| row['queues'].include?('greeting') }['id'] @queue_path = "/broker/virtual-hosts/#{vhost}/queues/greeting.json" queue = apollo_api_get_json @queue_path queue['metrics']['queue_items'].to_i.should > 0 end after do apollo_api_delete @queue_path end end context "subscribe" do Given(:subscriber) { double("subscriber") } Given { klomp.publish "/queue/greeting", "hello subscriber!" } When do subscriber.stub!(:call).and_return {|msg| subscriber.stub!(:message => msg) } klomp.subscribe "/queue/greeting", subscriber sleep 1 # HAX: waiting for message to be pushed back and processed end Then do subscriber.should have_received(:call).with(an_instance_of(Klomp::Frames::Message)) subscriber.message.body.should == "hello subscriber!" end context "and unsubscribe" do When do subscriber.reset klomp.unsubscribe "/queue/greeting" klomp.publish "/queue/greeting", "hello subscriber?" sleep 1 end Then do subscriber.should_not have_received(:call) end end end context "throughput test", :performance => true do require 'benchmark' Given(:num_threads) { (ENV['THREADS'] || 4).to_i } Given(:msgs_per_thread) { (ENV['MSGS'] || 10000).to_i } Given(:total) { num_threads * msgs_per_thread } Given do trap("QUIT") do Thread.list.each do |t| $stderr.puts $stderr.puts t.inspect $stderr.puts t.backtrace.join("\n ") end end end Given { klomp } Then do Thread.abort_on_exception = true roundtrip_time = Benchmark.realtime do do publish_time = Benchmark.realtime do threads = [] 1.upto(num_threads) do |i| threads << do 1.upto(msgs_per_thread) do |j| id = i * j print "." if id % 100 == 0 klomp.publish "/queue/greeting", "hello #{id}!", "id" => "greeting-#{id}" end end end threads.each(&:join) end puts "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \ "Sending #{total} messages took #{publish_time} using #{num_threads} threads\n" \ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" end ids = [] subscribe_time = Benchmark.realtime do klomp.subscribe "/queue/greeting" do |msg| id = msg.headers['id'][/(\d+)/, 1].to_i print "," if id % 100 == 0 ids << id end Thread.pass until ids.length == total end puts "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \ "Receiving #{total} messages took #{subscribe_time}\n" \ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" end puts "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \ "Roundtrip to process #{total} messages: #{roundtrip_time} (#{total/roundtrip_time} msgs/sec)\n" \ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" end end def apollo_mgmt_url(path) "http://localhost:61680#{path}" end def apollo_api_get_json(path) open(apollo_mgmt_url(path), :http_basic_authentication => credentials) {|f| JSON::parse( } end def apollo_api_delete(path) `curl -s -f -X DELETE -u #{credentials.join(':').inspect} #{apollo_mgmt_url path}` $?.should be_success end end