# This is a bunch of test cases for the 'diff' method. Since that method is currently
# commented out, so too are the test cases.
# = test/tc_debug.rb
# Unit tests for the debugging utilities contained in dev-utils/debug.rb.
# These can be run directly, as in ruby -Ilib lib/dev-utils/test/debug-test.rb, or
# through the Rakefile, as in rake test.
# It's a little confusing to have dev-utils/test.rb as a library file and
# dev-utils/test/* as test cases. That's a coincidence in this case; most projects
# would not have a library file called test.rb. I'm trying out an approach to unit
# tests whereby they are placed in the lib directory, thus ensuring that they are
# accessed via the same $LOAD_PATH as the library itself. All other ways of
# organising unit tests I have found annoying, because careful load-path management is needed
# just to run them, which I find frustrating.
# It may turn out that I can find a really good alternative and promote that instead.
require 'dev-utils/debug'
require 'test/unit'
class TC_Debug < Test::Unit::TestCase
Address = Struct.new(:number, :road, :city)
class Person
attr_reader :name, :age, :address
def initialize(name, age, address)
@name, @age, @address = name, age, address
@unimportant = rand(100)
def ==(person)
self.name == person.name and self.age == person.age and self.address == person.address
# Test between some fundamental types. These do not have fields to compare between: they
# are immediate values.
def test_diff_0
assert_equal(nil, diff('abc', 'abc'))
assert_equal('Immediate values differ', diff('abc', 'def'))
# Test between a few simple Address structs. Structs don't have instance variables so
# they're a special case.
def test_diff_1
# No difference between objects.
a1 = Address.new(4, "Cumberland", "Sydney")
a2 = Address.new(4, "Cumberland", "Sydney")
assert_equal(nil, diff(a1, a2))
assert_equal(nil, diff(a2, a1))
# One difference between objects.
a3 = Address.new(4, "Cumberlond", "Sydney")
expected = ['road: "Cumberland"', 'road: "Cumberlond"']
assert_equal(expected, diff(a1, a3))
assert_equal(expected, diff(a2, a3))
expected = ['road: "Cumberlond"', 'road: "Cumberland"']
assert_equal(expected, diff(a3, a1))
assert_equal(expected, diff(a3, a2))
# This continues the work of test_diff_1, but is seperated out because it's testing
# different stuff. Objects with multiple differences are compared. Differences should be
# reported in alphabetical order, since no fundamental order is guaranteed.
def test_diff_2
a1 = Address.new(4, "Cumberland", "Sydney")
# Two differences between objects.
a4 = Address.new(4, "Cumberlond", "Melbourne")
# Unless asked, only report the first difference.
expected = ['city: "Sydney"', 'city: "Melbourne"']
assert_equal(expected, diff(a1, a4))
# If asked, report the first or second difference.
assert_equal(expected, diff(a1, a4, 1))
expected = ['road: "Cumberland"', 'road: "Cumberlond"']
assert_equal(expected, diff(a1, a4, 2))
# If asked, report the third or greater difference, of which there is none.
assert_equal(nil, diff(a1, a4, 3))
assert_equal(nil, diff(a1, a4, 100))
# If asked, report all differences.
expected = []
expected << ['city: "Sydney"', 'city: "Melbourne"']
expected << ['road: "Cumberland"', 'road: "Cumberlond"']
assert_equal(expected, diff(a1, a4, :all))
# If asked, report number of differences.
assert_equal(2, diff(a1, a4, :n))
# Test between a few simple Person objects. They have an instance variable that is not an
# attribute, so it shouldn't influence the comparison.
# test_diff_2 did some testing of the advanced features, so we don't need to do those
# here.
def test_diff_3
p1 = Person.new('John Smith', 31, nil)
p2 = Person.new('John Smith', 31, nil) # same as p1
p3 = Person.new('John Brown', 31, nil) # name different from p1
p4 = Person.new('John Smith', 84, nil) # age different from p1
p5 = Person.new('Joan Brown', 84, nil) # name and age different from p1
assert_equal(nil, diff(p1, p2))
assert_equal(['name: "John Brown"', 'name: "John Smith"'], diff(p3, p1))
assert_equal(['name: "John Smith"', 'name: "John Brown"'], diff(p1, p3))
assert_equal(['age: 84', 'age: 31'], diff(p4, p1))
assert_equal(['age: 31', 'age: 84'], diff(p1, p4))
assert_equal(['age: 84', 'age: 31'], diff(p5, p1))
assert_equal(['name: "Joan Brown"', 'name: "John Smith"'], diff(p5, p1, 2))
assert_equal(2, diff(p5, p1, :n))
# Now we get recursive, and compare Person objects that have Address objects within them.
def test_diff_4
p1 = Person.new('John Smith', 31, Address.new(4, 'Holmes', 'Sydney'))
p2 = Person.new('John Smith', 31, Address.new(4, 'Holmes', 'Sydney')) # == p1
p3 = Person.new('John Smith', 31, Address.new(4, 'Hawke', 'Sydney'))
assert_equal(p1, p2)
assert_equal(nil, diff(p1, p2))
assert_equal(nil, diff(p2, p1))
assert_equal(['address.road: "Hawke"', 'address.road: "Holmes"'], diff(p3, p1))
assert_equal(['address.road: "Hawke"', 'address.road: "Holmes"'], diff(p3, p1, 1))
assert_equal([['address.road: "Hawke"', 'address.road: "Holmes"']], diff(p3, p1, :all))
assert_equal(1, diff(p3, p1, :n))
# TODO: this should have more testing, but if that test passes, it's probably good enough
# for me to use now.
def test_topology
fail "Not implemented"