#!/usr/bin/env rspec -cfd require_relative '../spec_helper' require 'tmpdir' require 'timecop' require 'arborist/manager' require 'arborist/mixins' require 'arborist/node/host' require 'arborist/event/node_update' using Arborist::TimeRefinements describe Arborist::Manager do after( :all ) do Arborist::Manager.state_file = nil end before( :each ) do Arborist::Manager.configure end after( :each ) do Arborist::Node::Root.reset end let( :manager ) { described_class.new } let( :tmpfile_pathname ) { Pathname(Dir::Tmpname.create(['arb', 'tree']) {}) } # # Examples # it "starts with a root node" do expect( described_class.new.root ).to be_a( Arborist::Node ) end it "starts with a node registry with the root node and itself" do result = manager.nodes expect( result ).to include( '_' ) expect( result['_'] ).to be( manager.root ) end it "knows how long it has been running" do Timecop.freeze do manager.start_time = Time.now Timecop.travel( 10 ) do expect( manager.uptime ).to be_within( 1 ).of( 10 ) end end end it "has an uptime of 0 if it hasn't yet been started" do expect( manager.uptime ).to eq( 0 ) end describe "state-saving" do before( :each ) do Arborist::Manager.state_file = nil end let( :router_node ) { Arborist::Host('router') } let( :host_node ) { Arborist::Host( 'host-a', router_node ) } let( :tree ) {[ router_node, host_node ]} let( :manager ) do instance = described_class.new instance.load_tree( tree ) instance end it "saves the state of its node tree if the state file is configured" do statefile = Pathname( './arborist.tree' ) Arborist::Manager.state_file = statefile tempfile = instance_double( Tempfile, path: './arborist20160224-31449-zevoz2.tree', unlink: nil ) expect( Tempfile ).to receive( :create ). with( ['arborist', '.tree'], '.', encoding: 'binary' ). and_return( tempfile ) expect( Marshal ).to receive( :dump ).with( manager.nodes, tempfile ) expect( tempfile ).to receive( :close ) expect( File ).to receive( :rename ). with( './arborist20160224-31449-zevoz2.tree', './arborist.tree' ) manager.save_node_states end it "cleans up the tempfile created by checkpointing if renaming the file fails" do statefile = Pathname( './arborist.tree' ) Arborist::Manager.state_file = statefile tempfile = instance_double( Tempfile, path: './arborist20160224-31449-zevoz2.tree' ) expect( Tempfile ).to receive( :create ). with( ['arborist', '.tree'], '.', encoding: 'binary' ). and_return( tempfile ) expect( Marshal ).to receive( :dump ).with( manager.nodes, tempfile ) expect( tempfile ).to receive( :close ) expect( File ).to receive( :rename ). and_raise( Errno::ENOENT.new("no such file or directory") ) expect( File ).to receive( :exist? ).with( tempfile.path ).and_return( true ) expect( File ).to receive( :unlink ).with( tempfile.path ) manager.save_node_states end it "doesn't try to save state if the state file is not configured" do Arborist::Manager.state_file = nil expect( Tempfile ).to_not receive( :create ) expect( Marshal ).to_not receive( :dump ) expect( File ).to_not receive( :rename ) manager.save_node_states end it "restores the state of loaded nodes if the state file is configured" do _ = manager Arborist::Manager.state_file = './arborist.tree' statefile = Arborist::Manager.state_file state_file_io = instance_double( File ) saved_router_node = Marshal.load( Marshal.dump(router_node) ) saved_router_node.instance_variable_set( :@status, 'up' ) saved_host_node = Marshal.load( Marshal.dump(host_node) ) saved_host_node.instance_variable_set( :@status, 'down' ) saved_host_node.errors = { '_' => 'Stuff happened and it was not good.' } expect( statefile ).to receive( :readable? ).and_return( true ) expect( statefile ).to receive( :open ).with( 'r:binary' ). and_return( state_file_io ) expect( Marshal ).to receive( :load ).with( state_file_io ). and_return({ 'router' => saved_router_node, 'host-a' => saved_host_node }) expect( manager.restore_node_states ).to be_truthy expect( manager.nodes['router'].status ).to eq( 'up' ) expect( manager.nodes['host-a'].status ).to eq( 'down' ) expect( manager.nodes['host-a'].errors ).to eq({ '_' => 'Stuff happened and it was not good.' }) end it "doesn't error if the configured state file isn't readable" do _ = manager Arborist::Manager.state_file = './arborist.tree' expect( Arborist::Manager.state_file ).to receive( :readable? ).and_return( false ) expect( Arborist::Manager.state_file ).to_not receive( :open ) expect( manager.restore_node_states ).to be_falsey end it "checkpoints the state file periodically if an interval is configured" do statefile = tmpfile_pathname() described_class.configure( checkpoint_frequency: 20_000, state_file: statefile ) manager = described_class.new manager.register_checkpoint_timer expect( manager.checkpoint_timer ).to be_a( Timers::Timer ) expect( statefile ).to_not exist manager.checkpoint_timer.fire expect( statefile ).to exist states = Marshal.load( statefile.open('r:binary') ) expect( states ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( states.keys ).to eq( manager.nodes.keys ) end it "doesn't checkpoint if no interval is configured" do described_class.configure( manager: {checkpoint_frequency: nil, state_file: 'arb.tree'} ) manager = described_class.new expect( manager.checkpoint_timer ).to be_nil end it "doesn't checkpoint if no state file is configured" do described_class.configure( manager: {checkpoint_frequency: 20, state_file: nil} ) manager = described_class.new expect( manager.checkpoint_timer ).to be_nil end it "writes a checkpoint if it receives a SIGUSR1" end context "heartbeat event" do it "errors if configured with a heartbeat of 0" do expect { described_class.configure( heartbeat_frequency: 0 ) }.to raise_error( Arborist::ConfigError, /positive and non-zero/i ) end it "is sent at the configured interval" do described_class.configure( heartbeat_frequency: 11 ) expect( manager.reactor ).to receive( :add_periodic_timer ).with( 11 ) manager.register_heartbeat_timer end it "doesn't try to publish the heartbeat if it's not been started" do manager.start_time = nil manager.publish_heartbeat_event expect( manager.event_queue ).to be_empty end it "contains runtime information about the manager" do time = Time.now manager.start_time = time manager.publish_heartbeat_event event = manager.event_queue.shift expect( event ).to be_a( CZTop::Message ) decoded = Arborist::EventAPI.decode( event ) expect( decoded ).to include( 'run_id' => manager.run_id, 'start_time' => time.iso8601, 'version' => Arborist::VERSION ) end end context "a new empty manager" do let( :node ) do testing_node 'italian_lessons' end let( :node2 ) do testing_node 'french_laundry' end let( :node3 ) do testing_node 'german_oak_cats' end it "has a nodecount of 1" do expect( manager.nodecount ).to eq( 1 ) end it "can have a node added to it" do manager.add_node( node ) expect( manager.nodes ).to include( 'italian_lessons' ) expect( manager.nodes['italian_lessons'] ).to be( node ) expect( manager.nodecount ).to eq( 2 ) expect( manager.nodelist ).to include( '_', 'italian_lessons' ) end it "can load its tree from an Enumerator that yields nodes" do manager.load_tree([ node, node2, node3 ]) expect( manager.nodes ).to include( 'italian_lessons', 'french_laundry', 'german_oak_cats' ) expect( manager.nodes['italian_lessons'] ).to be( node ) expect( manager.nodes['french_laundry'] ).to be( node2 ) expect( manager.nodes['german_oak_cats'] ).to be( node3 ) expect( manager.nodecount ).to eq( 4 ) expect( manager.nodelist ).to include( '_', 'italian_lessons', 'french_laundry', 'german_oak_cats' ) end it "complains if adding a node that already exists" do manager.add_node( node ) another_node = testing_node( 'italian_lessons' ) expect { manager.add_node( another_node ) }.to raise_error( Arborist::NodeError, /already present/ ) end it "can have a node removed from it" do manager.add_node( node ) deleted_node = manager.remove_node( 'italian_lessons' ) expect( deleted_node ).to be( node ) expect( manager.nodes ).to_not include( 'italian_lessons' ) expect( manager.nodecount ).to eq( 1 ) expect( manager.nodelist ).to include( '_' ) end it "disallows removal of operational nodes" do expect { manager.remove_node('_') }.to raise_error( /can't remove an operational node/i ) end end context "a manager with some loaded nodes" do let( :trunk_node ) do testing_node( 'trunk' ) end let( :branch_node ) do testing_node( 'branch', 'trunk' ) end let( :leaf_node ) do testing_node( 'leaf', 'branch' ) end let( :manager ) do instance = described_class.new instance.load_tree([ branch_node, leaf_node, trunk_node ]) instance end it "has a tree built out of its nodes" do expect( manager.root ).to have_children end it "knows what nodes have been loaded" do expect( manager.nodelist ).to include( 'trunk', 'branch', 'leaf' ) end it "errors if any of its nodes are missing their parent" do manager = described_class.new orphan = testing_node( 'orphan' ) do parent 'daddy_warbucks' end expect { manager.load_tree([ orphan ]) }.to raise_error( /no parent 'daddy_warbucks' node loaded for/i ) end it "grafts a node into the tree when one with a previously unknown identifier is added" do new_node = testing_node( 'new' ) do parent 'branch' end manager.add_node( new_node ) expect( manager.nodes['branch'].children ).to include( 'new' ) end it "rebuilds the tree when a node is removed from it" do manager.remove_node( 'branch' ) expect( manager.nodes['trunk'].children ).to_not include( 'branch' ) expect( manager.nodes ).to_not include( 'branch' ) expect( manager.nodes ).to_not include( 'leaf' ) end end describe "tree API", :testing_manager do before( :each ) do @manager = nil @manager_thread = Thread.new do @manager = make_testing_manager() Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true @manager.run Loggability[ Arborist ].info "Stopped the test manager" end count = 0 until (@manager && @manager.running?) || count > 30 sleep 0.1 count += 1 end raise "Manager didn't start up" unless @manager.running? end after( :each ) do @manager.simulate_signal( :TERM ) unless @manager_thread.join( 5 ) $stderr.puts "Manager thread didn't exit on its own; killing it." @manager_thread.kill end count = 0 while @manager.running? || count > 30 sleep 0.1 Loggability[ Arborist ].info "Manager still running" count += 1 end raise "Manager didn't stop" if @manager.running? end let( :manager ) { @manager } let( :sock ) do sock = CZTop::Socket::REQ.new sock.options.linger = 0 sock.connect( TESTING_API_SOCK ) sock end describe "status" do it "returns a Map describing the manager and its state" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :status ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body.length ).to eq( 4 ) expect( body ).to include( 'server_version', 'state', 'uptime', 'nodecount' ) end end describe "search" do it "returns an array of full state maps for nodes matching specified criteria" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :search, type: 'service', port: 22 ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body.length ).to eq( 3 ) expect( body.values ).to all( be_a(Hash) ) expect( body.values ).to all( include('status', 'type') ) end it "returns an array of full state maps for nodes not matching specified negative criteria" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :search, [ {}, {type: 'service', port: 22} ] ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body.length ).to eq( manager.nodes.length - 3 ) expect( body.values ).to all( be_a(Hash) ) expect( body.values ).to all( include('status', 'type') ) end it "returns an array of full state maps for nodes combining positive and negative criteria" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :search, [ {type: 'service'}, {port: 22} ] ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body.length ).to eq( 18 ) expect( body.values ).to all( be_a(Hash) ) expect( body.values ).to all( include('status', 'type') ) end it "omits nodes beneath downed nodes if asked to" do manager.nodes['sidonie'].update( error: 'sunspots' ) msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :search, {exclude_down: true}, type: 'service', port: 22 ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body.length ).to eq( 2 ) expect( body ).to include( 'duir-ssh', 'yevaud-ssh' ) end it "include nodes beneath downed nodes by default" do manager.nodes['sidonie'].update( error: 'plague of locusts' ) msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :search, type: 'service', port: 22 ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body.length ).to eq( 3 ) expect( body ).to include( 'duir-ssh', 'yevaud-ssh', 'sidonie-ssh' ) end it "returns only identifiers if the `return` header is set to `nil`" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :search, {return: nil}, type: 'service', port: 22 ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body.length ).to eq( 3 ) expect( body ).to include( 'duir-ssh', 'yevaud-ssh', 'sidonie-ssh' ) expect( body.values ).to all( be_empty ) end it "returns only specified state if the `return` header is set to an Array of keys" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :search, {return: %w[status tags addresses]}, type: 'service', port: 22 ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body.length ).to eq( 3 ) expect( body ).to include( 'duir-ssh', 'yevaud-ssh', 'sidonie-ssh' ) expect( body.values.map(&:keys) ).to all( contain_exactly('status', 'tags', 'addresses') ) end end describe "fetch" do it "returns an array of node state" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :fetch ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body.length ).to eq( manager.nodes.length ) expect( body ).to all( be_a(Hash) ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => '_') ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => 'duir') ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => 'sidonie') ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => 'sidonie-ssh') ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => 'sidonie-demon-http') ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => 'yevaud') ) end it "can start at a node other than the root" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :fetch, {from: 'sidonie'}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body.length ).to eq( manager.nodes.keys.count {|id| id.include?('sidonie')} ) expect( body ).to all( be_a(Hash) ) expect( body ).to_not include( hash_including('identifier' => '_') ) expect( body ).to_not include( hash_including('identifier' => 'duir') ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => 'sidonie') ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => 'sidonie-ssh') ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => 'sidonie-demon-http') ) expect( body ).to_not include( hash_including('identifier' => 'yevaud') ) end it "can be fetched as a tree" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :fetch, {tree: true}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body.length ).to eq( 1 ) expect( body.first ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body.first ).to include( 'children' ) expect( body.first['identifier'] ).to eq( '_' ) expect( body.first['children'].keys ).to include( 'duir', 'localhost' ) end it "can be limited by depth" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :fetch, {depth: 1}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body.length ).to eq( 3 ) expect( body ).to all( be_a(Hash) ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => '_') ) expect( body ).to include( hash_including('identifier' => 'duir') ) expect( body ).to_not include( hash_including('identifier' => 'duir-ssh') ) end it "errors when fetching from a nonexistent node" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :fetch, {from: "nope-nope-nope"}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( hdr ).to include( "reason" => "No such node nope-nope-nope." ) expect( body ).to be_nil end end describe "update" do it "merges the properties sent with those of the targeted nodes" do update_data = { duir: { ping: { rtt: 254 } }, sidonie: { ping: { rtt: 1208 } }, yevaud: { ping: { rtt: 843 } } } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :update, update_data ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_nil expect( manager.nodes['duir'].properties['ping'] ).to include( 'rtt' => 254 ) expect( manager.nodes['sidonie'].properties['ping'] ).to include( 'rtt' => 1208 ) expect( manager.nodes['yevaud'].properties['ping'] ).to include( 'rtt' => 843 ) end it "ignores unknown identifiers" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :update, charlie_humperton: {ping: { rtt: 8 }} ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) end it "fails with a client error if the body is invalid" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :update, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( hdr['reason'] ).to match( /respond to #each/ ) end end describe "subscribe" do it "adds a subscription for all event types to the root node by default" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :subscribe, [{}, {}] ) resmsg = nil expect { msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive }.to change { manager.subscriptions.length }.by( 1 ).and( change { manager.root.subscriptions.length }.by( 1 ) ) hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) sub_id = manager.subscriptions.keys.first expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body ).to include( 'id' ) expect( manager.subscriptions.keys ).to include( body['id'] ) end it "adds a subscription to the specified node if an identifier is specified" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :subscribe, {identifier: 'sidonie'}, [{}, {}] ) resmsg = nil expect { msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive }.to change { manager.subscriptions.length }.by( 1 ).and( change { manager.nodes['sidonie'].subscriptions.length }.by( 1 ) ) hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body ).to include( 'id' ) expect( manager.subscriptions.keys ).to include( body['id'] ) end it "adds a subscription for particular event types if one is specified" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :subscribe, {event_type: 'node.acked'}, [{}, {}] ) resmsg = nil expect { msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive }.to change { manager.subscriptions.length }.by( 1 ).and( change { manager.root.subscriptions.length }.by( 1 ) ) hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) node = manager.subscriptions[ body['id'] ] sub = node.subscriptions[ body['id'] ] expect( sub.event_type ).to eq( 'node.acked' ) end it "adds a subscription for events which match a pattern if one is specified" do criteria = { type: 'host' } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :subscribe, [criteria, {}] ) resmsg = nil expect { msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive }.to change { manager.subscriptions.length }.by( 1 ).and( change { manager.root.subscriptions.length }.by( 1 ) ) hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ).and( include('id') ) node = manager.subscriptions[ body['id'] ] sub = node.subscriptions[ body['id'] ] expect( sub.event_type ).to be_nil expect( sub.criteria ).to eq({ 'type' => 'host' }) end it "adds a subscription for events which don't match a pattern if an exclusion pattern is given" do criteria = { type: 'host' } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :subscribe, [{}, criteria] ) resmsg = nil expect { msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive }.to change { manager.subscriptions.length }.by( 1 ).and( change { manager.root.subscriptions.length }.by( 1 ) ) hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ).and( include('id') ) node = manager.subscriptions[ body['id'] ] sub = node.subscriptions[ body['id'] ] expect( sub.event_type ).to be_nil expect( sub.negative_criteria ).to eq({ 'type' => 'host' }) end end describe "unsubscribe" do let( :subscription ) do manager.create_subscription( nil, 'node.delta', {type: 'host'} ) end it "removes the subscription with the specified ID" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :unsubscribe, {subscription_id: subscription.id}, nil ) resmsg = nil expect { msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive }.to change { manager.subscriptions.length }.by( -1 ).and( change { manager.root.subscriptions.length }.by( -1 ) ) hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( body ).to include( 'event_type' => 'node.delta', 'criteria' => {'type' => 'host'} ) end it "ignores unsubscription of a non-existant ID" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :unsubscribe, {subscription_id: 'the bears!'}, nil ) resmsg = nil expect { msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive }.to_not change { manager.subscriptions.length } hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( body ).to be_nil end end describe "prune" do it "removes a single node" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :prune, {identifier: 'duir-ssh'}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body ).to include( 'identifier' => 'duir-ssh' ) expect( manager.nodes ).to_not include( 'duir-ssh' ) end it "returns Nil without error if the node to prune didn't exist" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :prune, {identifier: 'shemp-ssh'}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_nil end it "removes children nodes along with the parent" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :prune, {identifier: 'duir'}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body ).to include( 'identifier' => 'duir' ) expect( manager.nodes ).to_not include( 'duir' ) expect( manager.nodes ).to_not include( 'duir-ssh' ) end it "returns an error to the client when missing required attributes" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :prune ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( hdr['reason'] ).to match( /no identifier/i ) end end describe "graft" do it "can add a node with no explicit parent" do header = { identifier: 'guenter', type: 'host', } attributes = { description: 'The evil penguin node of doom.', addresses: [''], tags: ['internal', 'football'] } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :graft, header, attributes ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to include( 'identifier' => 'guenter' ) new_node = manager.nodes[ 'guenter' ] expect( new_node ).to be_a( Arborist::Node::Host ) expect( new_node.identifier ).to eq( header[:identifier] ) expect( new_node.description ).to eq( attributes[:description] ) expect( new_node.addresses ).to eq([ IPAddr.new(attributes[:addresses].first) ]) expect( new_node.tags ).to include( *attributes[:tags] ) end it "can add a node with a parent specified" do header = { identifier: 'orgalorg', type: 'host', parent: 'duir' } attributes = { description: 'The true form of the evil penguin node of doom.', addresses: [''], tags: ['evil', 'space', 'entity'] } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :graft, header, attributes ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to include( 'identifier' => 'orgalorg' ) new_node = manager.nodes[ 'orgalorg' ] expect( new_node ).to be_a( Arborist::Node::Host ) expect( new_node.identifier ).to eq( header[:identifier] ) expect( new_node.parent ).to eq( header[:parent] ) expect( new_node.description ).to eq( attributes[:description] ) expect( new_node.addresses ).to eq([ IPAddr.new(attributes[:addresses].first) ]) expect( new_node.tags ).to include( *attributes[:tags] ) end it "can add a subordinate node" do header = { identifier: 'echo', type: 'service', parent: 'duir' } attributes = { description: 'Mmmmm AppleTalk.' } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :graft, header, attributes ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to eq( 'identifier' => 'duir-echo' ) new_node = manager.nodes[ 'duir-echo' ] expect( new_node ).to be_a( Arborist::Node::Service ) expect( new_node.identifier ).to eq( 'duir-echo' ) expect( new_node.parent ).to eq( header[:parent] ) expect( new_node.description ).to eq( attributes[:description] ) expect( new_node.port ).to eq( 7 ) expect( new_node.protocol ).to eq( 'tcp' ) expect( new_node.app_protocol ).to eq( 'echo' ) end it "errors if adding a subordinate node with no parent" do header = { identifier: 'echo', type: 'service' } attributes = { description: 'Mmmmm AppleTalk.' } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :graft, header, attributes ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( hdr['reason'] ).to match( /no host given/i ) end it "errors if adding a node that already exists" do header = { identifier: 'duir', type: 'host', } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :graft, header, {} ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( hdr['reason'] ).to match( /exists/i ) end end describe "modify" do it "can change operational attributes of a node" do header = { identifier: 'sidonie', } attributes = { parent: '_', addresses: ['', ''] } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :modify, header, attributes ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) node = manager.nodes[ 'sidonie' ] expect( node.addresses ).to eq( [IPAddr.new(''), IPAddr.new('')] ) expect( node.parent ).to eq( '_' ) end it "ignores modifications to unsupported attributes" do header = { identifier: 'sidonie', } attributes = { identifier: 'somethingelse' } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :modify, header, attributes ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( manager.nodes['sidonie'] ).to be_an( Arborist::Node ) expect( manager.nodes['sidonie'].identifier ).to eq( 'sidonie' ) end it "errors on modifications to the root node" do header = { identifier: '_', } attributes = { identifier: 'somethingelse' } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :modify, header, attributes ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( manager.nodes['_'].identifier ).to eq( '_' ) end it "errors on modifications to nonexistent nodes" do header = { identifier: 'nopenopenope', } attributes = { identifier: 'somethingelse' } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :modify, header, attributes ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) end it "reparents a node whose parent is altered" do header = { identifier: 'sidonie' } attributes = { parent: 'yevaud' } msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :modify, header, attributes ) node = manager.nodes[ 'sidonie' ] old_parent = manager.nodes[ 'duir' ] expect( node.parent ).to eq( 'duir' ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) new_parent = manager.nodes[ 'yevaud' ] expect( node.parent ).to eq( 'yevaud' ) expect( old_parent.children ).to_not include( 'sidonie' ) expect( new_parent.children ).to include( 'sidonie' ) end end describe "deps" do it "returns a list of the identifiers of nodes that depend on it" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :deps, {from: 'sidonie'}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body ).to include( 'deps' ) expect( body['deps'] ).to_not include( 'sidonie' ) expect( body['deps'] ).to be_an( Array ). and( include('sidonie-ssh', 'yevaud-cozy_frontend', 'sandbox01-canary') ) end end describe "ack" do it "acknowledges a single node" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :ack, {identifier: 'sidonie'}, {message: "Planned maintenance", sender: 'xerces'} ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_nil expect( manager.nodes['sidonie'] ).to be_disabled end it "returns an error if the node to ack doesn't exist" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :ack, {identifier: 'shemp-ssh'}, {message: "Planned maintenance", sender: 'xerces'} ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( hdr['reason'] ).to match( /no such node/i ) end it "returns an error if the node to ack isn't specified" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :ack, {}, {message: "", sender: ''} ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( hdr['reason'] ).to match( /no identifier/i ) end it "returns an error if one of the required arguments isn't provided" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :ack, {identifier: 'sidonie'}, {message: "Planned maintenance"} ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( hdr['reason'] ).to match( /missing required ack sender/i ) end it "propagates events from an acknowledgement up the node tree" do expect( manager.root ).to receive( :publish_events ). at_least( :once ). and_call_original expect( manager.nodes['duir'] ).to receive( :publish_events ). at_least( :once ). and_call_original manager.handle_ack_request( { 'identifier' => 'sidonie' }, { 'message' => 'There will also be corn served.', 'sender' => 'Smoove-B' }) end end describe "unack" do it "removes an acknowledgement from a single node" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :unack, {identifier: 'sidonie'}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => true ) expect( body ).to be_nil expect( manager.nodes['sidonie'] ).to be_unknown end it "returns an error if the node to unack doesn't exist" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :unack, {identifier: 'shemp-ssh'}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( hdr['reason'] ).to match( /no such/i ) end it "returns an error if the node to unack isn't specified" do msg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :unack, {}, nil ) msg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false ) expect( hdr['reason'] ).to match( /no identifier/i ) end it "propagates events from an unack up the node tree" do expect( manager.root ).to receive( :publish_events ). at_least( :once ). and_call_original expect( manager.nodes['duir'] ).to receive( :publish_events ). at_least( :once ). and_call_original manager.handle_unack_request( { 'identifier' => 'sidonie' }, nil ) end end describe "malformed requests" do it "send an error response if the request can't be deserialized" do sock << "whatevs, dude!" resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false, 'reason' => /invalid message/i, 'category' => 'client' ) expect( body ).to be_nil end it "send an error response if the request isn't a tuple" do sock << MessagePack.pack({ version: 1, action: 'fetch' }) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false, 'reason' => /invalid message.*not an array/i, 'category' => 'client' ) expect( body ).to be_nil end it "send an error response if the request is empty" do sock << MessagePack.pack([]) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false, 'reason' => /invalid message.*expected 1-2 parts, got 0/i, 'category' => 'client' ) expect( body ).to be_nil end it "send an error response if the request is an incorrect length" do sock << MessagePack.pack( [{}, {}, {}] ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false, 'reason' => /expected 1-2 parts, got 3/i, 'category' => 'client' ) expect( body ).to be_nil end it "send an error response if the request's header is not a Map" do sock << MessagePack.pack( [nil, {}] ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false, 'reason' => /no header/i, 'category' => 'client' ) expect( body ).to be_nil end it "send an error response if the request's body is not Nil, a Map, or an Array of Maps" do sock << MessagePack.pack( [{version: 1, action: 'fetch'}, 18] ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false, 'reason' => /invalid message.*body must be nil, a map, or an array of maps/i, 'category' => 'client' ) expect( body ).to be_nil end it "send an error response if missing a version" do sock << MessagePack.pack( [{action: 'fetch'}] ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false, 'reason' => /invalid message.*missing required header 'version'/i, 'category' => 'client' ) expect( body ).to be_nil end it "send an error response if missing an action" do sock << MessagePack.pack( [{version: 1}] ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false, 'reason' => /invalid message.*missing required header 'action'/i, 'category' => 'client' ) expect( body ).to be_nil end it "send an error response for unknown actions" do badmsg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :slap ) badmsg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false, 'reason' => /invalid message.*no such action 'slap'/i, 'category' => 'client' ) expect( body ).to be_nil end it "send an error response for the `tree` action" do badmsg = Arborist::TreeAPI.request( :tree ) badmsg.send_to( sock ) resmsg = sock.receive hdr, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( resmsg ) expect( hdr ).to include( 'success' => false, 'reason' => /invalid message.*no such action 'tree'/i, 'category' => 'client' ) expect( body ).to be_nil end end end describe "event API" do before( :each ) do @manager = nil @manager_thread = Thread.new do @manager = make_testing_manager() Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true @manager.run Loggability[ Arborist ].info "Stopped the test manager" end count = 0 until (@manager && @manager.running?) || count > 30 sleep 0.1 count += 1 end raise "Manager didn't start up" unless @manager.running? end after( :each ) do @manager.simulate_signal( :TERM ) unless @manager_thread.join( 5 ) $stderr.puts "Manager thread didn't exit on its own; killing it." @manager_thread.kill end count = 0 while @manager.running? || count > 30 sleep 0.1 Loggability[ Arborist ].info "Manager still running" count += 1 end raise "Manager didn't stop" if @manager.running? end let( :manager ) { @manager } let!( :sock ) do sock = CZTop::Socket::SUB.new sock.options.linger = 0 sock.subscribe( '' ) event_uri = manager.event_socket.last_endpoint sock.connect( event_uri ) Loggability[ Arborist ].info "Connected subscribed socket to %p" % [ event_uri ] sock end it "publishes messages via the event socket" do node = Arborist::Node.create( :root ) event = Arborist::Event.create( :node_update, node ) manager.publish( 'identifier-00aa', event ) msg = nil wait( 1.second ).for { msg = sock.receive }.to be_a( CZTop::Message ) expect( msg.frames.first.to_s ).to eq( 'identifier-00aa' ) expect( msg.frames.last.to_s ).to be_a_messagepacked( Hash ) end end describe "tree traversal" do let( :tree ) do # router # host_a host_b host_c # www smtp imap www nfs ssh www [ testing_node( 'router' ), testing_node( 'host-a', 'router' ), testing_node( 'host-a-www', 'host-a' ), testing_node( 'host-a-smtp', 'host-a' ), testing_node( 'host-a-imap', 'host-a' ), testing_node( 'host-b', 'router' ), testing_node( 'host-b-www', 'host-b' ), testing_node( 'host-b-nfs', 'host-b' ), testing_node( 'host-b-ssh', 'host-b' ), testing_node( 'host-c', 'router' ), testing_node( 'host-c-www', 'host-c' ), testing_node( 'host-d', 'router' ), testing_node( 'host-d-ssh', 'host-d' ), testing_node( 'host-d-amqp', 'host-d' ), testing_node( 'host-d-database', 'host-d' ), testing_node( 'host-d-memcached', 'host-d' ), ] end let( :manager ) do instance = described_class.new instance.load_tree( tree ) instance end it "can traverse all nodes in its node tree" do iter = manager.all_nodes expect( iter ).to be_a( Enumerator ) expect( iter.to_a ).to eq( [manager.root] + tree ) end it "can traverse all nodes whose status is 'up'" do manager.nodes.each {|_, node| node.status = 'up' } manager.nodes[ 'host-a' ].status = 'down' manager.nodes[ 'host-c' ].status = 'down' manager.nodes[ 'host-b-nfs' ].status = 'disabled' manager.nodes[ 'host-b-www' ].status = 'quieted' iter = manager.reachable_nodes expect( iter ).to be_a( Enumerator ) nodes = iter.map( &:identifier ) expect( nodes ).to include( "_", "router", "host-b", "host-b-ssh", "host-d", "host-d-ssh", "host-d-amqp", "host-d-database", "host-d-memcached", ) expect( nodes ).to_not include( "host-b-www", "host-b-nfs", "host-c", "host-c-www", "host-a", "host-a-www", "host-a-smtp", "host-a-imap", ) end it "can create an Enumerator for all of its children to a specified depth" do nodes = manager.depth_limited_enumerator_for( manager.nodes['_'], 2 ).to_a expect( nodes.length ).to eq( 6 ) expect( nodes.map(&:identifier) ).to eq( %w[_ router host-a host-b host-c host-d] ) end end describe "node updates" do let( :tree ) do # router # host_a host_b host_c # www smtp imap www nfs ssh www [ testing_node( 'router' ), testing_node( 'host-a', 'router' ), testing_node( 'host-a-www', 'host-a' ) { tags :home, :church }, testing_node( 'host-a-smtp', 'host-a' ) { tags :home }, testing_node( 'host-a-imap', 'host-a' ), testing_node( 'host-b', 'router' ), testing_node( 'host-b-www', 'host-b' ) { tags :church }, testing_node( 'host-b-nfs', 'host-b' ), testing_node( 'host-b-ssh', 'host-b' ) { tags :work }, testing_node( 'host-c', 'router' ), testing_node( 'host-c-www', 'host-c' ) { tags :work, :home }, ] end let( :manager ) do instance = described_class.new instance.load_tree( tree ) instance end it "can search a Hash of node states" do states = manager.find_matching_node_states( {}, [] ) expect( states.size ).to eq( manager.nodes.size ) expect( states ).to include( 'host-b-nfs', 'host-c', 'router' ) expect( states['host-b-nfs'] ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( states['host-c'] ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( states['router'] ).to be_a( Hash ) end it "can search a Hash of node states for nodes which match specified criteria" do states = manager.find_matching_node_states( {'identifier' => 'host-c'}, [] ) expect( states.size ).to eq( 1 ) expect( states.keys.first ).to eq( 'host-c' ) expect( states['host-c'] ).to be_a( Hash ) end it "can search a Hash of node states for nodes which don't match specified negative criteria" do states = manager.find_matching_node_states( {}, [], false, {'identifier' => 'host-c'} ) expect( states.size ).to eq( manager.nodes.size - 1 ) expect( states ).to_not include( 'host-c' ) end it "can search a Hash of node states for nodes combining positive and negative criteria" do positive = {'tag' => 'home'} negative = {'identifier' => 'host-a-www'} states = manager.find_matching_node_states( positive, [], false, negative ) expect( states.size ).to eq( 2 ) expect( states ).to_not include( 'host-a-www' ) end it "can update an event by identifier" do manager.update_node( 'host-b-www', http: { status: 200 } ) expect( manager.nodes['host-b-www'].properties ).to include( 'http' => { 'status' => 200 } ) end it "ignores updates to an identifier that is not (any longer) in the tree" do expect { manager.update_node( 'host-y', asset_tag: '2by-n86y7t' ) }.to_not raise_error end it "propagates events from an update up the node tree" do expect( manager.root ).to receive( :publish_events ). at_least( :once ). and_call_original expect( manager.nodes['host-c'] ).to receive( :publish_events ). at_least( :once ). and_call_original manager.update_node( 'host-c-www', response_status: 504, error: 'Timeout talking to web service.' ) end it "only propagates events to a node's ancestors" do expect( manager.root ).to receive( :publish_events ). at_least( :once ). and_call_original expect( manager.nodes['host-c'] ).to_not receive( :publish_events ) manager.update_node( 'host-b-www', response_status: 504, error: 'Timeout talking to web service.' ) end end describe "subscriptions" do let( :tree ) {[ testing_node('host-c') ]} let( :manager ) do instance = described_class.new instance.load_tree( tree ) instance end it "can attach subscriptions to a node by its identifier" do sub = subid = nil expect { sub = manager.create_subscription( 'host-c', 'node.update', type: 'host' ) }.to change { manager.subscriptions.size }.by( 1 ) node = manager.subscriptions[ sub.id ] expect( sub ).to be_a( Arborist::Subscription ) expect( node ).to be( manager.nodes['host-c'] ) end it "can detach subscriptions from a node given the subscription ID" do sub = manager.create_subscription( 'host-c', 'node.ack', type: 'service' ) rval = nil expect { rval = manager.remove_subscription( sub.id ) }.to change { manager.subscriptions.size }.by( -1 ).and( change { manager.nodes['host-c'].subscriptions.size }.by( -1 ) ) expect( rval ).to be( sub ) end end end