# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # Values which define the behaviour for resizing {Wx::FlexGridSizer} cells in the "non-flexible" direction.
  class FlexSizerGrowMode < Wx::Enum
    # Don't resize the cells in non-flexible direction at all.
    FLEX_GROWMODE_NONE = Wx::FlexSizerGrowMode.new(0)
    # Uniformly resize only the specified ones (default).
    FLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED = Wx::FlexSizerGrowMode.new(1)
    # Uniformly resize all cells.
    FLEX_GROWMODE_ALL = Wx::FlexSizerGrowMode.new(2)
  end # FlexSizerGrowMode
  # {Wx::Sizer} is the abstract base class used for laying out subwindows in a window.
  # You cannot use {Wx::Sizer} directly; instead, you will have to use one of the sizer classes derived from it. Currently there are {Wx::BoxSizer}, {Wx::StaticBoxSizer}, {Wx::GridSizer}, {Wx::FlexGridSizer}, {Wx::WrapSizer} and {Wx::GridBagSizer}.
  # The layout algorithm used by sizers in wxWidgets is closely related to layout in other GUI toolkits, such as Java's AWT, the GTK toolkit or the Qt toolkit. It is based upon the idea of the individual subwindows reporting their minimal required size and their ability to get stretched if the size of the parent window has changed.
  # This will most often mean that the programmer does not set the original size of a dialog in the beginning, rather the dialog will be assigned a sizer and this sizer will be queried about the recommended size. The sizer in turn will query its children, which can be normal windows, empty space or other sizers, so that a hierarchy of sizers can be constructed. Note that {Wx::Sizer} does not derive from {Wx::Window} and thus does not interfere with tab ordering and requires very little resources compared to a real window on screen.
  # What makes sizers so well fitted for use in wxWidgets is the fact that every control reports its own minimal size and the algorithm can handle differences in font sizes or different window (dialog item) sizes on different platforms without problems. If e.g. the standard font as well as the overall design of Motif widgets requires more space than on Windows, the initial dialog size will automatically be bigger on Motif than on Windows.
  # Sizers may also be used to control the layout of custom drawn items on the window. The {Wx::Sizer#add}, {Wx::Sizer#insert}, and {Wx::Sizer#prepend} functions return a pointer to the newly added {Wx::SizerItem}. Just add empty space of the desired size and attributes, and then use the {Wx::SizerItem#get_rect} method to determine where the drawing operations should take place.
  # Please notice that sizers, like child windows, are owned by the library and will be deleted by it which implies that they must be allocated on the heap. However if you create a sizer and do not add it to another sizer or window, the library wouldn't be able to delete such an orphan sizer and in this, and only this, case it should be deleted explicitly.
  # == wxSizer flags
  # The "flag" argument accepted by {Wx::SizerItem} constructors and other functions, e.g. {Wx::Sizer#add}, is an OR-combination of the following flags. Two main behaviours are defined using these flags. One is the border around a window: the border parameter determines the border width whereas the flags given here determine which side(s) of the item that the border will be added. The other flags determine how the sizer item behaves when the space allotted to the sizer changes, and is somewhat dependent on the specific kind of sizer used.
  # {Wx::Direction::TOP}
  #  {Wx::Direction::BOTTOM}
  #  {Wx::Direction::LEFT}
  #  {Wx::Direction::RIGHT}
  #  {Wx::Direction::ALL} 
  # These flags are used to specify which side(s) of the sizer item the border width will apply to. 
  # {Wx::Stretch::EXPAND} 
  # The item will be expanded to fill the space assigned to the item. When used for the items of {Wx::BoxSizer}, the expansion only happens in the transversal direction of the sizer as only the item proportion governs its behaviour in the principal sizer direction. But when it is used for the items of {Wx::GridSizer}, this flag can be combined with the alignment flags which override it in the corresponding direction if specified, e.g. {Wx::Stretch::EXPAND} | {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL} would expand the item only horizontally but center it vertically. Notice that this doesn't work for the default left/top alignment and {Wx::Stretch::EXPAND} still applies in both directions if it is combined with {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_LEFT} or {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_TOP}. 
  # {Wx::Stretch::SHAPED} 
  # The item will be expanded as much as possible while also maintaining its aspect ratio. 
  # {Wx::SizerFlagBits::FIXED_MINSIZE} 
  # Normally sizers use the "best", i.e. most appropriate, size of the window to determine what the minimal size of window items should be. This allows layouts to adjust correctly when the item contents, and hence its best size, changes. If this behaviour is unwanted, {Wx::SizerFlagBits::FIXED_MINSIZE} can be used to fix minimal size of the window to its initial value and not change it any more in the future. Note that the same thing can be accomplished by calling {Wx::Window#set_min_size} explicitly as well. 
  # Normally {Wx::Sizers} don't allocate space for hidden windows or other items. This flag overrides this behaviour so that sufficient space is allocated for the window even if it isn't visible. This makes it possible to dynamically show and hide controls without resizing parent dialog, for example. (Available since 2.8.8.) 
  # {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_CENTER}
  #  {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_CENTRE}
  #  {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_LEFT}
  #  {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_RIGHT}
  #  {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_TOP}
  #  {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_BOTTOM}
  #  {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL}
  #  {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL}
  #  {Wx::Alignment::ALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL} 
  # The <code>wxALIGN_*</code> flags allow you to specify the alignment of the item within the space allotted to it by the sizer, adjusted for the border if any. 
  # === 
  # Category:  Window Layout
  # @see Sizers Overview 
  class Sizer < Object
    # @overload get_children()
    #   Returns the list of the items in this sizer.
    #   The elements of type-safe {Wx::List} {Wx::SizerItemList} are pointers to objects of type {Wx::SizerItem}.
    #   @return [Array<Wx::SizerItem>]
    # @overload get_children()
    #   Returns the list of the items in this sizer.
    #   The elements of type-safe {Wx::List} {Wx::SizerItemList} are pointers to objects of type {Wx::SizerItem}.
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItemList]
    def get_children(*args) end
    alias_method :children, :get_children
    # @overload set_item_min_size(window, width, height)
    #   Set an item's minimum size by window, sizer, or position.
    #   This function enables an application to set the size of an item after initial creation.
    #   The window or sizer will be found recursively in the sizer's descendants.
    #   true if the minimal size was successfully set or false if the item was not found.
    #   @see Wx::SizerItem#set_min_size
    #   @param window [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param width [Integer] 
    #   @param height [Integer] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload set_item_min_size(window, size)
    #   Set an item's minimum size by window, sizer, or position.
    #   This function enables an application to set the size of an item after initial creation.
    #   The window or sizer will be found recursively in the sizer's descendants.
    #   true if the minimal size was successfully set or false if the item was not found.
    #   @see Wx::SizerItem#set_min_size
    #   @param window [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload set_item_min_size(sizer, width, height)
    #   Set an item's minimum size by window, sizer, or position.
    #   This function enables an application to set the size of an item after initial creation.
    #   The window or sizer will be found recursively in the sizer's descendants.
    #   true if the minimal size was successfully set or false if the item was not found.
    #   @see Wx::SizerItem#set_min_size
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param width [Integer] 
    #   @param height [Integer] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload set_item_min_size(sizer, size)
    #   Set an item's minimum size by window, sizer, or position.
    #   This function enables an application to set the size of an item after initial creation.
    #   The window or sizer will be found recursively in the sizer's descendants.
    #   true if the minimal size was successfully set or false if the item was not found.
    #   @see Wx::SizerItem#set_min_size
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload set_item_min_size(index, width, height)
    #   Set an item's minimum size by window, sizer, or position.
    #   This function enables an application to set the size of an item after initial creation.
    #   The window or sizer will be found recursively in the sizer's descendants.
    #   true if the minimal size was successfully set or false if the item was not found.
    #   @see Wx::SizerItem#set_min_size
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @param width [Integer] 
    #   @param height [Integer] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload set_item_min_size(index, size)
    #   Set an item's minimum size by window, sizer, or position.
    #   This function enables an application to set the size of an item after initial creation.
    #   The window or sizer will be found recursively in the sizer's descendants.
    #   true if the minimal size was successfully set or false if the item was not found.
    #   @see Wx::SizerItem#set_min_size
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    def set_item_min_size(*args) end
    # The constructor.
    # Note that {Wx::Sizer} is an abstract base class and may not be instantiated.
    # @return [Sizer]
    def initialize; end
    # @overload add(window, flags)
    #   Appends a child to the sizer.
    #   {Wx::Sizer} itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are equivalent in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are described here:
    #   @param window [Wx::Window]  The window to be added to the sizer. Its initial size (either set explicitly by the user or calculated internally when using {Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE}) is interpreted as the minimal and in many cases also the initial size.
    #   @param flags [Wx::SizerFlags]  A {Wx::SizerFlags} object that enables you to specify most of the above parameters more conveniently.
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload add(window, proportion=0, flag=0, border=0, userData=nil)
    #   Appends a child to the sizer.
    #   {Wx::Sizer} itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are equivalent in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are described here:
    #   @param window [Wx::Window]  The window to be added to the sizer. Its initial size (either set explicitly by the user or calculated internally when using {Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE}) is interpreted as the minimal and in many cases also the initial size.
    #   @param proportion [Integer]  Although the meaning of this parameter is undefined in {Wx::Sizer}, it is used in {Wx::BoxSizer} to indicate if a child of a sizer can change its size in the main orientation of the {Wx::BoxSizer} - where 0 stands for not changeable and a value of more than zero is interpreted relative to the value of other children of the same {Wx::BoxSizer}. For example, you might have a horizontal {Wx::BoxSizer} with three children, two of which are supposed to change their size with the sizer. Then the two stretchable windows would get a value of 1 each to make them grow and shrink equally with the sizer's horizontal dimension.
    #   @param flag [Integer]  OR-combination of flags affecting sizer's behaviour. See wxSizer flags list for details.
    #   @param border [Integer]  Determines the border width, if the flag parameter is set to include any border flag.
    #   @param userData [Wx::Object]  Allows an extra object to be attached to the sizer item, for use in derived classes when sizing information is more complex than the proportion and flag will allow for.
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload add(sizer, flags)
    #   Appends a child to the sizer.
    #   {Wx::Sizer} itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are equivalent in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are described here:
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer]  The (child-)sizer to be added to the sizer. This allows placing a child sizer in a sizer and thus to create hierarchies of sizers (typically a vertical box as the top sizer and several horizontal boxes on the level beneath).
    #   @param flags [Wx::SizerFlags]  A {Wx::SizerFlags} object that enables you to specify most of the above parameters more conveniently.
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload add(sizer, proportion=0, flag=0, border=0, userData=nil)
    #   Appends a child to the sizer.
    #   {Wx::Sizer} itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are equivalent in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are described here:
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer]  The (child-)sizer to be added to the sizer. This allows placing a child sizer in a sizer and thus to create hierarchies of sizers (typically a vertical box as the top sizer and several horizontal boxes on the level beneath).
    #   @param proportion [Integer]  Although the meaning of this parameter is undefined in {Wx::Sizer}, it is used in {Wx::BoxSizer} to indicate if a child of a sizer can change its size in the main orientation of the {Wx::BoxSizer} - where 0 stands for not changeable and a value of more than zero is interpreted relative to the value of other children of the same {Wx::BoxSizer}. For example, you might have a horizontal {Wx::BoxSizer} with three children, two of which are supposed to change their size with the sizer. Then the two stretchable windows would get a value of 1 each to make them grow and shrink equally with the sizer's horizontal dimension.
    #   @param flag [Integer]  OR-combination of flags affecting sizer's behaviour. See wxSizer flags list for details.
    #   @param border [Integer]  Determines the border width, if the flag parameter is set to include any border flag.
    #   @param userData [Wx::Object]  Allows an extra object to be attached to the sizer item, for use in derived classes when sizing information is more complex than the proportion and flag will allow for.
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload add(width, height, proportion=0, flag=0, border=0, userData=nil)
    #   Appends a spacer child to the sizer.
    #   {Wx::Sizer} itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are equivalent in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are described here.
    #   width and height specify the dimension of a spacer to be added to the sizer. Adding spacers to sizers gives more flexibility in the design of dialogs; imagine for example a horizontal box with two buttons at the bottom of a dialog: you might want to insert a space between the two buttons and make that space stretchable using the proportion flag and the result will be that the left button will be aligned with the left side of the dialog and the right button with the right side - the space in between will shrink and grow with the dialog.
    #   @param width [Integer]  Width of the spacer.
    #   @param height [Integer]  Height of the spacer.
    #   @param proportion [Integer]  Although the meaning of this parameter is undefined in {Wx::Sizer}, it is used in {Wx::BoxSizer} to indicate if a child of a sizer can change its size in the main orientation of the {Wx::BoxSizer} - where 0 stands for not changeable and a value of more than zero is interpreted relative to the value of other children of the same {Wx::BoxSizer}. For example, you might have a horizontal {Wx::BoxSizer} with three children, two of which are supposed to change their size with the sizer. Then the two stretchable windows would get a value of 1 each to make them grow and shrink equally with the sizer's horizontal dimension.
    #   @param flag [Integer]  OR-combination of flags affecting sizer's behaviour. See wxSizer flags list for details.
    #   @param border [Integer]  Determines the border width, if the flag parameter is set to include any border flag.
    #   @param userData [Wx::Object]  Allows an extra object to be attached to the sizer item, for use in derived classes when sizing information is more complex than the proportion and flag will allow for.
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload add(width, height, flags)
    #   Appends a spacer child to the sizer.
    #   @param width [Integer]  Width of the spacer.
    #   @param height [Integer]  Height of the spacer.
    #   @param flags [Wx::SizerFlags]  A {Wx::SizerFlags} object that enables you to specify most of the other parameters more conveniently.
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def add(*args) end
    # This base function adds non-stretchable space to both the horizontal and vertical orientation of the sizer.
    # More readable way of calling: 
    #   wxSizer::Add(size, size, 0).
    # @see Wx::BoxSizer#add_spacer 
    # @param size [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def add_spacer(size) end
    # Adds stretchable space to the sizer.
    # More readable way of calling: 
    #   wxSizer::Add(0, 0, prop).
    # @param prop [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def add_stretch_spacer(prop=1) end
    # This method is abstract and has to be overwritten by any derived class.
    # Here, the sizer will do the actual calculation of its children's minimal sizes.
    # @return [Wx::Size]
    def calc_min; end
    # Detaches all children from the sizer.
    # If delete_windows is true then child windows will also be deleted.
    # Notice that child sizers are always deleted, as a general consequence of the principle that sizers own their sizer children, but don't own their window children (because they are already owned by their parent windows).
    # @param delete_windows [true,false] 
    # @return [void]
    def clear(delete_windows=false) end
    # Computes client area size for window so that it matches the sizer's minimal size.
    # Unlike {Wx::Sizer#get_min_size}, this method accounts for other constraints imposed on window, namely display's size (returned size will never be too large for the display) and maximum window size if previously set by {Wx::Window#set_max_size}.
    # The returned value is suitable for passing to {Wx::Window#set_client_size} or {Wx::Window#set_min_client_size}.
    # @see Wx::Sizer#compute_fitting_window_size
    # @see  Wx::Sizer#fit 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @return [Wx::Size]
    def compute_fitting_client_size(window) end
    # Like {Wx::Sizer#compute_fitting_client_size}, but converts the result into window size.
    # The returned value is suitable for passing to {Wx::Window#set_size} or {Wx::Window#set_min_size}.
    # @see Wx::Sizer#compute_fitting_client_size
    # @see  Wx::Sizer#fit 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @return [Wx::Size]
    def compute_fitting_window_size(window) end
    # @overload detach(window)
    #   Detach the child window from the sizer without destroying it.
    #   This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call {Wx::Sizer#layout} to update the layout "on screen" after detaching a child from the sizer.
    #   Returns true if the child item was found and detached, false otherwise.
    #   @see Wx::Sizer#remove 
    #   @param window [Wx::Window] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload detach(sizer)
    #   Detach the child sizer from the sizer without destroying it.
    #   This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call {Wx::Sizer#layout} to update the layout "on screen" after detaching a child from the sizer.
    #   Returns true if the child item was found and detached, false otherwise.
    #   @see Wx::Sizer#remove 
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload detach(index)
    #   Detach an item at position index from the sizer without destroying it.
    #   This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call {Wx::Sizer#layout} to update the layout "on screen" after detaching a child from the sizer. Returns true if the child item was found and detached, false otherwise.
    #   @see Wx::Sizer#remove 
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    def detach(*args) end
    # Tell the sizer to resize the window so that its client area matches the sizer's minimal size ({Wx::Sizer#compute_fitting_client_size} is called to determine it).
    # This is commonly done in the constructor of the window itself, see sample in the description of {Wx::BoxSizer}.
    # The new window size.
    # @see Wx::Sizer#compute_fitting_client_size
    # @see  Wx::Sizer#compute_fitting_window_size 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @return [Wx::Size]
    def fit(window) end
    # Tell the sizer to resize the virtual size of the window to match the sizer's minimal size.
    # This will not alter the on screen size of the window, but may cause the addition/removal/alteration of scrollbars required to view the virtual area in windows which manage it.
    # @see Wx::Scrolled#set_scrollbars
    # @see  Wx::Sizer#set_virtual_size_hints 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @return [void]
    def fit_inside(window) end
    # Inform sizer about the first direction that has been decided (by parent item).
    # Returns true if it made use of the information (and recalculated min size).
    # @param direction [Integer] 
    # @param size [Integer] 
    # @param availableOtherDir [Integer] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def inform_first_direction(direction, size, availableOtherDir) end
    # Returns the window this sizer is used in or NULL if none.
    # @return [Wx::Window]
    def get_containing_window; end
    alias_method :containing_window, :get_containing_window
    # Set the window this sizer is used in.
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_containing_window(window) end
    alias_method :containing_window=, :set_containing_window
    # Returns the number of items in the sizer.
    # If you just need to test whether the sizer is empty or not you can also use the {Wx::Sizer#is_empty} function.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_item_count; end
    alias_method :item_count, :get_item_count
    # @overload get_item(window, recursive=false)
    #   Finds the {Wx::SizerItem} which holds the given window.
    #   Use parameter recursive to search in subsizers too.
    #   Pointer to the item or NULL if there is no item with the window.
    #   @param window [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param recursive [true,false] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload get_item(sizer, recursive=false)
    #   Finds the {Wx::SizerItem} which holds the given sizer.
    #   Use parameter recursive to search in subsizers too.
    #   Pointer to the item or NULL if the given sizer is not in the sizer.
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param recursive [true,false] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload get_item(index)
    #   Finds the {Wx::SizerItem} which is located in the sizer at position index.
    #   Pointer to the item or NULL if there is no item at that index.
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def get_item(*args) end
    alias_method :item, :get_item
    # Finds the item in the sizer which has the given id.
    # This id is not the window id but the id of the {Wx::SizerItem} itself. This is mainly useful for retrieving the sizers created from XRC resources. Use parameter recursive to search in subsizers too.
    # Pointer to item or NULL if no item has that id.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @param recursive [true,false] 
    # @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def get_item_by_id(id, recursive=false) end
    alias_method :item_by_id, :get_item_by_id
    # Returns the minimal size of the sizer.
    # This is either the combined minimal size of all the children and their borders or the minimal size set by {Wx::Sizer#set_min_size}, depending on which is bigger. Note that the returned value is client size, not window size. In particular, if you use the value to set toplevel window's minimal or actual size, use {Wx::Window#set_min_client_size} or {Wx::Window#set_client_size}, not {Wx::Window#set_min_size} or {Wx::Window#set_size}.
    # @return [Wx::Size]
    def get_min_size; end
    alias_method :min_size, :get_min_size
    # Returns the current position of the sizer.
    # @return [Wx::Point]
    def get_position; end
    alias_method :position, :get_position
    # Returns the current size of the sizer.
    # @return [Wx::Size]
    def get_size; end
    alias_method :size, :get_size
    # @overload hide(window, recursive=false)
    #   Hides the child window.
    #   To make a sizer item disappear, use {Wx::Sizer#hide} followed by {Wx::Sizer#layout}.
    #   Use parameter recursive to hide elements found in subsizers. Returns true if the child item was found, false otherwise.
    #   @see Wx::Sizer#is_shown
    #   @see  Wx::Sizer#show 
    #   @param window [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param recursive [true,false] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload hide(sizer, recursive=false)
    #   Hides the child sizer.
    #   To make a sizer item disappear, use {Wx::Sizer#hide} followed by {Wx::Sizer#layout}.
    #   Use parameter recursive to hide elements found in subsizers. Returns true if the child item was found, false otherwise.
    #   @see Wx::Sizer#is_shown
    #   @see  Wx::Sizer#show 
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param recursive [true,false] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload hide(index)
    #   Hides the item at position index.
    #   To make a sizer item disappear, use {Wx::Sizer#hide} followed by {Wx::Sizer#layout}.
    #   Use parameter recursive to hide elements found in subsizers. Returns true if the child item was found, false otherwise.
    #   @see Wx::Sizer#is_shown
    #   @see  Wx::Sizer#show 
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    def hide(*args) end
    # @overload insert(index, window, flags)
    #   Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at index.
    #   See {Wx::Sizer#add} for the meaning of the other parameters.
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @param window [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param flags [Wx::SizerFlags] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload insert(index, window, proportion=0, flag=0, border=0, userData=nil)
    #   Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at index.
    #   See {Wx::Sizer#add} for the meaning of the other parameters.
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @param window [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param proportion [Integer] 
    #   @param flag [Integer] 
    #   @param border [Integer] 
    #   @param userData [Wx::Object] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload insert(index, sizer, flags)
    #   Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at index.
    #   See {Wx::Sizer#add} for the meaning of the other parameters.
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param flags [Wx::SizerFlags] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload insert(index, sizer, proportion=0, flag=0, border=0, userData=nil)
    #   Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at index.
    #   See {Wx::Sizer#add} for the meaning of the other parameters.
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param proportion [Integer] 
    #   @param flag [Integer] 
    #   @param border [Integer] 
    #   @param userData [Wx::Object] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload insert(index, width, height, proportion=0, flag=0, border=0, userData=nil)
    #   Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at index.
    #   See {Wx::Sizer#add} for the meaning of the other parameters.
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @param width [Integer] 
    #   @param height [Integer] 
    #   @param proportion [Integer] 
    #   @param flag [Integer] 
    #   @param border [Integer] 
    #   @param userData [Wx::Object] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload insert(index, width, height, flags)
    #   Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at index.
    #   See {Wx::Sizer#add} for the meaning of the other parameters.
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @param width [Integer] 
    #   @param height [Integer] 
    #   @param flags [Wx::SizerFlags] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def insert(*args) end
    # Inserts non-stretchable space to the sizer.
    # More readable way of calling {Wx::Sizer#insert(index,size,size)}.
    # @param index [Integer] 
    # @param size [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def insert_spacer(index, size) end
    # Inserts stretchable space to the sizer.
    # More readable way of calling {Wx::Sizer#insert(0,0,prop)}.
    # @param index [Integer] 
    # @param prop [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def insert_stretch_spacer(index, prop=1) end
    # Return true if the sizer has no elements.
    # @see Wx::Sizer#get_item_count 
    # @return [true,false]
    def is_empty; end
    alias_method :empty?, :is_empty
    # Call this to force layout of the children anew, e.g. after having added a child to or removed a child (window, other sizer or space) from the sizer while keeping the current dimension.
    # @return [void]
    def layout; end
    # @overload prepend(window, flags)
    #   Same as {Wx::Sizer#add}, but prepends the items to the beginning of the list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
    #   @param window [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param flags [Wx::SizerFlags] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload prepend(window, proportion=0, flag=0, border=0, userData=nil)
    #   Same as {Wx::Sizer#add}, but prepends the items to the beginning of the list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
    #   @param window [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param proportion [Integer] 
    #   @param flag [Integer] 
    #   @param border [Integer] 
    #   @param userData [Wx::Object] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload prepend(sizer, flags)
    #   Same as {Wx::Sizer#add}, but prepends the items to the beginning of the list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param flags [Wx::SizerFlags] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload prepend(sizer, proportion=0, flag=0, border=0, userData=nil)
    #   Same as {Wx::Sizer#add}, but prepends the items to the beginning of the list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param proportion [Integer] 
    #   @param flag [Integer] 
    #   @param border [Integer] 
    #   @param userData [Wx::Object] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload prepend(width, height, proportion=0, flag=0, border=0, userData=nil)
    #   Same as {Wx::Sizer#add}, but prepends the items to the beginning of the list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
    #   @param width [Integer] 
    #   @param height [Integer] 
    #   @param proportion [Integer] 
    #   @param flag [Integer] 
    #   @param border [Integer] 
    #   @param userData [Wx::Object] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    # @overload prepend(width, height, flags)
    #   Same as {Wx::Sizer#add}, but prepends the items to the beginning of the list of items (windows, subsizers or spaces) owned by this sizer.
    #   @param width [Integer] 
    #   @param height [Integer] 
    #   @param flags [Wx::SizerFlags] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def prepend(*args) end
    # Prepends non-stretchable space to the sizer.
    # More readable way of calling {Wx::Sizer#prepend(size,size,0)}.
    # @param size [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def prepend_spacer(size) end
    # Prepends stretchable space to the sizer.
    # More readable way of calling {Wx::Sizer#prepend(0,0,prop)}.
    # @param prop [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::SizerItem]
    def prepend_stretch_spacer(prop=1) end
    # Method which must be overridden in the derived sizer classes.
    # The implementation should reposition the children using the current total size available to the sizer (m_size) and the size computed by the last call to {Wx::Sizer#calc_min}.
    # Note that you should never call this method directly, call {Wx::Sizer#layout} instead if you need to manually update the sizer elements positions. This method is only called by wxWidgets itself.
    # @param minSize [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    # @return [void]
    def reposition_children(minSize) end
    # @overload remove(sizer)
    #   Removes a sizer child from the sizer and destroys it.
    #   This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call {Wx::Sizer#layout} to update the layout "on screen" after removing a child from the sizer.
    #   true if the child item was found and removed, false otherwise.
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer]  The {Wx::Sizer} to be removed.
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload remove(index)
    #   Removes a child from the sizer and destroys it if it is a sizer or a spacer, but not if it is a window (because windows are owned by their parent window, not the sizer).
    #   This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call {Wx::Sizer#layout} to update the layout "on screen" after removing a child from the sizer.
    #   true if the child item was found and removed, false otherwise.
    #   @param index [Integer]  The position of the child in the sizer, e.g. 0 for the first item.
    #   @return [true,false]
    def remove(*args) end
    # @overload replace(oldwin, newwin, recursive=false)
    #   Detaches the given oldwin from the sizer and replaces it with the given newwin.
    #   The detached child window is <b>not</b> deleted (because windows are owned by their parent window, not the sizer).
    #   Use parameter recursive to search the given element recursively in subsizers.
    #   This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call {Wx::Sizer#layout} to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a child from the sizer.
    #   Returns true if the child item was found and removed, false otherwise.
    #   @param oldwin [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param newwin [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param recursive [true,false] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload replace(oldsz, newsz, recursive=false)
    #   Detaches the given oldsz from the sizer and replaces it with the given newsz.
    #   The detached child sizer is deleted.
    #   Use parameter recursive to search the given element recursively in subsizers.
    #   This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call {Wx::Sizer#layout} to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a child from the sizer.
    #   Returns true if the child item was found and removed, false otherwise.
    #   @param oldsz [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param newsz [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param recursive [true,false] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload replace(index, newitem)
    #   Detaches the given item at position index from the sizer and replaces it with the given {Wx::SizerItem} newitem.
    #   The detached child is deleted <b>only</b> if it is a sizer or a spacer (but not if it is a {Wx::Window} because windows are owned by their parent window, not the sizer).
    #   This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call {Wx::Sizer#layout} to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a child from the sizer.
    #   Returns true if the child item was found and removed, false otherwise.
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @param newitem [Wx::SizerItem] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    def replace(*args) end
    # @overload set_dimension(x, y, width, height)
    #   Call this to force the sizer to take the given dimension and thus force the items owned by the sizer to resize themselves according to the rules defined by the parameter in the {Wx::Sizer#add} and {Wx::Sizer#prepend} methods.
    #   @param x [Integer] 
    #   @param y [Integer] 
    #   @param width [Integer] 
    #   @param height [Integer] 
    #   @return [void]
    # @overload set_dimension(pos, size)
    #   This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
    #   @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] 
    #   @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    #   @return [void]
    def set_dimension(*args) end
    # @overload set_min_size(size)
    #   Call this to give the sizer a minimal size.
    #   Normally, the sizer will calculate its minimal size based purely on how much space its children need. After calling this method {Wx::Sizer#get_min_size} will return either the minimal size as requested by its children or the minimal size set here, depending on which is bigger.
    #   @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    #   @return [void]
    # @overload set_min_size(width, height)
    #   This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
    #   @param width [Integer] 
    #   @param height [Integer] 
    #   @return [void]
    def set_min_size(*args) end
    alias_method :min_size=, :set_min_size
    # This method first calls {Wx::Sizer#fit} and then {Wx::TopLevelWindow#set_size_hints} on the window passed to it.
    # This function is only when window is actually a {Wx::TopLevelWindow} such as a {Wx::Frame} or a {Wx::Dialog}, since SetSizeHints only has any effect in these classes. It does nothing in normal windows or controls.
    # Note that window does not need to be the window using this sizer and it is, in fact, common to call this function on the sizer associated with the panel covering the client area of a frame passing it the frame pointer, as this has the desired effect of adjusting the frame size to the size fitting the panel, e.g.: 
    #   MyFrame::MyFrame(...) : wxFrame(...)
    #   {
    #       wxPanel* panel = new wxPanel(this);
    #       wxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
    #       sizer->Add(...);
    #       sizer->Add(...);
    #       panel->SetSizer(sizer);
    #       // Use the panel sizer to set the initial and minimal size of the
    #       // frame to fit its contents.
    #       sizer->SetSizeHints(this);
    #   }
    # This function is also used by {Wx::Window#set_sizer_and_fit} which is commonly invoked in the constructor of {Wx::Dialog}-derived classes, which don't need to use an intermediate panel, see the example in wxBoxSizer overview.
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_size_hints(window) end
    alias_method :size_hints=, :set_size_hints
    # @overload show(window, show=true, recursive=false)
    #   Shows or hides the window.
    #   To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use {Wx::Sizer#show} followed by {Wx::Sizer#layout}.
    #   Use parameter recursive to show or hide elements found in subsizers.
    #   Returns true if the child item was found, false otherwise.
    #   @see Wx::Sizer#hide
    #   @see  Wx::Sizer#is_shown 
    #   @param window [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param show [true,false] 
    #   @param recursive [true,false] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload show(sizer, show=true, recursive=false)
    #   Shows or hides sizer.
    #   To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use {Wx::Sizer#show} followed by {Wx::Sizer#layout}.
    #   Use parameter recursive to show or hide elements found in subsizers.
    #   Returns true if the child item was found, false otherwise.
    #   @see Wx::Sizer#hide
    #   @see  Wx::Sizer#is_shown 
    #   @param sizer [Wx::Sizer] 
    #   @param show [true,false] 
    #   @param recursive [true,false] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload show(index, show=true)
    #   Shows the item at index.
    #   To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use {Wx::Sizer#show} followed by {Wx::Sizer#layout}.
    #   Returns true if the child item was found, false otherwise.
    #   @see Wx::Sizer#hide
    #   @see  Wx::Sizer#is_shown 
    #   @param index [Integer] 
    #   @param show [true,false] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    def show(*args) end
    # Show or hide all items managed by the sizer.
    # @param show [true,false] 
    # @return [void]
    def show_items(show) end
  end # Sizer
  # Container for sizer items flags providing readable names for them.
  # Normally, when you add an item to a sizer via {Wx::Sizer#add}, you have to specify a lot of flags and parameters which can be unwieldy. This is where {Wx::SizerFlags} comes in: it allows you to specify all parameters using the named methods instead. For example, instead of
  #   sizer->Add(ctrl, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
  # you can now write
  #   sizer->Add(ctrl, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border(wxALL, 10));
  # This is more readable and also allows you to create {Wx::SizerFlags} objects which can be reused for several sizer items.
  #   wxSizerFlags flagsExpand(1);
  #       flagsExpand.Expand().Border(wxALL, 10);
  #       sizer->Add(ctrl1, flagsExpand);
  #       sizer->Add(ctrl2, flagsExpand);
  # Note that by specification, all methods of {Wx::SizerFlags} return the {Wx::SizerFlags} object itself to allowing chaining multiple methods calls like in the examples above.
  # === 
  # Category:  Window Layout
  # @see Wx::Sizer 
  class SizerFlags < ::Object
    # Creates the {Wx::Sizer} with the proportion specified by proportion.
    # @param proportion [Integer] 
    # @return [SizerFlags]
    def initialize(proportion=0) end
    # Sets the alignment of this {Wx::SizerFlags} to align.
    # This method replaces the previously set alignment with the specified one.
    # @see Wx::SizerFlags#top
    # @see  Wx::SizerFlags#left
    # @see  Wx::SizerFlags#right
    # @see  Wx::SizerFlags#bottom
    # @see  Wx::SizerFlags#centre 
    # @param alignment [Integer]  Combination of {Wx::ALIGN_XXX} bit masks.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def align(alignment) end
    # @overload border(direction, borderinpixels)
    #   Sets the {Wx::SizerFlags} to have a border of a number of pixels specified by borderinpixels with the directions specified by direction.
    #   Prefer to use the overload below or {Wx::SizerFlags#double_border} or {Wx::SizerFlags#triple_border} versions instead of hard-coding the border value in pixels to avoid too small borders on devices with high DPI displays.
    #   @param direction [Integer] 
    #   @param borderinpixels [Integer] 
    #   @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    # @overload border(direction=Wx::Direction::ALL)
    #   Sets the {Wx::SizerFlags} to have a border with size as returned by {Wx::SizerFlags.get_default_border}.
    #   @param direction [Integer]  Direction(s) to apply the border in.
    #   @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def border(*args) end
    # Aligns the object to the bottom, similar for <code>Align(wxALIGN_BOTTOM)</code>.
    # Unlike {Wx::SizerFlags#align}, this method doesn't change the horizontal alignment of the item.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def bottom; end
    # Sets the object of the {Wx::SizerFlags} to center itself in the area it is given.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def center; end
    # {Wx::SizerFlags#center} for people with the other dialect of English.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def centre; end
    # Same as {Wx::SizerFlags#centre_horizontal}.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def center_horizontal; end
    # Same as {Wx::SizerFlags#centre_vertical}.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def center_vertical; end
    # Center an item only in horizontal direction.
    # This is mostly useful for 2D sizers as for the 1D ones it is shorter to just use {Wx::SizerFlags#centre} as the alignment is only used in one direction with them anyhow. For 2D sizers, centering an item in one direction is quite different from centering it in both directions however.
    # Note that, unlike {Wx::SizerFlags#align}, this method doesn't change the vertical alignment.
    # @see Wx::SizerFlags#centre_vertical
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def centre_horizontal; end
    # Center an item only in vertical direction.
    # The remarks in {Wx::SizerFlags#centre_horizontal} documentation also apply to this function.
    # Note that, unlike {Wx::SizerFlags#align}, this method doesn't change the horizontal alignment.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def centre_vertical; end
    # Sets the border in the given direction having twice the default border size.
    # @param direction [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def double_border(direction=Wx::Direction::ALL) end
    # Sets the border in left and right directions having twice the default border size.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def double_horz_border; end
    # Sets the object of the {Wx::SizerFlags} to expand to fill as much area as it can.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def expand; end
    # Set the {Wx::SizerFlagBits::FIXED_MINSIZE} flag which indicates that the initial size of the window should be also set as its minimal size.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def fixed_min_size; end
    # Set the {Wx::SizerFlagBits::RESERVE_SPACE_EVEN_IF_HIDDEN} flag.
    # Normally {Wx::Sizers} don't allocate space for hidden windows or other items. This flag overrides this behaviour so that sufficient space is allocated for the window even if it isn't visible. This makes it possible to dynamically show and hide controls without resizing parent dialog, for example.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def reserve_space_even_if_hidden; end
    # Aligns the object to the left, similar for <code>Align(wxALIGN_LEFT)</code>.
    # Unlike {Wx::SizerFlags#align}, this method doesn't change the vertical alignment of the item.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def left; end
    # Sets the proportion of this {Wx::SizerFlags} to proportion.
    # @param proportion [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def proportion(proportion) end
    # Aligns the object to the right, similar for <code>Align(wxALIGN_RIGHT)</code>.
    # Unlike {Wx::SizerFlags#align}, this method doesn't change the vertical alignment of the item.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def right; end
    # Set the {Wx::SHAPED} flag which indicates that the elements should always keep the fixed width to height ratio equal to its original value.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def shaped; end
    # Aligns the object to the top, similar for <code>Align(wxALIGN_TOP)</code>.
    # Unlike {Wx::SizerFlags#align}, this method doesn't change the horizontal alignment of the item.
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def top; end
    # Sets the border in the given direction having thrice the default border size.
    # @param direction [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::SizerFlags]
    def triple_border(direction=Wx::Direction::ALL) end
    # Globally disable checks for sizer flag consistency in debug builds.
    # By default, sizer classes such as {Wx::BoxSizer} and {Wx::FlexGridSizer} assert when passed invalid flags, even though doing this usually doesn't result in any catastrophic consequences and the invalid flags are simply ignored later. Due to this, and the fact that these checks were only added in wxWidgets 3.1, existing code may run into multiple asserts warning about incorrect sizer flags use. Using this function provides a temporary solution for avoiding such asserts when upgrading to wxWidgets 3.1 from a previous version and will prevent such checks from being done.
    # Please do note that correcting the code by removing the invalid flags remains a much better solution as these asserts may be very helpful to understand why some code using sizer flags doesn't work as expected, so using this function, especially permanently, rather than a temporary workaround, is not recommended.
    # Notice that the same effect as calling this function can be achieved by setting the environment variable WXSUPPRESS_SIZER_FLAGS_CHECK to any value.
    # @return [void]
    def self.disable_consistency_checks; end
    # Returns the border used by default in {Wx::SizerFlags#border} method.
    # This value is scaled appropriately for the current DPI on the systems where physical pixel values are used for the control positions and sizes, i.e. not with {Wx::GTK} or {Wx::OSX}.
    # @see Wx::SizerFlags.get_default_border_fractional 
    # @return [Integer]
    def self.get_default_border; end
    # Returns the border used by default, with fractional precision.
    # For example when the border is scaled to a non-integer DPI.
    # @see Wx::SizerFlags.get_default_border
    # @return [Float]
    def self.get_default_border_fractional; end
  end # SizerFlags
