package org.embulk.jruby; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.ILoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig; import org.jruby.embed.LocalContextScope; import org.jruby.embed.LocalVariableBehavior; import org.jruby.embed.ScriptingContainer; import org.jruby.util.cli.Options; import org.embulk.plugin.PluginSource; import org.embulk.config.ConfigSource; import org.embulk.config.ModelManager; import org.embulk.exec.ForSystemConfig; import org.embulk.spi.BufferAllocator; public class JRubyScriptingModule implements Module { public JRubyScriptingModule(ConfigSource systemConfig) { } @Override public void configure(Binder binder) { binder.bind(ScriptingContainer.class).toProvider(ScriptingContainerProvider.class).in(Scopes.SINGLETON); Multibinder multibinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder, PluginSource.class); multibinder.addBinding().to(JRubyPluginSource.class); } private static class ScriptingContainerProvider implements ProviderWithDependencies { private final Injector injector; private final boolean useGlobalRubyRuntime; private final String gemHome; private final List jrubyClasspath; private final List jrubyLoadPath; private final List jrubyOptions; private final String jrubyBundlerPluginSourceDirectory; @Inject public ScriptingContainerProvider(Injector injector, @ForSystemConfig ConfigSource systemConfig) { this.injector = injector; // use_global_ruby_runtime is valid only when it's guaranteed that just one Injector is // instantiated in this JVM. this.useGlobalRubyRuntime = systemConfig.get(boolean.class, "use_global_ruby_runtime", false); this.gemHome = systemConfig.get(String.class, "gem_home", null); // TODO get jruby-home from systemConfig to call jruby.container.setHomeDirectory final List jrubyLoadPathNonGeneric = systemConfig.get(List.class, "jruby_load_path", null); final ArrayList jrubyLoadPathBuilt = new ArrayList(); if (jrubyLoadPathNonGeneric != null) { for (final Object oneJRubyLoadPath : jrubyLoadPathNonGeneric) { if (oneJRubyLoadPath instanceof String) { jrubyLoadPathBuilt.add((String) oneJRubyLoadPath); } else { // It should happen only in very irregular cases. Okay to create |Logger| every time. Logger logger = injector.getInstance(ILoggerFactory.class).getLogger("init"); logger.warn("System config \"jruby_load_path\" contains non-String."); jrubyLoadPathBuilt.add(oneJRubyLoadPath.toString()); } } } this.jrubyLoadPath = Collections.unmodifiableList(jrubyLoadPathBuilt); final List jrubyClasspathNonGeneric = systemConfig.get(List.class, "jruby_classpath", new ArrayList()); final ArrayList jrubyClasspathBuilt = new ArrayList(); if (jrubyClasspathNonGeneric != null) { for (final Object oneJRubyClasspath : jrubyClasspathNonGeneric) { if (oneJRubyClasspath instanceof String) { jrubyClasspathBuilt.add((String) oneJRubyClasspath); } else { // It should happen only in very irregular cases. Okay to create |Logger| every time. Logger logger = injector.getInstance(ILoggerFactory.class).getLogger("init"); logger.warn("System config \"jruby_classpath\" contains non-String."); jrubyClasspathBuilt.add(oneJRubyClasspath.toString()); } } } this.jrubyClasspath = Collections.unmodifiableList(jrubyClasspathBuilt); final List jrubyOptionsNonGeneric = systemConfig.get(List.class, "jruby_command_line_options", null); final ArrayList jrubyOptionsBuilt = new ArrayList(); if (jrubyOptionsNonGeneric != null) { for (final Object oneJRubyOption : jrubyOptionsNonGeneric) { if (oneJRubyOption instanceof String) { jrubyOptionsBuilt.add((String) oneJRubyOption); } else { // It should happen only in very irregular cases. Okay to create |Logger| every time. Logger logger = injector.getInstance(ILoggerFactory.class).getLogger("init"); logger.warn("System config \"jruby_command_line_options\" contains non-String."); jrubyOptionsBuilt.add(oneJRubyOption.toString()); } } } this.jrubyOptions = Collections.unmodifiableList(jrubyOptionsBuilt); this.jrubyBundlerPluginSourceDirectory = systemConfig.get(String.class, "jruby_global_bundler_plugin_source_directory", null); } public ScriptingContainer get() { LocalContextScope scope = (useGlobalRubyRuntime ? LocalContextScope.SINGLETON : LocalContextScope.SINGLETHREAD); ScriptingContainer jruby = new ScriptingContainer(scope, LocalVariableBehavior.PERSISTENT); final RubyInstanceConfig jrubyInstanceConfig = jruby.getProvider().getRubyInstanceConfig(); for (final String jrubyOption : this.jrubyOptions) { try { processJRubyOption(jrubyOption, jrubyInstanceConfig); } catch (UnrecognizedJRubyOptionException ex) { final Logger logger = this.injector.getInstance(ILoggerFactory.class).getLogger("init"); logger.error("The \"-R\" option(s) are not recognized in Embulk: -R" + jrubyOption + ". Please add your requests at:", ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (NotWorkingJRubyOptionException ex) { final Logger logger = this.injector.getInstance(ILoggerFactory.class).getLogger("init"); logger.warn("The \"-R\" option(s) do not work in Embulk: -R" + jrubyOption + ".", ex); } } setBundlerPluginSourceDirectory(jruby, this.jrubyBundlerPluginSourceDirectory); for (final String oneJRubyLoadPath : this.jrubyLoadPath) { // ruby script directory (use unshift to make it highest priority) jruby.put("__internal_load_path__", oneJRubyLoadPath); // TODO: Check if $LOAD_PATH already contains it. jruby.runScriptlet("$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path(__internal_load_path__)"); jruby.remove("__internal_load_path__"); } for (final String oneJRubyClasspath : this.jrubyClasspath) { jruby.put("__internal_classpath__", oneJRubyClasspath); // $CLASSPATH object doesn't have concat method // TODO: Check if $CLASSPATH already contains it. jruby.runScriptlet("$CLASSPATH << __internal_classpath__"); jruby.remove("__internal_classpath__"); } // Search embulk/java/bootstrap.rb from a $LOAD_PATH. // $LOAD_PATH is set by lib/embulk/command/embulk_run.rb if Embulk starts // using embulk-cli but it's not set if Embulk is embedded in an application. // Here adds this jar's internal resources to $LOAD_PATH for those applciations. // List loadPaths = new ArrayList(jruby.getLoadPaths()); // String coreJarPath = JRubyScriptingModule.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(); // if (!loadPaths.contains(coreJarPath)) { // loadPaths.add(coreJarPath); // } // jruby.setLoadPaths(loadPaths); if (gemHome != null) { // Overwrites GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH. GEM_PATH becomes same with GEM_HOME. Therefore // with this code, there're no ways to set extra GEM_PATHs in addition to GEM_HOME. // Here doesn't modify ENV['GEM_HOME'] so that a JVM process can create multiple // JRubyScriptingModule instances. However, because Gem loads ENV['GEM_HOME'] when // Gem.clear_paths is called, applications may use unexpected GEM_HOME if clear_path // is used. jruby.callMethod( jruby.runScriptlet("Gem"), "use_paths", gemHome, gemHome); } // load embulk.rb jruby.runScriptlet("require 'embulk'"); // jruby searches embulk/java/bootstrap.rb from the beginning of $LOAD_PATH. jruby.runScriptlet("require 'embulk/java/bootstrap'"); // TODO validate Embulk::Java::Injected::Injector doesn't exist? If it already exists, // Injector is created more than once in this JVM although use_global_ruby_runtime // is set to true. // set some constants jruby.callMethod( jruby.runScriptlet("Embulk::Java::Injected"), "const_set", "Injector", injector); jruby.callMethod( jruby.runScriptlet("Embulk::Java::Injected"), "const_set", "ModelManager", injector.getInstance(ModelManager.class)); jruby.callMethod( jruby.runScriptlet("Embulk::Java::Injected"), "const_set", "BufferAllocator", injector.getInstance(BufferAllocator.class)); // initialize logger jruby.callMethod( jruby.runScriptlet("Embulk"), "logger=", jruby.callMethod( jruby.runScriptlet("Embulk::Logger"), "new", injector.getInstance(ILoggerFactory.class).getLogger("ruby"))); return jruby; } public Set> getDependencies() { // get() depends on other modules return ImmutableSet.of( Dependency.get(Key.get(ModelManager.class)), Dependency.get(Key.get(BufferAllocator.class))); } private static final class UnrecognizedJRubyOptionException extends Exception {} private static final class NotWorkingJRubyOptionException extends Exception {} private static final class UnrecognizedJRubyLoadPathException extends Exception { public UnrecognizedJRubyLoadPathException(final String message) { super(message); } public UnrecognizedJRubyLoadPathException(final String message, final Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } private void setBundlerPluginSourceDirectory(final ScriptingContainer jruby, final String directory) { if (directory != null) { /* Environment variables are set in the selfrun script or bin/embulk: * ENV['EMBULK_BUNDLE_PATH']: set through '-b' | '--bundle', or inherit from the runtime environment * ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']: set for "ENV['EMBULK_BUNDLE_PATH']/Gemfile" * ENV['GEM_HOME']: unset * ENV['GEM_PATH']: unset */ // bundler is included in embulk-core.jar jruby.runScriptlet("Gem.clear_paths"); jruby.runScriptlet("require 'bundler'"); jruby.runScriptlet("Bundler.load.setup_environment"); jruby.runScriptlet("require 'bundler/setup'"); // since here, `require` may load files of different (newer) embulk versions // especially following 'embulk/command/embulk_main'. // NOTE: It is intentionally not done by building a Ruby statement string from |directory|. // It can cause insecure injections. // // add bundle directory path to load local plugins at ./embulk jruby.put("__internal_bundler_plugin_source_directory__", directory); jruby.runScriptlet("$LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(__internal_bundler_plugin_source_directory__)"); jruby.remove("__internal_bundler_plugin_source_directory__"); } else { /* Environment variables are set in the selfrun script or bin/embulk: * ENV['EMBULK_BUNDLE_PATH']: unset * ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']: unset * ENV['GEM_HOME']: set for "~/.embulk/jruby/${ruby-version}" * ENV['GEM_PATH']: set for "" */ jruby.runScriptlet("Gem.clear_paths"); // force rubygems to reload GEM_HOME // NOTE: The path from |buildJRubyLoadPath()| is added in $LOAD_PATH just in case. // Though it is not mandatory just to run "embulk_main.rb", it may be required in later steps. // // NOTE: It is intentionally not done by building a Ruby statement string from |buildJRubyLoadPath()|. // It can cause insecure injections. // // NOTE: It was written in Ruby as follows: // $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path('../../', File.dirname(__FILE__)) final String jrubyLoadPath; try { jrubyLoadPath = buildJRubyLoadPath(); } catch (UnrecognizedJRubyLoadPathException ex) { final Logger logger = this.injector.getInstance(ILoggerFactory.class).getLogger("init"); logger.error("Failed to retrieve Embulk's location.", ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } jruby.put("__internal_load_path__", jrubyLoadPath); jruby.runScriptlet("$LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(__internal_load_path__)"); jruby.remove("__internal_load_path__"); } } private static void processJRubyOption(final String jrubyOption, final RubyInstanceConfig jrubyInstanceConfig) throws UnrecognizedJRubyOptionException, NotWorkingJRubyOptionException { if (jrubyOption.charAt(0) != '-') { throw new UnrecognizedJRubyOptionException(); } for (int index = 1; index < jrubyOption.length(); ++index) { switch (jrubyOption.charAt(index)) { case '-': if (jrubyOption.equals("--dev")) { // They are not all of "--dev", but they are most possible configurations after JVM boot. Options.COMPILE_INVOKEDYNAMIC.force("false"); // NOTE: Options is global. jrubyInstanceConfig.setCompileMode(RubyInstanceConfig.CompileMode.OFF); return; } else if (jrubyOption.equals("--client")) { throw new NotWorkingJRubyOptionException(); } else if (jrubyOption.equals("--server")) { throw new NotWorkingJRubyOptionException(); } throw new UnrecognizedJRubyOptionException(); default: throw new UnrecognizedJRubyOptionException(); } } } /** * Returns a path to be added in JRuby's $LOAD_PATH. * * In case Embulk runs from the Embulk JAR file (normal case): * "file:/some/directory/embulk.jar!" * * In case Embulk runs out of a JAR file (irregular case): * "/some/directory" */ private static String buildJRubyLoadPath() throws UnrecognizedJRubyLoadPathException { final ProtectionDomain protectionDomain; try { protectionDomain = JRubyScriptingModule.class.getProtectionDomain(); } catch (SecurityException ex) { throw new UnrecognizedJRubyLoadPathException("Failed to achieve ProtectionDomain", ex); } final CodeSource codeSource = protectionDomain.getCodeSource(); if (codeSource == null) { throw new UnrecognizedJRubyLoadPathException("Failed to achieve CodeSource"); } final URL locationUrl = codeSource.getLocation(); if (locationUrl == null) { throw new UnrecognizedJRubyLoadPathException("Failed to achieve location"); } else if (!locationUrl.getProtocol().equals("file")) { throw new UnrecognizedJRubyLoadPathException("Invalid location: " + locationUrl.toString()); } final Path locationPath; try { locationPath = Paths.get(locationUrl.toURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new UnrecognizedJRubyLoadPathException("Invalid location: " + locationUrl.toString(), ex); } if (Files.isDirectory(locationPath)) { // Out of a JAR file System.err.println("[WARN] Embulk looks running out of the Embulk jar file. It is unsupported."); return locationPath.toString(); } // TODO: Consider checking the file is really a JAR file. return locationUrl.toString() + "!"; // Inside the Embulk JAR file } } }