# encoding: utf-8 # # parsi-date.rb # # Author: Hassan Zamani 2012 # # == Overview # # Date class represent a date in persian (jalali) calendar # # === Ways of calculating the date. # # In common usage, the date is reckoned in years since or before the Common Era # (Hegira of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE), then as a month and # day-of-the-month within the current year. This is known as the *Civil* *Date*, # and abbreviated as +civil+ in the Date class. # # Instead of year, month-of-the-year, and day-of-the-month, the date can also # be reckoned in terms of year and day-of-the-year. This is known as the *Ordinal* # *Date*, and is abbreviated as +ordinal+ in the Date class. (Note that referring # to this as the Julian date is incorrect.) # # For scientific purposes, it is convenient to refer to a date simply as a day # count, counting from an arbitrary initial day. The date first chosen for this # was January 1, 4713 BCE (-5335/9/1 in hijri solar calendar). A count of days from # this date is the *Julian* *Day* *Number* or *Julian* *Date*, which is abbreviated # as +jd+ in the Date class. This is in local time, and counts from midnight on the # initial day. The stricter usage is in UTC, and counts from midday on the initial # day. This is referred to in the Date class as the *Astronomical* *Julian* *Day* # *Number*, and abbreviated as +ajd+. In the Date class, the Astronomical Julian # Day Number includes fractional days. # # Another absolute day count is the *Modified* *Julian* *Day* *Number*, which # takes November 17, 1858 (1237/08/26 in hijri solar calendar) as its initial day. # This is abbreviated as +mjd+ in the Date class. There is also an *Astronomical* # *Modified* *Julian* *Day* *Number*, which is in UTC and includes fractional days. # This is abbreviated as +amjd+ in the Date class. Like the Modified Julian Day # Number (and unlike the Astronomical Julian Day Number), it counts from midnight. # # === Time Zones # # DateTime objects support a simple representation of time zones. Time zones are # represented as an offset from UTC, as a fraction of a day. This offset is the # how much local time is later (or earlier) than UTC. UTC offset 0 is centred on # England (also known as GMT). As you travel east, the offset increases until you # reach the dateline in the middle of the Pacific Ocean; as you travel west, the # offset decreases. This offset is abbreviated as +offset+ in the DateTime class. # # This simple representation of time zones does not take into account the common # practice of Daylight Savings Time or Summer Time. # # Most DateTime methods return the date and the time in local time. The two # exceptions are #ajd() and #amjd(), which return the date and time in UTC time, # including fractional days. # # The Date class does not support time zone offsets, in that there is no way to # create a Date object with a time zone. However, methods of the Date class when # used by a DateTime instance will use the time zone offset of this instance. # require 'date' module Parsi # Class representing a date. # # See the documentation to the file parsi-date.rb for an overview. # # Internally, the date is represented as an Astronomical Julian Day Number, +ajd+. # (There is also an +offset+ field for a time zone offset, but this is only for # the use of the DateTime subclass.) # # A new Date object is created using one of the object creation class methods # named after the corresponding date format, and the arguments appropriate to # that date format; for instance, Date::civil() (aliased to Date::new()) with # year, month, and day-of-month, or Date::ordinal() with year and day-of-year. # # Date objects are immutable once created. # # Once a Date has been created, date values can be retrieved for the different # date formats supported using instance methods. For instance, #mon() gives the # Civil month and #yday() gives the Ordinal day of the year. Date values can be # retrieved in any format, regardless of what format was used to create the # Date instance. # # The Date class includes the Comparable module, allowing # date objects to be compared and sorted, ranges of dates # to be created, and so forth. class Date include Comparable # Full month names, in Farsi. Months count from 1 to 12; a # month's numerical representation indexed into this array # gives the name of that month (hence the first element is nil). MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(فروردین اردیبهشت خرداد تیر مرداد شهریور مهر آبان آذر دی بهمن اسفند) # Full month names, in English. Months count from 1 to 12; EN_MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(farvardin ordibehesht khordad tir mordad shahrivar mehr aban azar day bahman esfand) # Full names of days of the week, in Farsi. Days of the week # count from 0 to 6; a day's numerical representation indexed into this array gives # the name of that day. DAYNAMES = %w(یک‌شنبه دوشنبه سه‌شنبه چهارشنبه پنج‌شنبه جمعه شنبه) # Full names of days of the week, in English. Days of the week # count from 0 to 6; a day's numerical representation indexed into this array gives # the name of that day. EN_DAYNAMES = %w(yekshanbe doshanbe seshanbe chaharshanbe panjshanbe jomee shanbe) # Abbreviated month names, in English. # # We don't have Farsi abbreviated month names, as they are not useful ABBR_MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(far ord kho tir mor sha meh abn azr day bah esf) # Abbreviated day names, in Farsi. ABBR_DAYNAMES = %w(۱ش ۲ش ۳ش ۴ش ۵ش ج ش) # Abbreviated day names, in English. ABBR_EN_DAYNAMES = %w(ye do se ch pj jo sh) [MONTHNAMES, EN_MONTHNAMES, ABBR_MONTHNAMES, DAYNAMES, EN_DAYNAMES, ABBR_DAYNAMES, ABBR_EN_DAYNAMES].each do |xs| xs.each{|x| x.freeze unless x.nil?}.freeze end HALF_DAYS_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 2) # :nodoc: HOURS_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 24) # :nodoc: MINUTES_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 1440) # :nodoc: SECONDS_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 86400) # :nodoc: MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 86400*10**3) # :nodoc: NANOSECONDS_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 86400*10**9) # :nodoc: MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND = Rational(1, 10**3) # :nodoc: NANOSECONDS_IN_SECOND = Rational(1, 10**9) # :nodoc: JALALI_EPOCH_IN_AJD = Rational(3896641, 2) # :nodoc: MJD_EPOCH_IN_AJD = Rational(4800001, 2) # 1858-11-17 # :nodoc: UNIX_EPOCH_IN_AJD = Rational(4881175, 2) # 1970-01-01 # :nodoc: JALALI_EPOCH_IN_CJD = 1948321 # :nodoc: MJD_EPOCH_IN_CJD = 2400001 # :nodoc: UNIX_EPOCH_IN_CJD = 2440588 # :nodoc: LD_EPOCH_IN_CJD = 2299160 # :nodoc: DAYS_IN_MONTH = [nil, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29] # :nodoc: shared_methods = Module.new do # Returns true if the given year is a leap year of the calendar. def leap? year ((((((year - ((year > 0) ? 474 : 473)) % 2820) + 474) + 38) * 682) % 2816) < 682 end alias_method :jalali_leap?, :leap? private DAYS_TO_FIRST_OF_MONTH = [nil, 0, 31, 62, 93, 124, 155, 186, 216, 246, 276, 306, 336] # :nodoc: # Convert a Civil Date to a Julian Day Number and returns the corresponding Julian Day Number. def civil_to_jd year, month, day # :nodoc: epbase = year - 474 epyear = 474 + (epbase % 2820) day + DAYS_TO_FIRST_OF_MONTH[month] + (epyear * 682 - 110) / 2816 + (epyear - 1) * 365 + (epbase / 2820 * 1029983) + (JALALI_EPOCH_IN_CJD - 1) end # Convert a Julian Day Number to a Civil Date. +jday+ is the Julian Day Number. # # Returns the corresponding [year, month, day_of_month] as a three-element array. def jd_to_civil jday depoch = (jday - first_day_of_year(475)) cycle, cyear = depoch.divmod 1029983 if cyear == 1029982 ycycle = 2820 else aux1, aux2 = cyear.divmod 366 ycycle = (2134 * aux1 + 2816 * aux2 + 2815) / 1028522 + aux1 + 1 end year = ycycle + 2820 * cycle + 474 yday = jday - first_day_of_year(year) + 1 month = ((yday <= 186) ? yday / 31.0 : (yday - 6) / 30.0).ceil day = (jday - first_day_of_month(year, month) + 1) [year, month, day] end # Do +year+, +month+, and day-of-month +day+ make a valid Civil Date? # Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number if they do, nil if they don't. # Invalid values cause an ArgumentError to be raised. def _valid_civil? year, month, day # :nodoc: return unless year.is_a?(Fixnum) && month.is_a?(Fixnum) && day.is_a?(Fixnum) return civil_to_jd(year, 12, 30) if leap?(year) && month == 12 && day == 30 if 1 <= month && month <= 12 && 1 <= day && day <= DAYS_IN_MONTH[month] return civil_to_jd year, month, day else nil end end # Do the +year+ and day-of-year +yday+ make a valid Ordinal Date? # Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number if they do, or nil if they don't. def _valid_ordinal? year, yday ordinal_to_jd year, yday end def first_day_of_year year # :nodoc: civil_to_jd year, 1, 1 end def last_day_of_year year # :nodoc: _valid_civil?(year, 12, 30) || civil_to_jd(year, 12, 29) end def first_day_of_month year, month # :nodoc: civil_to_jd year, month, 1 end def last_day_of_month year, month # :nodoc: _valid_civil?(year, month, 31) || _valid_civil?(year, month, 30) || _valid_civil?(year, month, 29) end # Convert an Ordinal Date to a Julian Day Number. # # +year+ and +yday+ are the year and day-of-year to convert. # # Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number. def ordinal_to_jd year, yday # :nodoc: first_day_of_year(year) + yday - 1 end # Convert a Julian Day Number to an Ordinal Date. # # +jday+ is the Julian Day Number to convert. # # Returns the corresponding Ordinal Date as [year, day_of_year] def jd_to_ordinal jday # :nodoc: year = jd_to_civil(jd).first yday = jday - first_day_of_year(year) + 1 [year, yday] end # Convert an Astronomical Julian Day Number to a (civil) Julian Day Number. # # +ajd+ is the Astronomical Julian Day Number to convert. +offset+ is the offset from # UTC as a fraction of a day (defaults to 0). # # Returns the (civil) Julian Day Number as [day_number, fraction] where +fraction+ is # always 1/2. def ajd_to_jd ajd, offset=0 # :nodoc: (ajd + offset + HALF_DAYS_IN_DAY).divmod(1) end # Convert a (civil) Julian Day Number to an Astronomical Julian Day Number. # # +jd+ is the Julian Day Number to convert, and +fraction+ is a fraction of day. # +offset+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day (defaults to 0). # # Returns the Astronomical Julian Day Number as a single numeric value. def jd_to_ajd jd, fraction, offset=0 # :nodoc: jd + fraction - offset - HALF_DAYS_IN_DAY end # Convert an +hour+, +minute+, +second+s period to a fractional day. def time_to_day_fraction hour, minute, second # :nodoc: Rational(hour * 3600 + minute * 60 + second, 86400) end # Convert an Astronomical Modified Julian Day Number to an Astronomical Julian Day Number. def amjd_to_ajd(amjd) amjd + MJD_EPOCH_IN_AJD end # :nodoc: # Convert an Astronomical Julian Day Number to an Astronomical Modified Julian Day Number. def ajd_to_amjd(ajd) ajd - MJD_EPOCH_IN_AJD end # :nodoc: # Convert a Modified Julian Day Number to a Julian Day Number. def mjd_to_jd(mjd) mjd + MJD_EPOCH_IN_CJD end # :nodoc: # Convert a Julian Day Number to a Modified Julian Day Number. def jd_to_mjd(jd) jd - MJD_EPOCH_IN_CJD end # :nodoc: # Convert a count of the number of days since the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar # (in Italy) to a Julian Day Number. def ld_to_jd(ld) ld + LD_EPOCH_IN_CJD end # :nodoc: # Convert a Julian Day Number to the number of days since the adoption of the # Gregorian Calendar (in Italy). def jd_to_ld(jd) jd - LD_EPOCH_IN_CJD end # :nodoc: # Convert a Julian Day Number to the day of the week. # # Sunday is day-of-week 0; Saturday is day-of-week 6. def jd_to_wday(jd) (jd + 1) % 7 end # :nodoc: # Is +jd+ a valid Julian Day Number? # # If it is, returns it. In fact, any value is treated as a valid Julian Day Number. def _valid_jd?(jd) jd end # :nodoc: end extend shared_methods include shared_methods class << self alias_method :new!, :new def valid_jd? jd !!_valid_jd?(jd) end def valid_ordinal? year, yday !!_valid_ordinal?(year, yday) end def valid_civil? year, month, day !!_valid_civil?(year, month, day) end alias :valid_date? :valid_civil? alias :valid? :valid_civil? alias :exist? :valid_civil? # Create a new Date object from a Julian Day Number. # # +jday+ is the Julian Day Number; if not specified, it defaults to 0. # # examples: # Parsi::Date.jd 2456229 # => # # Parsi::Date.jd 2456230 # => # # Parsi::Date.jd # => # # def jd jday=0 jd = _valid_jd? jday new! jd_to_ajd(jday, 0, 0), 0 end # Create a new Date object from an Ordinal Date, specified by +year+ and day-of-year +yday+. # +yday+ can be negative, in which it counts backwards from the end of the year. # # examples: # Parsi::Date.ordinal 1390 # => # # Parsi::Date.ordinal 1391, 120 # => # # Parsi::Date.ordinal 1390, -1 # => # # def ordinal year=0, yday=1 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date' unless jd = _valid_ordinal?(year, yday) new! jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0 end # Create a new Date object for the Civil Date specified by +year+, +month+, and # day-of-month +day+. def civil year=1, month=1, day=1 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date' unless jd = _valid_civil?(year, month, day) new! jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0 end alias_method :new, :civil # Parses the given representation of date and time, and creates a date object. # # If the optional second argument is true and the detected year is in the range “00” to “99”, # considers the year a 2-digit form and makes it full. # # For def parse string, comp=true # TODO: Add more parse options, for example parse '۴ام فروردین ۱۳۹۱' m = string.match /(?\d+)(\/|-| )(?\d+)(\/|-| )(?\d+)/ m ||= string.match /(?\d+)(?\d{2})(?\d{2})/ if m.nil? raise ArgumentError.new 'invalid date' else year, month, day = m[:year].to_i, m[:month].to_i, m[:day].to_i if comp && m[:year].length == 2 centry = Date.today.year / 100 year = (m[:year].prepend centry.to_s).to_i end if jd = _valid_civil?(year, month, day) new! jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0 else raise ArgumentError.new 'invalid date' end end end # Create a new Date object representing today. def today ::Date.today.to_parsi end end # Create a new Date object. # # +ajd+ is the Astronomical Julian Day Number. # +offset+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day. def initialize ajd=0, offset=0 @ajd, @offset = ajd, offset end # Get the date as an Astronomical Julian Day Number. def ajd @ajd end def offset @offset end private :offset # Get the date as an Astronomical Modified Julian Day Number. def amjd @amjd ||= ajd_to_amjd ajd end # Get the date as a Julian Day Number. def jd @jd ||= ajd_to_jd(ajd, offset).first end # Get any fractional day part of the date. def day_fraction @day_fraction ||= ajd_to_jd(ajd, offset).last end # Get the date as a Modified Julian Day Number. def mjd @mjd ||= jd_to_mjd jd end # Get the date as the number of days since the Day of Calendar # Reform (in Italy and the Catholic countries). def ld @ld ||= jd_to_ld jd end # Get the date as a Civil Date, [year, month, day_of_month] def civil # :nodoc: @civil ||= jd_to_civil jd end # Get the date as an Ordinal Date, [year, day_of_year] def ordinal # :nodoc: @ordinal ||= jd_to_ordinal jd end private :civil, :ordinal # Get the year of this date. def year() civil[0] end # Get the month of this date. # # Farvardin is month 1. def mon() civil[1] end alias_method :month, :mon # Get the day-of-the-month of this date. def mday() civil[2] end alias_method :day, :mday # Get the day-of-the-year of this date. # # January 1 is day-of-the-year 1 def yday; ordinal[1] end # Get the week day of this date. Sunday is day-of-week 0; # Saturday is day-of-week 6. def wday @wday ||= jd_to_wday jd end ::Date::DAYNAMES.each_with_index do |n, i| define_method(n.downcase + '?'){ wday == i } end EN_DAYNAMES.each_with_index do |n, i| define_method(n.downcase + '?'){ wday == i } end # Return a new Date object that is +n+ days later than the current one. # # +n+ may be a negative value, in which case the new Date is earlier # than the current one; however, #-() might be more intuitive. # # If +n+ is not a Numeric, a TypeError will be thrown. In particular, # two Dates cannot be added to each other. def + n case n when Numeric return self.class.new!(ajd + n, offset) end raise TypeError, 'expected numeric' end # If +x+ is a Numeric value, create a new Date object that is +x+ days # earlier than the current one. # # If +x+ is a Date, return the number of days between the two dates; or, # more precisely, how many days later the current date is than +x+. # # If +x+ is neither Numeric nor a Date, a TypeError is raised. def - x case x when Numeric return self.class.new!(ajd - x, offset) when Date return ajd - x.ajd end raise TypeError, 'expected numeric or date' end # Compare this date with another date. # # +other+ can also be a Numeric value, in which case it is interpreted as an # Astronomical Julian Day Number. # # Comparison is by Astronomical Julian Day Number, including fractional days. # This means that both the time and the timezone offset are taken into account # when comparing two DateTime instances. When comparing a DateTime instance # with a Date instance, the time of the latter will be considered as falling # on midnight UTC. def <=> other case other when Numeric return ajd <=> other when Date return ajd <=> other.ajd when ::Date return ajd <=> other.ajd else begin left, right = other.coerce(self) return left <=> right rescue NoMethodError end end nil end # The relationship operator for Date. # # Compares dates by Julian Day Number. When comparing two DateTime instances, # or a DateTime with a Date, the instances will be regarded as equivalent if # they fall on the same date in local time. def === (other) case other when Numeric return jd == other when Date; return jd == other.jd else begin l, r = other.coerce(self) return l === r rescue NoMethodError end end false end def next_day(n=1) self + n end def prev_day(n=1) self - n end # Return a new Date one day after this one. def next() next_day end alias_method :succ, :next # Return a new Date object that is +n+ months later than the current one. # # If the day-of-the-month of the current Date is greater than the last day of # the target month, the day-of-the-month of the returned Date will be the last # day of the target month. def >> n y, m = (year * 12 + (mon - 1) + n).divmod(12) m, = (m + 1) .divmod(1) d = mday until jd2 = _valid_civil?(y, m, d) d -= 1 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date' unless d > 0 end self + (jd2 - jd) end # Returns the day of calendar week (1-7, Monday is 1) def cwday to_gregorian.cwday end # Returns the calendar week number (1-53). def cweek (jd - Date.send(:first_day_of_year, year)) / 7 + 1 end # Return a new Date object that is +n+ months earlier than the current one. # # If the day-of-the-month of the current Date is greater than the last day of # the target month, the day-of-the-month of the returned Date will be the last # day of the target month. def << (n) self >> -n end def next_month(n=1) self >> n end def prev_month(n=1) self << n end def next_year(n=1) self >> n * 12 end def prev_year(n=1) self << n * 12 end def to_gregorian ::Date.jd jd end alias :gregorian :to_gregorian def to_time gregorian.to_time end def to_date self end def to_datetime DateTime.new! jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0 end def to_parsi self end alias :jalali :to_parsi alias :to_jalali :to_parsi alias :to_persian :to_parsi # Formats time according to the directives in the given format string. # The directives begins with a percent (%) character. Any text not listed as a # directive will be passed through to the output string. # # The directive consists of a percent (%) character, zero or more flags, # optional minimum field width, optional modifier and a conversion specifier as # follows. # # % # # +flags+ and +conversion+ are as in +Time+ exept that the +E+ flag is not egnored # any more, it forse useing English names # # def strftime format='%Y/%m/%d' format. gsub('%%', 'PERCENT_SUBSTITUTION_MARKER'). gsub('%+', '%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y'). gsub('%c', '%a %-d %B %Y'). gsub('%x', '%D'). gsub('%D', '%y/%m/%d'). gsub('%F', '%Y-%m-%d'). gsub('%v', '%e-%B-%Y'). gsub('%Y', year.to_s). gsub('%C', (year / 100).to_s). gsub('%y', (year % 100).to_s). gsub('%m', '%02d' % month). gsub('%_m', '%2d' % month). gsub('%-m', month.to_s). gsub('%^B', '%B'). gsub('%B', MONTHNAMES[month]). gsub('%E^B', '%^EB'). gsub('%^EB', EN_MONTHNAMES[month].capitalize). gsub('%EB', EN_MONTHNAMES[month]). gsub('%h', '%b'). gsub('%^h', '%^b'). gsub('%b', ABBR_MONTHNAMES[month]). gsub('%^b', ABBR_MONTHNAMES[month].capitalize). gsub('%d', '%02d' % day). gsub('%e', '%2d' % day). gsub('%-d', day.to_s). gsub('%j', '%03d' % yday.to_s). gsub('%A', DAYNAMES[wday]). gsub('%a', ABBR_DAYNAMES[wday]). gsub('%EA', EN_DAYNAMES[wday]). gsub('%Ea', ABBR_EN_DAYNAMES[wday]). gsub('%E^A', '%^EA'). gsub('%^EA', EN_DAYNAMES[wday].capitalize). gsub('%E^a', '%^Ea'). gsub('%^Ea', ABBR_EN_DAYNAMES[wday].capitalize). gsub('%w', wday.to_s). gsub('%n', "\n"). gsub('%t', "\t"). gsub('PERCENT_SUBSTITUTION_MARKER', '%') end # Step the current date forward +step+ days at a time (or backward, if +step+ is # negative) until we reach +limit+ (inclusive), yielding the resultant date at each step. def step limit, step=1 return to_enum(:step, limit, step) unless block_given? date = self comp_op = %w(== <= >=)[step <=> 0] while date.send comp_op, limit yield date date += step end self end # Step forward one day at a time until we reach +max+ # (inclusive), yielding each date as we go. def upto max, &block # :yield: date step max, 1, &block end # Step backward one day at a time until we reach +min+ # (inclusive), yielding each date as we go. def downto min, &block # :yield: date step min, -1, &block end # Is this Date equal to +other+? # # +other+ must both be a Date object, and represent the same date. def eql? (other) self.class === other && self == other end # Calculate a hash value for this date. def hash() ajd.hash end # Return internal object state as a programmer-readable string. def inspect format('#<%s: %s (%s,%s)>', self.class, to_s, ajd, offset) end # Return the date as a human-readable string. # # The format used is YYYY-MM-DD. def to_s() format('%.4d-%02d-%02d', year, mon, mday) end # Dump to Marshal format. def marshal_dump() [@ajd, @offset] end # Load from Marshal format. def marshal_load(a) @ajd, @of, = a end end end class Date class << self # Creates a Date object corresponding to the specified Jalali Date +year+, +month+ and # +day+. def parsi year=0, month=1, day=1 Parsi::Date.civil year, month, day end alias :jalali :parsi end # Returns a Parsi::Date object representing same date in Jalali calendar def to_parsi Parsi::Date.new! ajd, offset end alias :jalali :to_parsi alias :to_jalali :to_parsi alias :to_persian :to_parsi end require 'parsi-datetime'